diff --git a/public/action/ad_dashboard_action.tsx b/public/action/ad_dashboard_action.tsx
index a845351a..417de3a9 100644
--- a/public/action/ad_dashboard_action.tsx
+++ b/public/action/ad_dashboard_action.tsx
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ import {
} from '../../../../src/plugins/ui_actions/public';
import { isReferenceOrValueEmbeddable } from '../../../../src/plugins/embeddable/public';
import { EuiIconType } from '@elastic/eui/src/components/icon/icon';
+import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
+import { VisualizeEmbeddable } from '../../../../src/plugins/visualizations/public';
+import { isEligibleForVisLayers } from '../../../../src/plugins/vis_augmenter/public';
export const ACTION_AD = 'ad';
@@ -57,15 +60,13 @@ export const createADAction = ({
type: ACTION_AD,
isCompatible: async ({ embeddable }: ActionContext) => {
- const paramsType = embeddable.vis?.params?.type;
- const seriesParams = embeddable.vis?.params?.seriesParams || [];
- const series = embeddable.vis?.params?.series || [];
- const isLineGraph =
- seriesParams.find((item) => item.type === 'line') ||
- series.find((item) => item.chart_type === 'line');
- const isValidVis = isLineGraph && paramsType !== 'table';
+ const vis = (embeddable as VisualizeEmbeddable).vis;
return Boolean(
- embeddable.parent && isDashboard(embeddable.parent) && isValidVis
+ embeddable.parent &&
+ isDashboard(embeddable.parent) &&
+ vis !== undefined &&
+ isEligibleForVisLayers(vis) &&
+ !isEmpty((embeddable as VisualizeEmbeddable).visLayers)
execute: async ({ embeddable }: ActionContext) => {
diff --git a/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AssociatedDetectors/containers/__tests__/AssociatedDetectors.test.tsx b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AssociatedDetectors/containers/__tests__/AssociatedDetectors.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ee94119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AssociatedDetectors/containers/__tests__/AssociatedDetectors.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ * Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
+import AssociatedDetectors from '../AssociatedDetectors';
+import { createMockVisEmbeddable } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/vis_augmenter/public/mocks';
+import { FLYOUT_MODES } from '../../../../../../public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AnywhereParentFlyout/constants';
+import { CoreServicesContext } from '../../../../../../public/components/CoreServices/CoreServices';
+import { coreServicesMock, httpClientMock } from '../../../../../../test/mocks';
+import {
+ HashRouter as Router,
+ RouteComponentProps,
+ Route,
+ Switch,
+} from 'react-router-dom';
+import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
+import configureStore from '../../../../../../public/redux/configureStore';
+import { VisualizeEmbeddable } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/visualizations/public';
+import {
+ setSavedFeatureAnywhereLoader,
+ setUISettings,
+} from '../../../../../services';
+import {
+ generateAugmentVisSavedObject,
+ VisLayerExpressionFn,
+ VisLayerTypes,
+ createSavedAugmentVisLoader,
+ setUISettings as setVisAugUISettings,
+ getMockAugmentVisSavedObjectClient,
+ SavedObjectLoaderAugmentVis,
+} from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/vis_augmenter/public';
+import { getAugmentVisSavedObjs } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/vis_augmenter/public/utils';
+import { uiSettingsServiceMock } from '../../../../../../../../src/core/public/mocks';
+import {
+} from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/vis_augmenter/common';
+import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
+const fn = {
+ type: VisLayerTypes.PointInTimeEvents,
+ name: 'test-fn',
+ args: {
+ testArg: 'test-value',
+ },
+} as VisLayerExpressionFn;
+const originPlugin = 'test-plugin';
+const uiSettingsMock = uiSettingsServiceMock.createStartContract();
+const setUIAugSettings = (isEnabled = true, maxCount = 10) => {
+ uiSettingsMock.get.mockImplementation((key: string) => {
+ else if (key === PLUGIN_AUGMENTATION_ENABLE_SETTING) return isEnabled;
+ else return false;
+ });
+jest.mock('../../../../../services', () => ({
+ ...jest.requireActual('../../../../../services'),
+ getUISettings: () => {
+ return {
+ get: (config: string) => {
+ switch (config) {
+ case 'visualization:enablePluginAugmentation':
+ return true;
+ case 'visualization:enablePluginAugmentation.maxPluginObjects':
+ return 10;
+ default:
+ throw new Error(
+ `Accessing ${config} is not supported in the mock.`
