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+# Get Started with OpenVINO™ Toolkit on macOS* {#openvino_docs_get_started_get_started_macos}
+The OpenVINO™ toolkit optimizes and runs Deep Learning Neural Network models on Intel® hardware. This guide helps you get started with the OpenVINO™ toolkit you installed on macOS*.
+In this guide, you will:
+* Learn the OpenVINO™ inference workflow
+* Run demo scripts that illustrate the workflow and perform the steps for you
+* Run the workflow steps yourself, using detailed instructions with a code sample and demo application
+## OpenVINO™ toolkit Components
+The toolkit consists of three primary components:
+* **Model Optimizer:** Optimizes models for Intel® architecture, converting models into a format compatible with the Inference Engine. This format is called an Intermediate Representation (IR).
+* **Intermediate Representation:** The Model Optimizer output. A model converted to a format that has been optimized for Intel® architecture and is usable by the Inference Engine.
+* **Inference Engine:** The software libraries that run inference against the IR (optimized model) to produce inference results.
+In addition, demo scripts, code samples and demo applications are provided to help you get up and running with the toolkit:
+* **Demo Scripts** - Batch scripts that automatically perform the workflow steps to demonstrate running inference pipelines for different scenarios.
+* [**Code Samples**](../IE_DG/Samples_Overview.md) - Small console applications that show you how to:
+ * Utilize specific OpenVINO capabilities in an application.
+ * Perform specific tasks, such as loading a model, running inference, querying specific device capabilities, and more.
+* [**Demo Applications**](@ref omz_demos_README) - Console applications that provide robust application templates to help you implement specific deep learning scenarios. These applications involve increasingly complex processing pipelines that gather analysis data from several models that run inference simultaneously, such as detecting a person in a video stream along with detecting the person's physical attributes, such as age, gender, and emotional state.
+## Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit Installation and Deployment Tools Directory Structure
+This guide assumes you completed all Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit installation and configuration steps. If you have not yet installed and configured the toolkit, see [Install Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit for macOS*](../install_guides/installing-openvino-macos.md).
+By default, the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ is installed to the following directory, referred to as ``:
+* For root or administrator: `/opt/intel/openvino/`
+* For regular users: `/home//intel/openvino/`
+If you installed the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit to a directory other than the default, replace `/opt/intel` or `/home//` with the directory in which you installed the software.
+The primary tools for deploying your models and applications are installed to the `/deployment_tools` directory.
+ Click for the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit directory structure
+| Directory | Description |
+| `demo/` | Demo scripts. Demonstrate pipelines for inference scenarios, automatically perform steps and print detailed output to the console. For more information, see the [Use OpenVINO: Demo Scripts](#use-openvino-demo-scripts) section.|
+| `inference_engine/` | Inference Engine directory. Contains Inference Engine API binaries and source files, samples and extensions source files, and resources like hardware drivers.|
+| `external/` | Third-party dependencies and drivers.|
+| `include/` | Inference Engine header files. For API documentation, see the [Inference Engine API Reference](./annotated.html). |
+| `lib/` | Inference Engine static libraries.|
+| `samples/` | Inference Engine samples. Contains source code for C++ and Python* samples and build scripts. See the [Inference Engine Samples Overview](../IE_DG/Samples_Overview.md). |
+| `share/` | CMake configuration files for linking with Inference Engine.|
+| `~intel_models/` | Symbolic link to the `intel_models` subfolder of the `open_model_zoo` folder.|
+| `model_optimizer/` | Model Optimizer directory. Contains configuration scripts, scripts to run the Model Optimizer and other files. See the [Model Optimizer Developer Guide](../MO_DG/Deep_Learning_Model_Optimizer_DevGuide.md).|
+| `ngraph/` | nGraph directory. Includes the nGraph header and library files. |
+| `open_model_zoo/` | Open Model Zoo directory. Includes the Model Downloader tool to download [pre-trained OpenVINO](@ref omz_models_intel_index) and public models, OpenVINO models documentation, demo applications and the Accuracy Checker tool to evaluate model accuracy.|
+| `demos/` | Demo applications for inference scenarios. Also includes documentation and build scripts.|
+| `intel_models/` | Pre-trained OpenVINO models and associated documentation. See the [Overview of OpenVINO™ Toolkit Pre-Trained Models](@ref omz_models_intel_index).|
+| `models` | Intel's trained and public models that can be obtained with Model Downloader.|
+| `tools/` | Model Downloader and Accuracy Checker tools. |
+| `tools/` | Contains a symbolic link to the Model Downloader folder and auxiliary tools to work with your models: Calibration tool, Benchmark and Collect Statistics tools.|
+## OpenVINO™ Workflow Overview
+The simplified OpenVINO™ workflow is:
+1. **Get a trained model** for your inference task. Example inference tasks: pedestrian detection, face detection, vehicle detection, license plate recognition, head pose.
