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Randy Bordeaux bordera-randy
I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) currently in Colorado, USA. I travel quite a bit and split my time between being a digital nomad and enjoying Colorado.

Dallas, TX

SCIS Security dc401
Veteran owned and operated cyber security firm that specializes in cyber-physical integration including AI enabled SOC, SecOps Advisory, Pen Testing, and more.

SCIS Security Houston, TX

James Maddox jemadd04

Coalfire Louisville, KY

Keegan Flood KeeganFlood
Cloud Engineer

Denver, CO

David chocl01

New York, New York

Kendall Trudick ktrudickm
Full-Stack Developer [email protected]


Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Iyad Atieh iatieh

Alghanim Kuwait

Marco Lancini marco-lancini
Principal Security Engineer


binbashburns binbashburns

@defenseunicorns Kentucky

Alex Mellott alexmellott
I can't work in the cloud since I only fly VFR

@Coalfire-CF Pennsylvania

Dylan Wood dwood-97
AWS DevOps Associate | Python | Docker | Terraform | CI/CD |

@bluecatengineering Minneapolis Minnesota

Michael Scribellito mscribellito
Google Cloud number one provider of cloud, all other providers have inferior clouds.

Coalfire Columbia, SC

Kourosh Mobl kourosh-forti-hands
Former Network Engineer who enjoys ruining the hopes and dreams of the cloud
keifer.blandon blandonkd
Keifer Blandon remote