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+title: NodePool governance capability
+- "@rambohe-ch"
+- "@Peeknut"
+- "@Fei-Guo"
+- "@huangyuqi"
+creation-date: 2022-03-07
+last-updated: 2022-03-07
+status: provisional
+# Proposal to add the governance capability of NodePool
+## Table of Contents
+- [Proposal to add the governance capability of NodePool](#Proposal to add the governance capability of NodePool)
+ - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Glossary](#glossary)
+ - [Summary](#summary)
+ - [Motivation](#motivation)
+ - [Goals](#goals)
+ - [Non-Goals/Future Work](#non-goalsfuture-work)
+ - [Proposal](#proposal)
+ - [Principles](#principles)
+ - [Architecture](#architecture)
+ - [Implementation Details](#implementation-details)
+ - [Coordinator-Controller](#coordinator-controller)
+ - [Pool-Coordinator](#pool-coordinator)
+ - [Operations and Maintenance in NodePool](#operations-and-maintenance-in-nodepool)
+ - [Write Resources to pool-coordinator](#write-resources-to-pool-coordinator)
+ - [Kubeconfig for users to access pool-coordinator](#kubeconfig-for-users-to-access-pool-coordinator)
+ - [NodePool Autonomy](#nodepool-autonomy)
+ - [User Stories](#user-stories)
+ - [Other Problems](#other-problems)
+ - [H/A Consideration](#ha-consideration)
+## Glossary
+Refer to the [Cluster API Book Glossary](https://cluster-api.sigs.k8s.io/reference/glossary.html).
+## Summary
+In order to better manage edge nodes, OpenYurt introduces the concept of NodePool.
+Due to the features of node pool, such as network stability between nodes, management convenience
+ (workload: YurtAppSet, YurtAppDaemon), more users will do things around the node pool.
+ Meanwhile we want to use the feature of node pool to solve the problems caused by the network in the cloud-edge scenario.
+Therefore, in this proposal, we will introduce `NodePool governance capability`.
+By deploying coordinator Pod(kube-apiserver and etcd in one pod) in a node pool and designing the cooperation mechanism between YurtHubs,
+OpenYurt can support users to operate and maintain in the node pool scope, and solve the problems caused by the cloud-edge network.
+## Motivation
+In native Kubernetes, if master does not receive the heartbeat of the node, the node status is marked as Notready.
+Then kube-controller-manager will evict the pods on the NotReady node.
+In edge scenario, not only node failures but also network disconnection can cause the master to fail to receive node heartbeats.
+If the pods are evicted and rebuilt due to the disconnection of the cloud-edge network, it will bring challenges to the business.
+So there needs to be a more precise way of distinguishing between the two cases.
+OpenYurt provides CRDs such as NodePool, YurtAppSet, and YurtAppDaemon for regional management of resources and workloads.
+As the scale of the cluster increases, in order to obtain the resources of the same NodePool, users need to filter a large amount of data,
+which greatly affects the efficiency and easily causes errors.
+This proposal makes it possible to solve the above problems through `NodePool governance capability`.
+### Goals
+- NodePool can provide some Non Resource API processing capabilities, such as /version, /api-resources requests.
+- The master can distinguish whether the node NotReady is caused by node failure or network disconnection
+when the NodePool is not completely disconnected from the cloud (at least one node can be connected to the cloud).
+If it is a node failure, the pod will be evicted, and if it is a network disconnection, it will not be evicted.
+- Provide NodePool operation and maintenance capabilities. Users can obtain resource in the node pool (kubectl get nodes/pods),
+as well as the logs of the nodes in the node pool (such as kubectl logs/exec/cp/top/port-forward/attach, etc.)
+### Non-Goals/Future Work
+- `NodePool governance capability` provides basic operation and maintenance capabilities,
+but does not support the CRUD capabilities of resources (such as creating, upgrading, deleting pods, etc.).
+- When the node pool is completely disconnected from the cloud, the cloud cannot distinguish
+whether the node NotReady is caused by node failure or network disconnection.
+Therefore, if the edge node fails at this time, the cloud will not evict and rebuild pods.
+That is to say, the high availability of services in the node pool is not involved in this solution.
+## Proposal
+### Principles
+- No modification to k8s, keeping it non-invasive.
+- The `NodePool governance capability` has no impact on the OpenYurt, and can be free to go online and offline.
+- The cloud center is the source of truth to ensure the consistency of cloud and edge data.
+- The design is simple, reliable and stable.
+### Architecture
+To provide `NodePool governance capability`, we add a component to the NodePool, tentatively named `pool-coordinator`.