+2. **Run the trained model through the Model Optimizer** to convert the model to an IR, which consists of a pair of `.xml` and `.bin` files that are used as the input for Inference Engine.
+3. **Use the Inference Engine API in the application** to run inference against the IR (optimized model) and output inference results. The application can be an OpenVINO™ sample, demo, or your own application.
+## Use the Demo Scripts to Learn the Workflow
+The demo scripts in `/deployment_tools/demo` give you a starting point to learn the OpenVINO workflow. These scripts automatically perform the workflow steps to demonstrate running inference pipelines for different scenarios. The demo steps let you see how to:
+* Compile several samples from the source files delivered as part of the OpenVINO toolkit
+* Download trained models
+* Perform pipeline steps and see the output on the console
+> **NOTE**: You must have Internet access to run the demo scripts. If your Internet access is through a proxy server, make sure the operating system environment proxy information is configured.
+The demo scripts can run inference on any [supported target device](https://software.intel.com/en-us/openvino-toolkit/hardware). Although the default inference device is CPU, you can use the `-d` parameter to change the inference device. The general command to run the scripts looks as follows:
+./ -d [CPU, MYRIAD]
+Before running the demo applications on Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2 device, you must complete the [Steps for Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2](../install_guides/installing-openvino-macos.md#additional-NCS2-steps).
+The following paragraphs describe each demo script.
+### Image Classification Demo Script
+The `demo_squeezenet_download_convert_run` script illustrates the image classification pipeline.
+The script:
+1. Downloads a SqueezeNet model.
+2. Runs the Model Optimizer to convert the model to the IR.
+3. Builds the Image Classification Sample Async application.
+4. Runs the compiled sample with the `car.png` image located in the `demo` directory.
+ Click for an example of running the Image Classification demo script
+To run the script to perform inference on a CPU:
+When the script completes, you see the label and confidence for the top-10 categories:
+Top 10 results:
+Image /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/car.png
+classid probability label
+------- ----------- -----
+817 0.6853030 sports car, sport car
+479 0.1835197 car wheel
+511 0.0917197 convertible
+436 0.0200694 beach wagon, station wagon, wagon, estate car, beach waggon, station waggon, waggon
+751 0.0069604 racer, race car, racing car
+656 0.0044177 minivan
+717 0.0024739 pickup, pickup truck
+581 0.0017788 grille, radiator grille
+468 0.0013083 cab, hack, taxi, taxicab
+661 0.0007443 Model T
+[ INFO ] Execution successful
+### Inference Pipeline Demo Script
+The `demo_security_barrier_camera` uses vehicle recognition in which vehicle attributes build on each other to narrow in on a specific attribute.
+The script:
+1. Downloads three pre-trained model IRs.
+2. Builds the Security Barrier Camera Demo application.
+3. Runs the application with the downloaded models and the `car_1.bmp` image from the `demo` directory to show an inference pipeline.
+This application:
+1. Identifies an object identified as a vehicle.
+2. Uses the vehicle identification as input to the second model, which identifies specific vehicle attributes, including the license plate.
+3. Uses the the license plate as input to the third model, which recognizes specific characters in the license plate.
+ Click for an example of Running the Pipeline demo script
+To run the script performing inference on a CPU:
+When the verification script completes, you see an image that displays the resulting frame with detections rendered as bounding boxes, and text:
+### Benchmark Demo Script
+The `demo_benchmark_app` script illustrates how to use the Benchmark Application to estimate deep learning inference performance on supported devices.
+The script:
+1. Downloads a SqueezeNet model.
+2. Runs the Model Optimizer to convert the model to the IR.
+3. Builds the Inference Engine Benchmark tool.
+4. Runs the tool with the `car.png` image located in the `demo` directory.
+ Click for an example of running the Benchmark demo script
+To run the script that performs inference on a CPU:
+When the verification script completes, you see the performance counters, resulting latency, and throughput values displayed on the screen.
