- Check that a remote reference to openshift and upstream exists
$ git remote -v | grep -e 'openshift\|upstream'
openshift [email protected]:openshift/knative-client.git (fetch)
openshift [email protected]:openshift/knative-client.git (push)
upstream https://github.com/knative/client.git (fetch)
upstream https://github.com/knative/client.git (push)
- Create a new release branch which points to upstream release branch + OpenShift specific files:
# Create a new release branch. Parameters are the upstream release tag
# and the name of the branch to create
# Usage: ./create-release-branch.sh <upstream-tag> <downstream-release-branch>
# <upstream-tag>: The tag referring the upstream release
# <downstream-release-branch>: Name of the release branch to create
$ ./create-release-branch.sh v0.14.0 release-v0.14.0
# Push release branch to openshift/knative-client repo
$ git push openshift release-v0.14.0
# Note: Make sure the golang version being used for CI operator build image
# and SPEC file, the paths of the mentioned files are
# openshift/ci-operator/build-image/Dockerfile
# openshift-serverless-clients.spec
- Create a fork and clone of https://github.com/openshift/release
- Create a new ci-operator configuration:
# Jump into the knative client config directory in the openshift/release
$ cd ci-operator/config/openshift/knative-client
# Copy over the last release's config to a release specific config with
# the name of the yaml file ends with the new release branch name (e.g. release-v0.14.0)
$ cp openshift-knative-client-release-v0.13.0.yaml openshift-knative-client-release-v0.14.0.yaml
# Adapt the configuration for the kn new image name
# - Change .promotion.name to a release specific name (knative-v0.14.0)
# - Change .binary_build_commands to a release tag as below:
TAG=v0.14.0 make install
TAG=v0.14.0 make build-cross
$ vi openshift-knative-client-release-v0.14.0.yaml
- Create prow job configurations:
# Jump to top-level repo directory
$ cd ../../../../
# Call Prow job generators using 'make jobs' (you need a local Docker daemon installed)
# This will generate necessary presubmit and postsubmit prow jobs config YAML files
# ref: [doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SQ_qlkcplqhe8h6ONXdgBr7YUVbs4oRSj4ISl3gpLW4/edit#heading=h.8w7nj9363nsd)
$ make jobs
# Update generated metadata `zz_generated_metadata`
$ make ci-operator-config
- Create image mirroring config:
# Add the image mirroring settings (create an empty file if not present)
$ vi core-services/image-mirroring/knative/mapping_knative_v0_14_quay
# Add following lines for the kn image like below
registry.ci.openshift.org/openshift/knative-v0.14.0:kn quay.io/openshift-knative/kn:v0.14.0
registry.ci.openshift.org/openshift/knative-v0.14.0:kn-cli-artifacts quay.io/openshift-knative/kn-cli-artifacts:v0.14.0
Create a PR against openshift/release repo for CI setup of release branch using configs generated above:
# Verify the changes
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 180 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: core-services/image-mirroring/knative/mapping_knative_v0_12_quay
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# Add & Commit all and push to your repo
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m "knative-client release v0.14.0 setup"
$ git push
# Create pull request on https://github.com/openshift/release with your changes
# Once PR against openshift/release repo is merged, the CI is setup for release-branch
# Update RPM SPEC file, update the version and add changelog entry
$ vi openshift-serverless-clients.spec
# Verify the changes and raise a PR against release branch
$ git status
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Update SPEC file for release v0.14.0"
Note: After CI is setup for release branch, we'll need to raise at least one PR against target release branch, have CI run and merge of PR, this ensures image gets mirrored at quay as postsubmit job.
- For further changes which are specific to OpenShift, raise PR against release branch.
Once updated SPEC file is merged into release branch it should be synced with main
branch file to ensure that log will be stacked correctly with the future releases.
# Alternatively you can cherry-pick spec file commit from release branch to main
git checkout openshift/main
git checkout openshift/release-v0.14.0 openshift-serverless-clients.spec
git add .
git commit -m "Update SPEC file for latest release"
git push
Create a new pull request to update main
Currently, we ship 3 plugin within productized kn
binary. It's achieved by mechanism called "plugin inlining", for futher reference see upstream's docs.
