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Felipe Nogueira feelipensousa
Estudante de Engenharia de Telecomunicações e entusiasta na área de desenvolvimento de software.

Universidade Federal do Ceará Fortaleza - Ceará

Allysson Macedo allyssonmacedo
Engineer, data analyst, data scientist, investor and an enthusiast of technology.
Bruno Augusto imbrunoagc
I write code in Python 💻🐍


Rafael Sanches sanchesrfl
Here for building and sharing.
Iury Lima Rosal iuryrosal
I work with data and software projects. I'm passionate about share knowledge and always learning new things.

Accenture Ceara, Brazil

Ivanildo Barauna de Souza Junior IvanildoBarauna
Sr. Data Engineer | Python Developer

@MercadoLibre São Paulo, Brasil.