This repo contains a script that lets you apply changes to all OpenSAFELY research repos at once, and then create a pull request for each repo.
This script has been used once!
- Set up a virtual environment and install requirements from requirements.txt
- Create a GitHub personal access token, and write it in a file called token.txt
# Clone all research repos into research/, or pull if already cloned
$ python update
# In each repo, check out a new branch
# Note that -- is required to stop argparse treating -b as argument to
$ python exec -- git checkout -b fix-suppression-codelists
# Update codelists.txt (could just use sed)
$ python exec -- sed -i s/suppresion/suppression/ codelists/codelists.txt
# Update study definitions (need to use sed, for wildcard support)
$ sed -i s/suppresion/suppression/ research/*/analysis/*.py
# Add, commit, push
# Note that if nothing has been added, the commit will error -- ignore this
$ python exec git add .
$ python exec -- git commit -m "Fix typo in codelist name"
$ python exec -- git push -u origin fix-suppression-codelists
# Create PRs
# Note that errors will be reported for repos where nothing has changed
$ python pull-request fix-suppression-codelists "Fix typo in codelist name"