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Developer documentation

Local development

Development credentials

Note: you will need the Bitwarden CLI tool installed in order to access passwords, but it is not a requirement.

  • Create a .env file; there is an existing dotenv-sample template that you can use to base your own .env file on.
  • Use bw to login to the Bitwarden account.
  • When logged in to Bitwarden, run scripts/ .env to retrieve and write the credentials to the target environment file specified.
    • .env is already in .gitignore to help prevent an accidental commit of credentials.



  • Python v3.12.x
  • virtualenv
  • Pip
  • Node.js v20.x (fnm is recommended)
  • npm v7.x
  • Postgres

just commands

Each just command sets up a dev environment as part of running it. If you want to maintain your own virtualenv make sure you have activated it before running a just command and it will be used instead.


Recommend: using docker to provide postgresql

just docker/db

Double check your .env has the right config to talk to this docker instance:


Alternatively, you can install and configure postgresql natively for your OS following the instructions below.

Installing on macOS is the easiest way to run Postgres on macOS, you can install it from homebrew (casks) with:

brew install --cask postgres-unofficial

You will need to add its bin directory to your path for the CLI tools to work.

Postico is a popular GUI for Postgres:

brew install --cask postico
Installing on Linux

Install postgresql with your package manager of choice.

This guide explains how to set up ident (password-less) auth, and set some options for faster, but more dangerous, performance.

If you need to upgrade an installation the ArchWiki is a good reference.

Creating a database

You'll need a database in Postgres to work with, run:

psql -c "CREATE DATABASE jobserver"

On Linux, you'll also need to create the user with relevant permissions:

psql -c "
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on database jobserver to jobsuser;

Restoring Backups

Copies of production can be restored to a local database using a dump pulled from production. If you do not have access to pull production backups, follow the data setup section instead of restoring a backup.

Backups can be copied with:

scp dokku4:/var/lib/dokku/data/storage/job-server/jobserver.dump jobserver.dump

If using the provided docker db you just need to do (note this will wipe your current dev db):

just docker/restore-db jobserver.dump

If using a manual install, you can restore with:

pg_restore --clean --if-exists --no-acl --no-owner -d jobserver jobserver.dump

Note: This assumes ident auth (the default in is set up.

Note: pg_restore will throw errors in various scenarios, which can often be ignored. The important line to check for (typically at the very end) is errors ignored on restore: N. Where N should match the number of errors you got.


Set up an environment

just devenv

Run migrations:

python migrate

Build the assets:

See the Compiling assets section.

Run the dev server:

just run

Access at localhost:8000

Docker Compose

Run just docker-serve.

Note: The dev server inside the container does not currently rebuild the frontend assets when changes to them are made.

Frontend development (CSS/JS)

This project uses Vite, a modern build tool and development server, to build the frontend assets. Vite integrates into the Django project using the django-vite package.

Vite works by compiling JavaScript files, and outputs a manifest file, the JavaScript files, and any included assets such as stylesheets or images.

For styling this project uses Tailwind CSS, and then PostCSS for post-processing.

Running the local asset server

Vite has a built-in development server which will serve the assets and reload them on save.

To run the development server:

  1. Update the .env file to ASSETS_DEV_MODE=True
  2. Run just assets-run

This will start the Vite dev server at localhost:5173 and inject the relevant scripts into the Django templates.

Compiling assets

To view the compiled assets:

  1. Update the .env file to ASSETS_DEV_MODE=False
  2. Run just assets-rebuild

Vite builds the assets and outputs them to the assets/dist folder.

Django Staticfiles app then collects the files and places them in the staticfiles/assets folder, with the manifest file located at assets/dist/.vite/manifest.json.

Data Setup

Sometimes it's useful to have a fresh local installation or you may not have authorization to download a production backup. In that situation you can follow the steps below to set up your local copy of the site:

  1. Create a GitHub OAuth application.

    • The callback URL must be http://localhost:8000/complete/github/.
    • The other fields don't matter too much for local development.
  2. Register a user account on your local version of job-server by clicking Login

  3. Set the SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY (aka "Client ID") and SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET environment variables with values from that OAuth application.

  4. Give your user the StaffAreaAdministrator role by running:

    > python create_user <your_username> -s
  5. Click on your avatar in the top right-hand corner of the site to access the Staff Area.

  6. Create an Org, Project, and Backend in the Staff Area.

  7. On your User page in the Staff Area link it to the Backend and Org you created.

  8. Assign your user account to the Project with ProjectDeveloper and ProjectCollaborator roles on the Project page within the Staff Area.

  9. Navigate to the Project page in the main site using the "View on Site" button.

  10. Create a Workspace for the Project.

  11. Create a JobRequest in the Workspace.

If you need one or more Jobs linked to the JobRequest you will need to create them in the database or with the Django shell.