+## Use Code Samples and Demo Applications to Learn the Workflow
+This section guides you through a simplified workflow for the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit using code samples and demo applications.
+You will perform the following steps:
+1. Use the Model Downloader to download suitable models.
+2. Convert the models with the Model Optimizer.
+3. Download media files to run inference on.
+4. Run inference on the Image Classification Code Sample and see the results.
+5. Run inference on the Security Barrier Camera Demo application and see the results.
+Each demo and code sample is a separate application, but they use the same behavior and components.
+Inputs you need to specify when using a code sample or demo application:
+- **A compiled OpenVINO™ code sample or demo application** that runs inferencing against a model that has been run through the Model Optimizer, resulting in an IR, using the other inputs you provide.
+- **One or more models** in the IR format. Each model is trained for a specific task. Examples include pedestrian detection, face detection, vehicle detection, license plate recognition, head pose, and others. Different models are used for different applications. Models can be chained together to provide multiple features; for example, vehicle + make/model + license plate recognition.
+- **One or more media files**. The media is typically a video file, but can be a still photo.
+- **One or more target device** on which you run inference. The target device can be the CPU, FPGA, or VPU accelerator.
+### Build the Code Samples and Demo Applications
+To perform sample inference, run the Image Classification code sample and Security Barrier Camera demo application that are automatically compiled when you run the Image Classification and Inference Pipeline demo scripts. The binary files are in the `~/inference_engine_samples_build/intel64/Release` and `~/inference_engine_demos_build/intel64/Release` directories, respectively.
+You can also build all available sample code and demo applications from the source files delivered with the OpenVINO toolkit. To learn how to do this, see the [Inference Engine Code Samples Overview](../IE_DG/Samples_Overview.md) and the [Demo Applications Overview](@ref omz_demos_README#build_the_demo_applications) documents.
+### Step 1: Download the Models
+You must have a model that is specific for you inference task. Example model types are:
+- Classification (AlexNet, GoogleNet, SqueezeNet, others) - Detects one type of element in a frame.
+- Object Detection (SSD, YOLO) - Draws bounding boxes around multiple types of objects.
+- Custom (Often based on SSD)
+Options to find a model suitable for the OpenVINO™ toolkit are:
+- Download public and Intel's pre-trained models from the [Open Model Zoo](https://github.com/opencv/open_model_zoo) using [Model Downloader tool](@ref omz_tools_downloader_README#model_downloader_usage).
+- Download from GitHub*, Caffe* Zoo, TensorFlow* Zoo, and other resources.
+- Train your own model.
+This guide uses the Model Downloader to get pre-trained models. You can use one of the following options to find a model:
+* **List the models available in the downloader**:
+cd /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/
+python3 info_dumper.py --print_all
+* **Use `grep` to list models that have a specific name pattern**:
+python3 info_dumper.py --print_all | grep
+Use the Model Downloader to download the models to a models directory. This guide uses `` as the models directory and `` as the model name:
+sudo python3 ./downloader.py --name --output_dir
+> **NOTE:** Always run the downloader with `sudo`.
+Download the following models if you want to run the Image Classification Sample and Security Barrier Camera Demo application:
+|Model Name | Code Sample or Demo App |
+|`squeezenet1.1` | Image Classification Sample |
+|`vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106` | Security Barrier Camera Demo application |
+|`vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039` | Security Barrier Camera Demo application |
+|`license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001` | Security Barrier Camera Demo application |
+ Click for an example of downloading the SqueezeNet Caffe* model
+To download the SqueezeNet 1.1 Caffe* model to the `~/models` folder:
+sudo python3 ./downloader.py --name squeezenet1.1 --output_dir ~/models
+Your screen looks similar to this after the download:
+###############|| Downloading models ||###############
+========= Downloading /Users/username/models/public/squeezenet1.1/squeezenet1.1.prototxt
+... 100%, 9 KB, 44058 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+========= Downloading /Users/username/models/public/squeezenet1.1/squeezenet1.1.caffemodel
+... 100%, 4834 KB, 4877 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+###############|| Post processing ||###############
+========= Replacing text in /Users/username/models/public/squeezenet1.1/squeezenet1.1.prototxt =========
+ Click for an example of downloading models for the Security Barrier Camera Demo application
+To download all three pre-trained models in FP16 precision to the `~/models` folder:
+./downloader.py --name vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106,vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039,license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001 --output_dir ~/models --precisions FP16
+Your screen looks similar to this after the download:
+################|| Downloading models ||################
+========== Downloading /Users/username/models/intel/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/FP16/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.xml
+... 100%, 207 KB, 313926 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+========== Downloading /Users/username/models/intel/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/FP16/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.bin
+... 100%, 1256 KB, 2552 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+========== Downloading /Users/username/models/intel/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039/FP16/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039.xml
+... 100%, 32 KB, 172042 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+========== Downloading /Users/username/models/intel/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039/FP16/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039.bin
+... 100%, 1222 KB, 2712 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+========== Downloading /Users/username/models/intel/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001/FP16/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001.xml
+... 100%, 47 KB, 217130 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+========== Downloading /Users/username/models/intel/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001/FP16/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001.bin
+... 100%, 2378 KB, 4222 KB/s, 0 seconds passed
+################|| Post-processing ||################
+### Step 2: Convert the Models to the Intermediate Representation
+In this step, your trained models are ready to run through the Model Optimizer to convert them to the Intermediate Representation (IR) format. This is required before using the Inference Engine with the model.