+pool-coordinator should not replace the kube-apiserver on the cloud, but only provide governance capabilities in NodePool scope.
+Its structure is as follows:
+- The `coordinator-controller` deployed in the cloud manages the pool-coordinator through YurtAppSet.
+When NodePool enables the NodePool governance capability, pool-coordinator will be automatically deployed by coordinator-controller in NodePool.
+- When pool-coordinator starts, all YurtHubs in NodePool upload the node scope resources cached on their nodes to pool-coordinator,
+including pod, configmap, secrets, service, node, lease, serviceaccount, etc.
+- When the edge node can connect to the master, YurtHub directly accesses the kube-apiserver,
+caches the data returned by the cloud locally, and updates the data to pool-coordinator in time.
+This ensures that users can obtain the latest resources when operating in the node pool (such as kubectl get).
+- When the node can connect to the cloud, YurtHub sends node lease to the cloud. However,
+when the node is disconnected from the cloud, YurtHub adds an agent forwarding Annotation to the node lease and
+sends it to pool-coordinator, then leader YurtHub forwards it to the cloud in real time.
+- When NodePool disables the NodePool governance capability, coordinator-controller will clean up the pool-coordinator belonging to this NodePool.
+### Implementation Details
+#### Coordinator-Controller
+coordinator-controller is used to manage the life cycle of the pool-coordinator in each NodePool and deployed as deployment.
+coordinator-controller can be described as:
+- Initialize work at startup:
+1. coordinator-controller will block until the YurtAppSet CRDs are ready.
+2. coordinator-controller prepares the client certificate to access the kubelet for pool-coordinator,
+saves the certificate in secret and mounts it to pool-coordinator.
+Note that all pool-coordinators can share this client certificate.
+3. coordinator-controller prepares the client certificate for forwarding node lease to cloud by yurthub,
+saves the client certificate in secret and will be used by leader yurthub.
+4. coordinator-controller creates service for pool-coordinator.
+5. coordinator-controller generates a YurtAppSet Object for managing pool-coordinator, and set field 'pool' to empty.
+- Reconcile:
+1. coordinator-controller will list/watch PoolCoordinator CR. When user creates a PoolCoordinator CR, coordinator-controller adds the NodePool information
+to YurtAppSet, so that a pool-coordinator instance will be deployed in the NodePool. Note that the coordinator-controller refuses to
+deploy the pool-coordinator when the number of nodes in the NodePool is less than 3, or if a pool-coordinator has been deployed in the NodePool.
+2. When pool-coordinator is scheduled, coordinator-controller prepares the tls server certificate for pool-coordinator,
+saves the certificate in secret and mounts it to pool-coordinator. Note that the tls server certificate for each pool-coordinator is different
+because certificate includes the pool-coordinator service clusterIP and the node IP.
+3. coordinator-controller generates kubeconfig for users to access pool-coordinator. The server address in kubeconfig is set to
+https://{nodeIP}:10270. In addition, the client certificate authority in kubeconfig should be restricted. For details,
+please refer to the [kubeconfig of pool-coordinator](#kubeconfig-for-users-to-access-pool-coordinator).
+4. When the pool-coordinator is rebuilt, coordinator-controller will clean up and rebuild the tls server certificate.
+5. When Spriit CR is deleted, coordinator-controller will delete the NodePool information in YurtAppSet. It also cleans up
+the certificates of pool-coordinator(tls server certificate and kubeconfig).
+Since node autonomy already supported by OpenYurt and [NodePool Autonomy](#nodepool-autonomy) are applicable to
+different scenarios, both abilities cannot be enabled at the same time. We do it through admission webhook.
+#### Pool-Coordinator
+pool-coordinator will store various resources in the node pool, including node, pod, service, endpoints, endpointslices, etc.
+pool-coordinator is managed by YurtAppSet and deploys kube-apiserver and etcd in one pod. Here resources in etcd will be stored in memory instead of disk.
+// PoolCoordinator CRD
+type PoolCoordinator Struct {
+ metav1.TypeMeta
+ metav1.ObjectMeta
+ Spec PoolCoordinatorSpec
+ Status PoolCoordinatorStatus
+type PoolCoordinatorSpec struct {
+ // Version of pool-coordinator, which corresponding to the Kubernetes version
+ Version string
+ // The NodePool managed by pool-coordinator.
+ NodePool string
+type PoolCoordinatorStatus struct {
+ // The node where pool-coordinator is located.
+ NodeName string
+ // Conditions represent the status of pool-coordinator, which is filled by the coordinator-controller.
+ Conditions []PoolCoordinatorCondition
+ // DelegatedNodes are the nodes in the node pool that are disconnected from the cloud.
