diff --git a/api/test/helpers/crd.go b/api/test/helpers/crd.go
index 5da605bc..092670fb 100644
--- a/api/test/helpers/crd.go
+++ b/api/test/helpers/crd.go
@@ -151,6 +151,30 @@ func (tc *TestHelper) DeleteDBService(name types.NamespacedName) {
 	}, tc.Timeout, tc.Interval).Should(gomega.Succeed())
+// CreateMariaDBDatabase creates a new MariaDBDatabase instance with the specified namespace in the Kubernetes cluster.
+func (tc *TestHelper) CreateMariaDBDatabase(namespace string, dbName string, spec mariadbv1.MariaDBDatabaseSpec) types.NamespacedName {
+	name := types.NamespacedName{
+		Name:      dbName,
+		Namespace: namespace,
+	}
+	db := &mariadbv1.MariaDBDatabase{
+		TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
+			APIVersion: "mariadb.openstack.org/v1beta1",
+			Kind:       "MariaDBDatabase",
+		},
+		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+			Name:      dbName,
+			Namespace: namespace,
+		},
+		Spec: spec,
+	}
+	gomega.Expect(tc.K8sClient.Create(tc.Ctx, db)).Should(gomega.Succeed())
+	return name
 // GetMariaDBDatabase waits for and retrieves a MariaDBDatabase resource from the Kubernetes cluster
 // Example:
@@ -218,6 +242,30 @@ func (tc *TestHelper) AssertMariaDBDatabaseDoesNotExist(name types.NamespacedNam
 	}, tc.Timeout, tc.Interval).Should(gomega.Succeed())
+// CreateMariaDBAccount creates a new MariaDBAccount instance with the specified namespace in the Kubernetes cluster.
+func (tc *TestHelper) CreateMariaDBAccount(namespace string, acctName string, spec mariadbv1.MariaDBAccountSpec) types.NamespacedName {
+	name := types.NamespacedName{
+		Name:      acctName,
+		Namespace: namespace,
+	}
+	db := &mariadbv1.MariaDBAccount{
+		TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
+			APIVersion: "mariadb.openstack.org/v1beta1",
+			Kind:       "MariaDBAccount",
+		},
+		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+			Name:      acctName,
+			Namespace: namespace,
+		},
+		Spec: spec,
+	}
+	gomega.Expect(tc.K8sClient.Create(tc.Ctx, db)).Should(gomega.Succeed())
+	return name
 // GetMariaDBAccount waits for and retrieves a MariaDBAccount resource from the Kubernetes cluster
 func (tc *TestHelper) GetMariaDBAccount(name types.NamespacedName) *mariadbv1.MariaDBAccount {
 	instance := &mariadbv1.MariaDBAccount{}