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ getNotifications: () => {
+ return {
+ toasts: {
+ addDanger: jest.fn().mockName('addDanger'),
+ addSuccess: jest.fn().mockName('addSuccess'),
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/vis_augmenter/public/utils',
+ () => ({
+ getAugmentVisSavedObjs: jest.fn(),
+ })
+const visEmbeddable = createMockVisEmbeddable(
+ 'test-saved-obj-id',
+ 'test-title',
+ false
+const renderWithRouter = (visEmbeddable: VisualizeEmbeddable) => ({
+ ...render(
+ (
+ )}
+ />
+ ),
+describe('AssociatedDetectors spec', () => {
+ let augmentVisLoader: SavedObjectLoaderAugmentVis;
+ let mockDeleteFn: jest.Mock;
+ let detectorsToAssociate = new Array(2).fill(null).map((_, index) => {
+ return {
+ id: `detector_id_${index}`,
+ name: `detector_name_${index}`,
+ indices: [`index_${index}`],
+ totalAnomalies: 5,
+ lastActiveAnomaly: Date.now() + index,
+ };
+ });
+ //change one of the two detectors to have an ID not matching the ID in saved object
+ detectorsToAssociate[1].id = '5';
+ const savedObjects = new Array(2).fill(null).map((_, index) => {
+ const pluginResource = {
+ type: 'test-plugin',
+ id: `detector_id_${index}`,
+ };
+ return generateAugmentVisSavedObject(
+ `valid-obj-id-${index}`,
+ fn,
+ `vis-id-${index}`,
+ originPlugin,
+ pluginResource
+ );
+ });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ mockDeleteFn = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('someValue');
+ augmentVisLoader = createSavedAugmentVisLoader({
+ savedObjectsClient: {
+ ...getMockAugmentVisSavedObjectClient(savedObjects),
+ delete: mockDeleteFn,
+ },
+ } as any) as SavedObjectLoaderAugmentVis;
+ setSavedFeatureAnywhereLoader(augmentVisLoader);
+ });
+ describe('Renders loading component', () => {
+ test('renders the detector is loading', async () => {
+ httpClientMock.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ ok: true,
+ response: { detectorList: [], totalDetectors: 0 },
+ });
+ (getAugmentVisSavedObjs as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
+ Promise.resolve(savedObjects)
+ );
+ const { getByText } = renderWithRouter(visEmbeddable);
+ getByText('Loading detectors...');
+ getByText('Real-time state');
+ getByText('Associate a detector');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('renders either one or zero detectors', () => {
+ test('renders one associated detector', async () => {
+ httpClientMock.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ ok: true,
+ response: {
+ detectorList: detectorsToAssociate,
+ totalDetectors: detectorsToAssociate.length,
+ },
+ });
+ (getAugmentVisSavedObjs as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
+ Promise.resolve(savedObjects)
+ );
+ const { getByText, queryByText } = renderWithRouter(visEmbeddable);
+ getByText('Loading detectors...');
+ await waitFor(() => getByText('detector_name_0'));
+ getByText('5');
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_1')).toBeNull();
+ }, 80000);
+ test('renders no associated detectors', async () => {
+ httpClientMock.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ ok: true,
+ response: {
+ detectorList: [detectorsToAssociate[1]],
+ totalDetectors: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ (getAugmentVisSavedObjs as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
+ Promise.resolve(savedObjects)
+ );
+ const { getByText, findByText } = renderWithRouter(visEmbeddable);
+ getByText('Loading detectors...');
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ findByText(
+ 'There are no anomaly detectors associated with test-title visualization.',
+ undefined,
+ { timeout: 100000 }
+ )
+ );
+ }, 150000);
+ });
+ describe('tests unlink functionality', () => {
+ test('unlinks a single detector', async () => {
+ httpClientMock.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ ok: true,
+ response: {
+ detectorList: detectorsToAssociate,
+ totalDetectors: detectorsToAssociate.length,
+ },
+ });
+ (getAugmentVisSavedObjs as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
+ Promise.resolve(savedObjects)
+ );
+ const { getByText, queryByText, getAllByTestId } =
+ renderWithRouter(visEmbeddable);
+ getByText('Loading detectors...');
+ await waitFor(() => getByText('detector_name_0'));
+ getByText('5');
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_1')).toBeNull();
+ userEvent.click(getAllByTestId('unlinkButton')[0]);
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ getByText(
+ 'Removing association unlinks detector_name_0 detector from the visualization but does not delete it. The detector association can be restored.'