+Models in the Intermediate Representation format always include a pair of `.xml` and `.bin` files. Make sure you have these files for the Inference Engine to find them.
+- **REQUIRED:** `model_name.xml`
+- **REQUIRED:** `model_name.bin`
+This guide uses the public SqueezeNet 1.1 Caffe\* model to run the Image Classification Sample. See the example to download a model in the Download Models section to learn how to download this model.
+The `squeezenet1.1` model is downloaded in the Caffe* format. You must use the Model Optimizer to convert the model to the IR.
+The `vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106`, `vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039`, `license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001` models are downloaded in the Intermediate Representation format. You don't need to use the Model Optimizer to convert these models.
+1. Create an `` directory to contain the model's IR.
+2. The Inference Engine can perform inference on different precision formats, such as `FP32`, `FP16`, `INT8`. To prepare an IR with specific precision, run the Model Optimizer with the appropriate `--data_type` option.
+3. Run the Model Optimizer script:
+ ```sh
+ cd /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/model_optimizer
+ ```
+ ```sh
+ python3 ./mo.py --input_model / --data_type --output_dir
+ ```
+ The produced IR files are in the `` directory.
+ Click for an example of converting the SqueezeNet Caffe* model
+The following command converts the public SqueezeNet 1.1 Caffe\* model to the FP16 IR and saves to the `~/models/public/squeezenet1.1/ir` output directory:
+ cd /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/model_optimizer
+ ```
+ ```sh
+ python3 ./mo.py --input_model ~/models/public/squeezenet1.1/squeezenet1.1.caffemodel --data_type FP16 --output_dir ~/models/public/squeezenet1.1/ir
+ ```
+After the Model Optimizer script is completed, the produced IR files (`squeezenet1.1.xml`, `squeezenet1.1.bin`) are in the specified `~/models/public/squeezenet1.1/ir` directory.
+Copy the `squeezenet1.1.labels` file from the `/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/` to ``. This file contains the classes that ImageNet uses. Therefore, the inference results show text instead of classification numbers:
+ ```sh
+ cp /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/squeezenet1.1.labels
+ ```
+### Step 3: Download a Video or a Still Photo as Media
+Many sources are available from which you can download video media to use the code samples and demo applications. Possibilities include:
+- https://videos.pexels.com
+- https://images.google.com
+As an alternative, the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit includes two sample images that you can use for running code samples and demo applications:
+* `/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/car.png`
+* `/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/car_1.bmp`
+### Step 4: Run the Image Classification Code Sample
+> **NOTE**: The Image Classification code sample is automatically compiled when you ran the Image Classification demo script. If you want to compile it manually, see the [Inference Engine Code Samples Overview](../IE_DG/Samples_Overview.md) document.
+To run the **Image Classification** code sample with an input image on the IR:
+1. Set up the OpenVINO environment variables:
+ ```sh
+ source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/setupvars.sh
+ ```
+2. Go to the code samples build directory:
+ ```sh
+ cd ~/inference_engine_samples_build/intel64/Release
+ ```
+3. Run the code sample executable, specifying the input media file, the IR of your model, and a target device on which you want to perform inference:
+ ```sh
+ classification_sample_async -i -m -d
+ ```
+ Click for examples of running the Image Classification code sample on different devices
+The following commands run the Image Classification Code Sample using the `car.png` file from the `/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/` directory as an input image, the IR of your model from `~/models/public/squeezenet1.1/ir` and on different hardware devices:
+ ```sh
+ ./classification_sample_async -i /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/car.png -m ~/models/public/squeezenet1.1/ir/squeezenet1.1.xml -d CPU
+ ```
+ **MYRIAD:**
+ > **NOTE**: Running inference on VPU devices (Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2) with the MYRIAD plugin requires
+ [additional hardware configuration steps](../install_guides/installing-openvino-macos.md#additional-NCS2-steps).
