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Armin Sheibanifard asheibanifard
I am a dedicated and passionate PhD researcher in Artificial Intelligence at Bournemouth University.

Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Milind Malshe milindmalshe

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Zhengqi Huang Zhengqi-code
PhD student in LPS of ECNU.


Anoushka anoshqa
phd student in biophotonics
Sherry Yang yyang35

Univeristy of Washington

Anis Hanna ASAHanna

albert einstein college of medicine

Matthew Schmitz mtvector
the empty vector

Allen Institute for Brain Science Seattle

Melanie Stegman Stegmami
Game Design Faculty @ Owner @ Molecular Jig Games Find Science Games @

Molecular Jig Games United States

Bradley Howlett bhowl

UW Neurological Surgery Seattle, WA

Antoine A. Ruzette antoineruzette
Computational modelling and everything-bioimage analysis. Computational Biologist @harvard @HMS-IAC @megasonlab.

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA

Weisong Zhao WeisongZhao
PI at HIT. We develop imaging🔬 and image-analysis📋 solutions for biomedical applications.

Harbin Institute of Technology China, Harbin

Yuzhe Li ericli0419
Postdoctoral fellow in AI Biology in the lab of Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang at the School of Life Sciences of Tsinghua University. @zhangqf-lab

Tsinghua University Hangzhou, China

William McCann wmsci
Computational Biologist @ Queen's University Belfast + @AilseBio. Formerly @QUB-Genomics-CTU

@AilseBio Belfast, Northern Ireland

Surya bulbgod
Lazy researcher, applied mathematician, origamist, Hapkido-ist. Asst Prof, Biomedical Informatics - @CincyInformatix @CincyChildrens

Cincinnati Children's USA

Melly Beechwood TheMellyBee
Building the future of AI. Generative AI, model training, and mentoring are my passions. Most of my work is private, but I'm always learning. 🌱 📚 🐾

66degrees Columbus, OH

R Gilgahex
Biophysicist turned hardware/software developer :::::::; Fascinated by Cybernetics, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, Music, AI/ML

Santa Barbara


Brookhaven National Lab New York

Larry PhilChina
Bachelor degree in computer science and technology. cv nlp......

Student ShangHai

Thao Do thao-do
UX & Visualization Specialist
