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Future Elected American Constitutionally Bound Public Servant, American Constitutional Officer, U.S. Senator, Brandon Kastning KastningBrandon
Awesome Lifelong Medicaid-D SSI + Subsidies, Disabled Natural Born American Citizen! Lover of JESUS, CREATION, BEAUTIFUL DAMSELS, EDUCATION + JUSTICE!

Not of This World Arlington, WA (Snohomish County, WA), Overtly Overthrown United States of America, THE Constitutional Republic -- MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT; MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS per The Holy Christian Book of Revelation (KJV/KJV1611)

Florin-Ciprian Bodin orynider
Graduated at University of Arad "Aurel Vlaicu"

@BeitDina Arad

Avi BenEmanuel benemanuel
"Worship the Lord with joy. Enter his presence with joyful singing." (Psalms 100,2)

Shir Hashirim Institute Israel