+ ```sh
+ ./classification_sample_async -i /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/car.png -m ~/models/public/squeezenet1.1/ir/squeezenet1.1.xml -d MYRIAD
+ ```
+When the Sample Application completes, you see the label and confidence for the top-10 categories on the display. Below is a sample output with inference results on CPU:
+Top 10 results:
+Image /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/car.png
+classid probability label
+------- ----------- -----
+817 0.8364177 sports car, sport car
+511 0.0945683 convertible
+479 0.0419195 car wheel
+751 0.0091233 racer, race car, racing car
+436 0.0068038 beach wagon, station wagon, wagon, estate car, beach waggon, station waggon, waggon
+656 0.0037315 minivan
+586 0.0025940 half track
+717 0.0016044 pickup, pickup truck
+864 0.0012045 tow truck, tow car, wrecker
+581 0.0005833 grille, radiator grille
+[ INFO ] Execution successful
+### Step 5: Run the Security Barrier Camera Demo Application
+> **NOTE**: The Security Barrier Camera Demo Application is automatically compiled when you ran the Inference Pipeline demo scripts. If you want to build it manually, see the [Demo Applications Overview](@ref omz_demos_README#build_the_demo_applications) section.
+To run the **Security Barrier Camera Demo Application** using an input image on the prepared IRs:
+1. Set up the OpenVINO environment variables:
+ ```sh
+ source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/setupvars.sh
+ ```
+2. Go to the demo application build directory:
+ ```sh
+ cd ~/inference_engine_demos_build/intel64/Release
+ ```
+3. Run the demo executable, specifying the input media file, list of model IRs, and a target device on which to perform inference:
+ ```sh
+ ./security_barrier_camera_demo -i -m -m_va -m_lpr -d
+ ```
+ Click for examples of running the Security Barrier Camera demo application on different devices
+./security_barrier_camera_demo -i /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/demo/car_1.bmp -m ~/models/intel/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/FP16/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.xml -m_va ~/models/intel/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039/FP16/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039.xml -m_lpr ~/models/intel/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001/FP16/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001.xml -d CPU
+> **NOTE**: Running inference on VPU devices (Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2) with the MYRIAD plugin requires
+ [additional hardware configuration steps](../install_guides/installing-openvino-macos.md#additional-NCS2-steps).
+./classification_sample_async -i /inference-engine/samples/sample_data/car.png -m /squeezenet1.1.xml -d MYRIAD
+## Basic Guidelines for Using Code Samples and Demo Applications
+Following are some basic guidelines for executing the OpenVINO™ workflow using the code samples and demo applications:
+1. Before using the OpenVINO™ samples, always set up the environment:
+source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/setupvars.sh
+2. Have the directory path for the following:
+- Code Sample binaries located in `~/inference_engine_cpp_samples_build/intel64/Release`
+- Demo Application binaries located in `~/inference_engine_demos_build/intel64/Release`
+- Media: Video or image. See Download Media.
+- Model: Neural Network topology converted with the Model Optimizer to the IR format (.bin and .xml files). See Download Models for more information.
+## Typical Code Sample and Demo Application Syntax Examples
+Template to call sample code or a demo application:
+ -i -m -d
+With the sample information specified, the command might look like this:
+./object_detection_demo_ssd_async -i ~/Videos/catshow.mp4 \
+-m ~/ir/fp32/mobilenet-ssd.xml -d CPU
+## Advanced Demo Use
+Some demo applications let you use multiple models for different purposes. In these cases, the output of the first model is usually used as the input for later models.
+For example, an SSD will detect a variety of objects in a frame, then age, gender, head pose, emotion recognition and similar models target the objects classified by the SSD to perform their functions.