The opentelemetry dependencies need to be upgraded as a group. To do this, bump the relevant versions in and then attempt to manually resolve the dependencies by upgrading a number of packages simultaneously. A recent example of this is:

$ pip-compile --resolver=backtracking --allow-unsafe --generate-hashes --strip-extras --upgrade-package opentelemetry-instrumentation --upgrade-package opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http --upgrade-package opentelemetry-sdk --upgrade-package opentelemetry-instrumentation-django --upgrade-package opentelemetry-instrumentation-psycopg2 --upgrade-package opentelemetry-instrumentation-requests --upgrade-package opentelemetry-instrumentation-wsgi --upgrade-package opentelemetry-semantic-conventions --upgrade-package opentelemetry-util-http --upgrade-package opentelemetry-instrumentation-dbapi --upgrade-package opentelemetry-api --upgrade-package opentelemetry-proto --upgrade-package opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common


It is currently configured to be deployed Heroku-style, and requires the environment variables defined in dotenv-sample.

The Bennett Institute job server is deployed to our dokku4 instance, instructions are are in


Run the unit tests:

just test

Run all of the tests (including slow tests) apart from verification tests (that hit external APIs) and run coverage, as it's done in CI:

just test-ci

More details on testing can be found in


django-upgrade is used to migrate Django code from older versions to the current version in use.

django-upgrade is run via just django-upgrade.

django-upgrade also gets run via just check and is also runs via the pre-commit checks.

When upgrading to a new Django minor or major version:

  • Ensure django-upgrade has been run, and any changes django-upgrade makes committed.
  • Update the Django version used for the invocation of django-upgrade in the django-upgrade recipe in the justfile.

Slack Testing

With a valid bot token, you can run tests and have any slack messages generated actually sent to a test channel by setting some environment variables:

export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=...
export SLACK_TEST_CHANNEL=job-server-testing
just test-dev


Job Server uses the Slippers library to build reusable components.

To view the existing components, and see what attributes they receive, visit the UI gallery.


Job Server uses Hero Icons.

To add a new icon:

  1. Find the icon you need
  2. Copy the SVG to a new file in templates/_icons/. The website will give you the SVG code rather than a file.
  3. Edit the properties of that file so that:
  • height and width attributes should match the values in the viewBox
  • the class is configurable: class="{{ class }}"
  • fill should be currentColor unless it's an outline icon then it should be none and stroke should be currentColor
  1. Map the icon file path to a name in templates/components.yaml


Backends in this project represent a job runner instance somewhere. They are a Django model with a unique authentication token attached.

This has allowed us some benefits:

  • API requests can be tied directly to a Backend (eg get all JobRequests for TPP).
  • Per-Backend API stats collection is trivial because requests are tied to a Backend via auth.

Rotating the read only GitHub token

  1. Log into the opensafely-readonly GitHub account (credentials are in Bitwarden).
  2. Got to the Personal access tokens (classic) page.
  3. Click on job-server-api-token.
  4. Click "Regenerate token".
  5. Set the expiry to 90 days.
  6. Copy the new token.
  7. ssh into
  8. Run: dokku config:set job-server JOBSERVER_GITHUB_TOKEN=<the new token>

Rotating the OSI GitHub token

  1. Log into the opensafely-interactive-bot GitHub account (credentials are in Bitwarden).
  2. Got to the opensafely-interactive-token.
  3. Click "Regenerate token".
  4. Set the expiry to 90 days.
  5. Copy the new token.
  6. ssh into
  7. Run: dokku config:set job-server INTERACTIVE_GITHUB_TOKEN=<the new token>

Interactive Testing

Job Server uses the interactive-templates repo code, imported as a Python package, to run OS Interactive analyses and to generate reports.

To facilitate local testing, the osi_run Django management command has been created to produce a report from an Analysis Request. It's used like this:

python osi_run <analysis-request-slug>

The resulting HTML report is output into the workspaces directory and can be released, so that it's visible within Job Server, using the osi_release management command:

python osi_release <analysis-request-slug> <user-name> --report workspaces/<analysis-request-pk>/report.html

These two actions can be combined using the osi_run_and_release management command:

python osi_run_and_release <analysis-request-slug> <user-name>

Alternatively, the osi_release command can be used without running an analysis first, for fast development, using a fake report:

python osi_release <analysis-request-slug> <user-name>

Dumping co-pilot reporting data

Co-pilots have a report they run every few months, building on data from this service.

To produce a dump in the format they need you will need to install db-to-sqlite via pip, pipx, or your installer of choice. You will also need to set the DATABASE_URL environment variable.

Then run just dump-co-pilot-reporting-data.

Ensuring paired field state with CheckConstraints

We have various paired fields in our database models. These are often, but not limited to fields which track who performed an action and when they performed it. It's useful to be able to ensure these related fields are in the correct state.

Enter Django's CheckConstraint constraint which allows us to encode that relationship at the database level. We can set these in a model's Meta and use a Q object for the check kwarg. See the common patterns section below for some examples.