+ DelegatedNodes []string
+ // OutsidePoolNodes are nodes in the node pool that cannot connect to pool-coordinator.
+ OutsidePoolNodes []string
+type PoolCoordinatorCondition struct {
+ Type PoolCoordinatorConditionType
+ Status ConditionStatus
+ LastProbeTime metav1.Time
+ LastTransitionTime metav1.Time
+ Reason string
+ Message string
+type PoolCoordinatorConditionType string
+const (
+ // PoolCoordinatorPending indicates that the deployment of pool-coordinator is blocked.
+ //This happens, for example, if the number of nodes in the node pool is less than 3.
+ PoolCoordinatorPending PoolCoordinatorConditionType = "Pending"
+ // PoolCoordinatorCertsReady indicates that the certificate used by pool-coordinator is ready.
+ PoolCoordinatorCertsReady PoolCoordinatorConditionType = "CertsReady"
+ // PoolCoordinatorReady indicates that pool-coordinator is ready.
+ PoolCoordinatorReady PoolCoordinatorConditionType = "Ready"
+type ConditionStatus string
+const (
+ ConditionTrue ConditionStatus = "True"
+ ConditionFalse ConditionStatus = "False"
+ ConditionUnknown ConditionStatus = "Unknown"
+- Https Server Certificate
+coordinator-controller prepares the tls server certificate for kube-apiserer in pool-coordinator and mounts it into the pod through
+a secret by using the patch feature of YurtAppSet. pool-coordinator runs in HostNetWork mode,
+and the https server listening address is: https://{nodeIP}:10270.
+- Service Discovery
+pool-coordinator provides services by ClusterIP Service in Kubernetes, and all pool-coordinators share the service IP.
+In order to ensure that pool-coordinator only serves nodes in the same node pool, the annotation of service topology needs to be added to the pool-coordinator service.
+#### Operations and Maintenance in NodePool
+In terms of operation and maintenance, pool-coordinator supports two types of requests:
+- GET requests for resources in NodePool, such as nodes, pods, etc.
+- Native kubernetes operation and maintenance requests for pods in NodePool, such as kubectl logs/exec/cp/attach, etc.
+To support the above capabilities, the following problems need to be solved:
+##### Write Resources to pool-coordinator
+In OpenYurt, the data flow between cloud and edge is: kube-apiserver --> yurthub --> kubelet (and other clients).
+In order to ensure data consistency and efficiency, pool-coordinator reuses the current data flow of OpenYurt.
+The data flow of pool-coordinator is: kube-apiserver --> yurthub --> pool-coordinator. Data in pool-coordinator is written by each YurtHub.
+YurtHub updates data to pool-coordinator, so it requires Create/Update permissions for resources. After the pool-coordinator starts,
+we need to prepare the CRD NodePool, clusterrolebinding associated with `system:nodes` group and admin clusterrole in the kube-apiserver.
+This ensures that YurtHub can successfully write to etcd using node client certificate.
+##### Kubeconfig for users to access pool-coordinator
+Kubeconfig is generated by coordinator-controller, and the organization configuration of client certificate is: `openyurt:coordinators`.
+In addition, add the get permission of the resource and the operation and maintenance permissions(logs/exec) for the
+group `openyurt:coordinators` to kube-apiserver of pool-coordinator.
+#### NodePool Autonomy
+In order to know whether the failure to receive a node lease is caused by node failure or network disconnection,
+we design `node-lease proxy mechanism`.
+In the same node pool, when the node is disconnected from the cloud,the leader YurtHub connected to the cloud forwards
+the node lease to the cloud. It can be described as:
+**Note:** If the lease of pool-coordinator node is also need to be forwarded, the leader YurtHub will give priority to forwarding Node leases of its node.
+The policy of the cloud controller is as follows:
+| | get node lease | get node lease with delegate annotation | don't get node lease |
+| ------ | -------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
+| Policy | Node: Ready;
Pod: Maintain;
Endpoints: Maintain | Node: NotReady;
Pod: Maintain;
Endpoints: Maintain | Node: NotReady;
Pod: Evited;
Endponits: Update |
+### User Stories
+1. As a user, I can operate and maintain in the NodePool dimension, and can directly get the resources in the NodePool.
+2. As a user, I want node pods not to be evicted when the node is disconnected from the cloud and want to reconstruct pod
+in normal nodes when node downtime.
+### Other Problems
+#### H/A Consideration
+Consider that when the pool-coordinator fails, each component can be fully rolled back.
+Therefore, in order to save resources, only one pool-coordinator instance is deployed in each NodePool.
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