+ )
+ );
+ userEvent.click(getAllByTestId('confirmUnlinkButton')[0]);
+ expect(
+ (
+ await getAugmentVisSavedObjs(
+ 'valid-obj-id-0',
+ augmentVisLoader,
+ uiSettingsMock
+ )
+ ).length
+ ).toEqual(2);
+ await waitFor(() => expect(mockDeleteFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1));
+ }, 100000);
+ });
+//I have a new beforeEach because I making a lot more detectors and saved objects for these tests
+describe('test over 10 associated objects functionality', () => {
+ let augmentVisLoader: SavedObjectLoaderAugmentVis;
+ let mockDeleteFn: jest.Mock;
+ const detectorsToAssociate = new Array(16).fill(null).map((_, index) => {
+ const hasAnomaly = Math.random() > 0.5;
+ return {
+ id: `detector_id_${index}`,
+ name: `detector_name_${index}`,
+ indices: [`index_${index}`],
+ totalAnomalies: hasAnomaly ? Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) : 0,
+ lastActiveAnomaly: hasAnomaly ? Date.now() + index : 0,
+ };
+ });
+ const savedObjects = new Array(16).fill(null).map((_, index) => {
+ const pluginResource = {
+ type: 'test-plugin',
+ id: `detector_id_${index}`,
+ };
+ return generateAugmentVisSavedObject(
+ `valid-obj-id-${index}`,
+ fn,
+ `vis-id-${index}`,
+ originPlugin,
+ pluginResource
+ );
+ });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ mockDeleteFn = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('someValue');
+ augmentVisLoader = createSavedAugmentVisLoader({
+ savedObjectsClient: {
+ ...getMockAugmentVisSavedObjectClient(savedObjects),
+ delete: mockDeleteFn,
+ },
+ } as any) as SavedObjectLoaderAugmentVis;
+ setSavedFeatureAnywhereLoader(augmentVisLoader);
+ });
+ test('create 20 detectors and saved objects', async () => {
+ httpClientMock.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ ok: true,
+ response: {
+ detectorList: detectorsToAssociate,
+ totalDetectors: detectorsToAssociate.length,
+ },
+ });
+ (getAugmentVisSavedObjs as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
+ Promise.resolve(savedObjects)
+ );
+ const { getByText, queryByText, getAllByTestId, findByText } =
+ renderWithRouter(visEmbeddable);
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ findByText('detector_name_1', undefined, { timeout: 200000 })
+ );
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_15')).toBeNull();
+ // Navigate to next page
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ userEvent.click(getAllByTestId('pagination-button-next')[0])
+ );
+ await waitFor(() => findByText('detector_name_15'));
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_0')).toBeNull();
+ // Navigate to previous page
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ userEvent.click(getAllByTestId('pagination-button-previous')[0])
+ );
+ getByText('detector_name_0');
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_15')).toBeNull();
+ }, 200000);
+ test('searching functionality', async () => {
+ httpClientMock.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ ok: true,
+ response: {
+ detectorList: detectorsToAssociate,
+ totalDetectors: detectorsToAssociate.length,
+ },
+ });
+ (getAugmentVisSavedObjs as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
+ Promise.resolve(savedObjects)
+ );
+ const { queryByText, getByPlaceholderText, findByText } =
+ renderWithRouter(visEmbeddable);
+ // initial load only first 10 detectors
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ findByText('detector_name_1', undefined, { timeout: 60000 })
+ );
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_15')).toBeNull();
+ //Input search event
+ userEvent.type(getByPlaceholderText('Search...'), 'detector_name_15');
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ findByText('detector_name_15');
+ });
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_1')).toBeNull();
+ }, 100000);
+ test('sorting functionality', async () => {
+ httpClientMock.get = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ ok: true,
+ response: {
+ detectorList: detectorsToAssociate,
+ totalDetectors: detectorsToAssociate.length,
+ },
+ });
+ (getAugmentVisSavedObjs as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() =>
+ Promise.resolve(savedObjects)
+ );
+ const { queryByText, getAllByTestId, findByText } =
+ renderWithRouter(visEmbeddable);
+ // initial load only first 10 detectors (string sort means detector_name_0 -> detector_name_9 show up)
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ findByText('detector_name_0', undefined, { timeout: 100000 })
+ );
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_15')).toBeNull();
+ // Sort by name (string sorting)
+ userEvent.click(getAllByTestId('tableHeaderSortButton')[0]);
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ findByText('detector_name_15', undefined, { timeout: 150000 })
+ );
+ expect(queryByText('detector_name_9')).toBeNull();
+ }, 200000);
diff --git a/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AssociatedDetectors/utils/helpers.tsx b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AssociatedDetectors/utils/helpers.tsx
index c6125537..e01a4505 100644
--- a/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AssociatedDetectors/utils/helpers.tsx
+++ b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/AssociatedDetectors/utils/helpers.tsx
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ export const getColumns = ({ handleUnlinkDetectorAction }) =>
description: 'Remove association',
icon: 'unlink',
onClick: handleUnlinkDetectorAction,
+ 'data-test-subj': 'unlinkButton',
diff --git a/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AddAnomalyDetector.tsx b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AddAnomalyDetector.tsx
index 766cee4e..849f2734 100644
--- a/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AddAnomalyDetector.tsx
+++ b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AddAnomalyDetector.tsx
@@ -413,17 +413,11 @@ function AddAnomalyDetector({
.catch((error) => {
- notifications.toasts.addDanger(
- prettifyErrorMessage(
- `Error associating selected detector: ${error}`
- )
- );
+ notifications.toasts.addDanger(prettifyErrorMessage(error));
.catch((error) => {
- notifications.toasts.addDanger(
- prettifyErrorMessage(`Error associating selected detector: ${error}`)
- );
+ notifications.toasts.addDanger(prettifyErrorMessage(error));
diff --git a/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AssociateExisting/containers/AssociateExisting.tsx b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AssociateExisting/containers/AssociateExisting.tsx
index ba5e12fc..d8ee78d3 100644
--- a/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AssociateExisting/containers/AssociateExisting.tsx
+++ b/public/components/FeatureAnywhereContextMenu/CreateAnomalyDetector/AssociateExisting/containers/AssociateExisting.tsx
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ export function AssociateExisting(
onChange={(selectedOptions) => {
- let detector = {} as DetectorListItem | undefined;
+ let detector = undefined as DetectorListItem | undefined;
if (selectedOptions && selectedOptions.length) {
const match = existingDetectorsAvailableToAssociate.find(
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ export function AssociateExisting(
- {renderTime(detector.enabledTime)}
+ Running since {renderTime(detector.enabledTime)}
diff --git a/public/expressions/__tests__/overlay_anomalies.test.ts b/public/expressions/__tests__/overlay_anomalies.test.ts
index d55ef2e4..c503c601 100644
--- a/public/expressions/__tests__/overlay_anomalies.test.ts
+++ b/public/expressions/__tests__/overlay_anomalies.test.ts
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import {
} from '../../pages/utils/__tests__/constants';
import {
} from '../constants';
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ describe('overlay_anomalies spec', () => {
type: 'Anomaly Detectors',
urlPath: `anomaly-detection-dashboards#/detectors/${ANOMALY_RESULT_SUMMARY_DETECTOR_ID}/results`,
+ pluginEventType: PLUGIN_EVENT_TYPE,
type: 'PointInTimeEvents',
const pointInTimeEventsVisLayer =
diff --git a/public/expressions/helpers.ts b/public/expressions/helpers.ts
index ed3db94b..4b76e0fb 100644
--- a/public/expressions/helpers.ts
+++ b/public/expressions/helpers.ts
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export const convertAnomaliesToPointInTimeEventsVisLayer = (
type: VisLayerTypes.PointInTimeEvents,
pluginResource: ADPluginResource,
events: events,
- pluginEventType: PLUGIN_EVENT_TYPE
+ pluginEventType: PLUGIN_EVENT_TYPE,
} as PointInTimeEventsVisLayer;
diff --git a/public/services.ts b/public/services.ts
index 7e0d7843..a684a019 100644
--- a/public/services.ts
+++ b/public/services.ts
@@ -34,3 +34,14 @@ export const [getUiActions, setUiActions] =
export const [getUISettings, setUISettings] =
+// This is primarily used for mocking this module and each of its fns in tests.
+export default {
+ getSavedFeatureAnywhereLoader,
+ getUISettings,
+ getUiActions,
+ getEmbeddable,
+ getNotifications,
+ getOverlays,
+ setUISettings,