Common patterns

Both set or null

This example shows how you can ensure both fields are set or null. This is our most common usage at the time of writing.

With some fields that look like this:

frobbed_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
frobbed_by = models.ForeignKey(

Your CheckConstraint which covers both states looks like this:

class Meta:
    constraints = [
                | (

You can then test these constraints like so:

def test_mymodel_constraints_frobbed_at_and_frobbed_by_both_set():
    MyModelFactory(, frobbed_by=UserFactory())

def test_mymodel_constraints_frobbed_at_and_frobbed_by_neither_set():
    MyModelFactory(frobbed_at=None, frobbed_by=None)

def test_mymodel_constraints_missing_frobbed_at_or_frobbed_by():
    with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
        MyModelFactory(frobbed_at=None, frobbed_by=UserFactory())

    with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
        MyModelFactory(, frobbed_by=None)

updated_at and updated_by

This is very similar to the pattern above, except we use auto_now=True and don't allow nulls in the fields, which means we don't have to account for nulls in the constraint:

updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
updated_by = models.ForeignKey(

class Meta:
    constraints = [
            condition=Q(updated_at__isnull=False, updated_by__isnull=False),

The use of auto_now also changes how we test this constraint. It cannot be overridden when using any part of the ORM which touches save() because it's set there. So we lean on update() instead:

def test_mymodel_constraints_updated_at_and_updated_by_both_set():

def test_mymodel_constraints_missing_updated_at_or_updated_by():
    with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):

    with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
        mymodel = MyModelFactory(updated_by=UserFactory())

        # use update to work around auto_now always firing on save()

Auditing events

We track events that we want in our audit trail with the AuditableEvent model. It avoids foreign keys so any related model isn't blocked from being deleted

As such constructing these models can be a little onerous, so we have started wrapping the triggering event, eg adding a user to a project, with a function that does both that and sets up the AuditableEvent instance. These are currently called commands because naming things is hard, and they will, we hope, be better organised in the near future into a domain layer. In the meantime, it's just useful to know that creating AuditableEvent instances can be easier.


Since AuditableEvents have no relationships to the models they record changes in we have to manually look up those models, where we can for display in the UI. The presenters package exists to handle all of this. There are a few key parts to it.

AuditableEvents have a type field which tracks the event type they were created for.

get_presenter() takes an AuditableEvent instance and returns the relevant presenter function, or raises an UnknownPresenter exception.

Presenter functions take an AuditableEvent instance and trust that the caller is passing in one relevant to that function.

At the time of writing we only display events in the staff area so there is no way to change how presenters build their context, or what template they choose. We're aware that we might want to display them as a general feed on the site. If this turns out to be the case the author's expectation is that we will use inversion of control so the calling view can decide the context in which presenters are used. This will most likely affect the template used for each event, and where each object links to, if anywhere.


Descriptions of interfaces between this repo or container and others. These interfaces can be changed, through coordination with the relevant teams.

Except where mentioned otherwise, URLs are relative to the root of the Job Server API endpoint ( in production).

Management commands might be used in other repos' tooling and CI. While not required, it's helpful to check for downstream impacts if you change their API.

Job Runner interface

Job Runner is a container that runs in a secure backend. It executes JobRequests initiated by users of Job Server.

This interacts with jobserver/api/ It uses the JobRequestAPIList endpoint (GET /job-requests/) for reading JobRequests. It uses the JobAPIUpdate endpoint (POST /jobs/) for updating the Job table. (Current as of 2024-09.)

Refer to the documentation of jobrunner.sync for Job Runner's documentation of this interface.

Airlock interface

Airlock is a container that runs in a secure backend. Researchers interact with it to view moderately sensitive outputs produced by Job Runner, to view log output from jobs, and to create requests to release files. Users with the OutputChecker role interact with it to review such release requests and to manage the release of files to Job Server.

Airlock refers to Job Server's permissions model to determine what users can do. The code it needs is in jobserver/api/ The endpoints it uses are Level4TokenAuthenticationAPI (GET /releases/authenticate/) and Level4AuthorisationAPI (GET /releases/authorise/). It receives the results of build_level4_user to determine whether a user is an OutputChecker, and which workspaces they can access. (Current as of 2024-09.)

When releases are approved, Airlock triggers creation of a Release for the associated Workspace on Job Server through the jobserver/api/ ReleaseWorkspaceAPI endpoint (POST /releases/workspace/{workspace_name}). Files are uploaded from Airlock to Job Server through the ReleaseAPIendpoint (POST releases/release/{release_id}). (Current as of 2024-09.)

Notifications of events related to release requests are triggered through the airlock_event_view endpoint (POST /airlock/events/), which is currently the only responsibility of the airlock app within Job Server. Depending on the event, users are notified by email, Slack or by creating/updating GitHub issues. (Current as of 2024-09.)