In a nutshell it's plugin defined as a dependency by empty import in plugin_register.go
file and then vendored through standard Go modules.
Midstream plugins:
- kn-plugin-event
- kn-plugin-func
Upstream plugins:
- kn-plugin-source-kafka
Similar to other midstream repositories, a midstream plugin is the potentially modified source of its upstream counterpart. An upstream plugin is taken directly from Knative release without any further modification.
There's a tool called kn builder (knb
) to assist adding and generating necessary sources for plugins.
The following steps should be performed for each plugin.
- Create a
config file in./openshift/release/kn.yaml
- name: kn-plugin-source-kafka
module: knative.dev/kn-plugin-source-kafka
pluginImportPath: knative.dev/kn-plugin-source-kafka/plugin
version: v0.28.0
- name: kn-plugin-func
module: knative.dev/kn-plugin-func
pluginImportPath: knative.dev/kn-plugin-func
version: v0.23.1
- name: kn-plugin-event
module: knative.dev/kn-plugin-event
pluginImportPath: knative.dev/kn-plugin-event/pkg/plugin
version: v0.28.0
NOTE: knb is lacking midstream replace support. That's solved in further steps.
- Use
to populate registration file and go modules
$ knb plugin distro -c openshift/release/kn.yaml
- Go modules
// All the plugins should be already added,
// but modules versions are used as display version for func and event plugin.
// Event plugin uses corresponding upstream's 1.x scheme
knative.dev/kn-plugin-event v1.1.1
// Func plugin uses corresponding upstream's 0.x.y
knative.dev/kn-plugin-func v0.23.1
// No modification needed
knative.dev/kn-plugin-source-kafka v0.28.0
- Go modules
replace (
// Required by kn-plugin-func to use newer Docker version
github.com/openshift/source-to-image => github.com/boson-project/source-to-image v1.3.2
// Aligned k8s.io version with Knative release
k8s.io/api => k8s.io/api v0.21.4
k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver => k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.21.4
k8s.io/apimachinery => k8s.io/apimachinery v0.21.4
k8s.io/client-go => k8s.io/client-go v0.21.4
k8s.io/code-generator => k8s.io/code-generator v0.21.4
// Inlined plugins
knative.dev/kn-plugin-event => github.com/openshift-knative/kn-plugin-event release-1.1
knative.dev/kn-plugin-func => github.com/openshift-knative/kn-plugin-func openshift-v0.23.1
Depending on the release, there're usually several other replacements to align with correct k8s.io
version or to solve conflicts. Mileage may hugely vary here. As a rule of thumb less is definitely better. Additional comments with explanation are greatly appreciated.
- Update Go modules (repeat the previous and this step until success :))
$ ./hack/update-deps.sh
- The final look of updated
replace directive
replace (
// Required by kn-plugin-func to use newer Docker version
github.com/openshift/source-to-image => github.com/boson-project/source-to-image v1.3.2
// Aligned k8s.io version with Knative release
k8s.io/api => k8s.io/api v0.21.4
k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver => k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver v0.21.4
k8s.io/apimachinery => k8s.io/apimachinery v0.21.4
k8s.io/client-go => k8s.io/client-go v0.21.4
k8s.io/code-generator => k8s.io/code-generator v0.21.4
// Inlined plugins
knative.dev/kn-plugin-event => github.com/openshift-knative/kn-plugin-event v0.27.1-0.20220412125940-01b7cf265a69
knative.dev/kn-plugin-func => github.com/openshift-knative/kn-plugin-func v1.1.3-0.20220413141425-a3b388f3a2d8
- Create a new PR with added plugins
$ git tag openshift-v0.14.0
$ git push openshift openshift-v0.14.0
Note: Notify any changes required for this release, for e.g.: new commands, commands output update, etc. to docs team.