Releases: opentracing-contrib/go-grpc
Releases · opentracing-contrib/go-grpc
What's Changed
🚀 Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Don't flag errors in class "Success" by @bboreham in #1
- Fixed panic due to timing issue on ClientStream.Context() by @pracucci in #12
🧪 Tests
🔨 Maintenance
- use "context" package instead of "golang.go/x/net/context" by @fho in #5
- add go.mod file by @fho in #9
- add Apache 2 license by @dholbach in #11
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #20
- Create codeql.yml by @lucacome in #24
- Add golangci-lint and fix problems by @lucacome in #25
- Add release and labeler configuration by @lucacome in #27
- Create dependency-review.yml by @lucacome in #28
⬆️ Dependencies
- Bump dependencies and add test workflow by @lucacome in #17
- Update module to v1.67.1 by @renovate in #21
- Update dependency ubuntu to v24 by @renovate in #22
- Update module to v1.68.0 by @renovate in #26
New Contributors
- @bboreham made their first contribution in #1
- @fho made their first contribution in #5
- @dholbach made their first contribution in #11
- @pracucci made their first contribution in #12
- @lucacome made their first contribution in #17
- @renovate made their first contribution in #20
Full Changelog: