diff --git a/docs/docker-dev/docker-compose.yml b/docs/docker-dev/docker-compose.yml
index 23daf1ce0b15..f2f0ffb64cf0 100644
--- a/docs/docker-dev/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docs/docker-dev/docker-compose.yml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ services:
       - opensearch-net # All of the containers will join the same Docker bridge network
-    image: docker.io/library/opensearch-dashboards-dev:latest
+    image: abbyhu/opensearch-dashboards-dev:latest
     container_name: dev-env
       - 5601:5601
diff --git a/docs/docker-dev/docker-dev-setup-manual.md b/docs/docker-dev/docker-dev-setup-manual.md
index 05c2bcfa5e29..59f54fb2fd04 100644
--- a/docs/docker-dev/docker-dev-setup-manual.md
+++ b/docs/docker-dev/docker-dev-setup-manual.md
@@ -1,18 +1,45 @@
 # Docker Development Environment Setup
 The following instructions demonstrate how to set up a development environment for OpenSearch Dashboards using Docker. It utilizes tools such as `Docker` and `VS Code`, and users should be familiar with the basic usages of them. Users will be able to develop and run the application inside VS Code without additional configurations.
-1. Install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) if not already installed. Make sure that Docker daemon is running. (For windows and macos,you need to have [Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/), or its alternatives, such as [Finch](https://github.com/runfinch/finch))
-2. In the terminal, run the command `curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards/main/dev-tools/install-docker-dev.sh | bash`. This should create a folder named `opensearch-dashboards-docker-dev` and it should contain two files: `docker-compose.yml` and `entrypoint.sh`. Here is the link to the installer script: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards/main/dev-tools/install-docker-dev.sh`.
-3. Open VS Code or [install it](https://code.visualstudio.com/download), if it's not already installed. Make sure VS Code has the extensions `Dev Containers` and `Docker` installed. If not, go to `Extensions` tab, search and install them.
+1. Install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) if not already installed. 
+    * Make sure that Docker daemon is running. (For windows and macos,you need to have [Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/), or its alternatives, such as [Finch](https://github.com/runfinch/finch))
+2. In the terminal, run the command:
+curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards/main/dev-tools/install-docker-dev.sh | bash
+    * This should create a folder named `opensearch-dashboards-docker-dev` and it should contain two files: `docker-compose.yml` and `entrypoint.sh`. 
+    * Here is the link to the installer script: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards/main/dev-tools/install-docker-dev.sh` if needed.
+3. Open VS Code or [install it](https://code.visualstudio.com/download), if it's not already installed. 
+    * Make sure VS Code has the extensions `Dev Containers` and `Docker` installed. If not, go to `Extensions` tab, search and install them.
 4. Under the Discover tab, click `Open Folder`, and open the `opensearch-dashboards-docker-dev` folder that we just created.
-5. In the workspace folder, set environment variable for the fork repository URL: run `export REPO_URL=[insert your fork repo url here]`. If fork repo has not been created: Go to [OpenSearch Dashboards github page](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards) and under fork, select create a new fork, and then copy the https link of the fork url and use it in the above command. The command needs to be re-run every time it re-start the docker compose file in a new terminal.
-6. Run the `docker-compose.yml` file in the background, and type `docker compose up -d --build` in the terminal.
-7. Under the `Docker` tab in VS Code, verify that there are two containers running: `opensearchproject/opensearch:latest` and `docker.io/library/osd-development`. We can also verify using the command line: `docker ps`.
-8. Right-click `docker.io/library/osd-development`, and select `Attach Visual Studio Code`. This should ssh into the container in another VsCode window.
+5. Open the `opensearch-dashboards-docker-dev` folder in VS Code integrated terminal, set environment variable for the fork repository URL by running:
+export REPO_URL=[insert your fork repo url here]
+    * If fork repo has not been created: Go to [OpenSearch Dashboards github page](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards) and under fork, select create a new fork, and then copy the https link of the fork url and use it in the above command. The command needs to be re-run every time it re-start the docker compose file in a new terminal.
+6. Run the `docker-compose.yml` file in the background by typing: 
+docker compose up -d --build
+7. Under the `Docker` tab in VS Code, verify that there are two containers running: `opensearchproject/opensearch:latest` and `abbyhu/opensearch-dashboards-dev:latest`. 
+    * This can also be verified by using the command line: 
+    ```bash
+    docker ps
+    ```
+8. Right-click `abbyhu/opensearch-dashboards-dev:latest`, and select `Attach Visual Studio Code`. 
+    * This should ssh into the container in another VsCode window.
 9. For the new VS Code window, if it is not showing the repository code, then select `Open Folder`. Then open `/workspace-docker/OpenSearch-Dashboards`.
-10. In the terminal, type  `yarn start:docker` to start the OpenSearch Dashboards application.
-11. Now that OpenSearch Dashboards is running, you should be able to see a log line similar to `[info][server][OpenSearchDashboards][http] http server running at` . The last three letters are randomly generated every time we start dashboards.
+10. In the terminal, start the OpenSearch Dashboards application by typing:
+yarn start:docker
+11. Now that OpenSearch Dashboards is running, you should be able to see a log line similar to `[info][server][OpenSearchDashboards][http] http server running at`. 
+    * The last three letters `dog` are randomly generated every time we start dashboards.
 12. Wait for the optimizer to run, which takes about 100s - 200s. Once the optimizer is finished running, it will show a line such as `[success][@osd/optimizer] 48 bundles compiled successfully after 204.9 sec, watching for changes`.
 13. Then paste the link into a chrome browser and view dashboard running in browser, but change ‘’ to ‘localhost’. So here the link should be `http://localhost:5603/dog`.
-14. Files are constantly watched, so when you make code changes, OpenSearch Dashboards will rebuild and restart automatically. Refresh the link in the browser and the new changes should be applied.
-15. `Git` is already configured in the `entrypoint.sh` file, and the remote is already tracking the fork repository. You can start contributing by creating your branch off the main, and commit your first PR!
+    * Files are constantly watched, so when you make code changes, OpenSearch Dashboards will rebuild and restart automatically. Refresh the link in the browser and the new changes should be applied.
+14. `Git` is already configured in the `entrypoint.sh` file, and the remote is already tracking the fork repository. You can start contributing by creating your branch off the main, and commit your first PR!