+In these cases, the use pattern in the last part of the template above is usually:
+`-m_ … -d_ …`
+For head pose:
+`-m_hp -d_hp `
+**Example of an Entire Command (object_detection + head pose):**
+./object_detection_demo_ssd_async -i ~/Videos/catshow.mp4 \
+-m ~/ir/fp32/mobilenet-ssd.xml -d CPU -m_hp headpose.xml \
+-d_hp CPU
+**Example of an Entire Command (object_detection + head pose + age-gender):**
+./object_detection_demo_ssd_async -i ~/Videos/catshow.mp4 \
+-m ~/r/fp32/mobilenet-ssd.xml -d CPU -m_hp headpose.xml \
+-d_hp CPU -m_ag age-gender.xml -d_ag CPU
+You can see all the sample application’s parameters by adding the `-h` or `--help` option at the command line.
+## Additional Resources
+Use these resources to learn more about the OpenVINO™ toolkit:
+* [OpenVINO™ Release Notes](https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/OpenVINO-RelNotes)
+* [Introduction to Intel® Deep Learning Deployment Toolkit](../IE_DG/Introduction.md)
+* [Inference Engine Developer Guide](../IE_DG/Deep_Learning_Inference_Engine_DevGuide.md)
+* [Model Optimizer Developer Guide](../MO_DG/Deep_Learning_Model_Optimizer_DevGuide.md)
+* [Inference Engine Samples Overview](../IE_DG/Samples_Overview.md)
+* [Overview of OpenVINO™ Toolkit Pre-Trained Models](https://software.intel.com/en-us/openvino-toolkit/documentation/pretrained-models)
+* [OpenVINO™ Hello World Face Detection Exercise](https://github.com/intel-iot-devkit/inference-tutorials-generic)
diff --git a/docs/get_started/get_started_windows.md b/docs/get_started/get_started_windows.md
index 5f1b8446243744..2d953655b50139 100644
--- a/docs/get_started/get_started_windows.md
+++ b/docs/get_started/get_started_windows.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The primary tools for deploying your models and applications are installed to th
| `samples\` | Inference Engine samples. Contains source code for C++ and Python* samples and build scripts. See the [Inference Engine Samples Overview](../IE_DG/Samples_Overview.md). |
| `share\` | CMake configuration files for linking with Inference Engine.|
| `src\` | Source files for CPU extensions.|
-| `~intel_models\` | Symbolic link to the `intel_models` subfolder of the `open_model-zoo` folder |
+| `~intel_models\` | Symbolic link to the `intel_models` subfolder of the `open_model_zoo` folder. |
| `model_optimizer\` | Model Optimizer directory. Contains configuration scripts, scripts to run the Model Optimizer and other files. See the [Model Optimizer Developer Guide](../MO_DG/Deep_Learning_Model_Optimizer_DevGuide.md). |
| `ngraph\` | nGraph directory. Includes the nGraph header and library files. |
| `open_model_zoo\` | Open Model Zoo directory. Includes the Model Downloader tool to download [pre-trained OpenVINO](@ref omz_models_intel_index) and public models, OpenVINO models documentation, demo applications and the Accuracy Checker tool to evaluate model accuracy.|
@@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ The demo scripts can run inference on any [supported target device](https://soft
Before running the demo applications on Intel® Processor Graphics, you must complete the [Steps for Intel® Processor Graphics (GPU)](../install_guides/installing-openvino-windows.md#Install-GPU).
-Before running the demo applications on Intel® Vision Accelerator Design with Intel® Movidius™ VPUs, you must complete the [Steps for [Steps for Intel® Vision Accelerator Design with Intel® Movidius™ VPUs](../install_guides/installing-openvino-windows.md#hddl-myriad).
+Before running the demo applications on Intel® Vision Accelerator Design with Intel® Movidius™ VPUs, you must complete the [Steps for Intel® Vision Accelerator Design with Intel® Movidius™ VPUs](../install_guides/installing-openvino-windows.md#hddl-myriad).
The following paragraphs describe each demo script.
### Image Classification Demo Script
@@ -184,8 +183,8 @@ You will perform the following steps:
1. Use the Model Downloader to download suitable models.
2. Convert the models with the Model Optimizer.
3. Download media files to run inference on.
-4. Run inference on the Image Classification Code Sample and see the results.
-5. Run inference on the Security Barrier Camera Demo application and see the results.
+4. Run inference on the Image Classification Code Sample and see the results.
+5. Run inference on the Security Barrier Camera Demo application and see the results.
Each demo and code sample is a separate application, but they use the same behavior and components.