diff --git a/src/methods/scprint/config.vsh.yaml b/src/methods/scprint/config.vsh.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12100df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/methods/scprint/config.vsh.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+__merge__: /src/api/base_method.yaml
+name: scprint
+label: scPRINT
+summary: scPRINT is a large transformer model built for the inference of gene networks
+description: |
+  scPRINT is a large transformer model built for the inference of gene networks
+  (connections between genes explaining the cell's expression profile) from
+  scRNAseq data.
+  It uses novel encoding and decoding of the cell expression profile and new
+  pre-training methodologies to learn a cell model.
+  scPRINT can be used to perform the following analyses:
+  - expression denoising: increase the resolution of your scRNAseq data
+  - cell embedding: generate a low-dimensional representation of your dataset
+  - label prediction: predict the cell type, disease, sequencer, sex, and
+    ethnicity of your cells
+  - gene network inference: generate a gene network from any cell or cell
+    cluster in your scRNAseq dataset
+  doi:
+    - 10.1101/2024.07.29.605556
+  documentation: https://cantinilab.github.io/scPRINT/
+  repository: https://github.com/cantinilab/scPRINT
+  preferred_normalization: counts
+  method_types: [embedding]
+  variants:
+    scprint_large:
+      model_name: "large"
+    scprint_medium:
+      model_name: "medium"
+    scprint_small:
+      model_name: "small"
+  - name: "--model_name"
+    type: "string"
+    description: Which model to use. Not used if --model is provided.
+    choices: ["large", "medium", "small"]
+    default: "large"
+  - name: --model
+    type: file
+    description: Path to the scPRINT model.
+    required: false
+  - type: python_script
+    path: script.py
+  - path: /src/utils/read_anndata_partial.py
+  - type: docker
+    image: openproblems/base_pytorch_nvidia:1.0.0
+    setup:
+      - type: python
+        pip:
+          - huggingface_hub
+          - scprint
+      - type: docker
+        run: lamin init --storage ./main --name main --schema bionty
+      - type: python
+        script: import bionty as bt; bt.core.sync_all_sources_to_latest()
+      - type: docker
+        run: lamin load anonymous/main
+      - type: python
+        script: from scdataloader.utils import populate_my_ontology; populate_my_ontology()
+  - type: executable
+  - type: nextflow
+    directives:
+      label: [midtime, midmem, midcpu, gpu]
diff --git a/src/methods/scprint/script.py b/src/methods/scprint/script.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1d6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/methods/scprint/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import anndata as ad
+from scdataloader import Preprocessor
+import sys
+from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
+from scprint.tasks import Embedder
+from scprint import scPrint
+import scprint
+import torch
+import os
+par = {
+    "input": "resources_test/task_batch_integration/cxg_immune_cell_atlas/dataset.h5ad",
+    "output": "output.h5ad",
+    "model_name": "large",
+    "model": None,
+meta = {"name": "scprint"}
+from read_anndata_partial import read_anndata
+print(f"====== scPRINT version {scprint.__version__} ======", flush=True)
+print("\n>>> Reading input data...", flush=True)
+input = read_anndata(par["input"], X="layers/counts", obs="obs", var="var", uns="uns")
+if input.uns["dataset_organism"] == "homo_sapiens":
+    input.obs["organism_ontology_term_id"] = "NCBITaxon:9606"
+elif input.uns["dataset_organism"] == "mus_musculus":
+    input.obs["organism_ontology_term_id"] = "NCBITaxon:10090"
+    raise ValueError(
+        f"scPRINT requires human or mouse data, not '{input.uns['dataset_organism']}'"
+    )
+adata = input.copy()
+print("\n>>> Preprocessing data...", flush=True)
+preprocessor = Preprocessor(
+    # Lower this threshold for test datasets
+    min_valid_genes_id=1000 if input.n_vars < 2000 else 10000,
+    # Turn off cell filtering to return results for all cells
+    filter_cell_by_counts=False,
+    min_nnz_genes=False,
+    do_postp=False,
+    # Skip ontology checks
+    skip_validate=True,
+adata = preprocessor(adata)
+model_checkpoint_file = par["model"]
+if model_checkpoint_file is None:
+    print(f"\n>>> Downloading '{par['model_name']}' model...", flush=True)
+    model_checkpoint_file = hf_hub_download(
+        repo_id="jkobject/scPRINT", filename=f"{par['model_name']}.ckpt"
+    )
+print(f"Model checkpoint file: '{model_checkpoint_file}'", flush=True)
+model = scPrint.load_from_checkpoint(
+    model_checkpoint_file,
+    transformer="normal",  # Don't use this for GPUs with flashattention
+    precpt_gene_emb=None,
+print("\n>>> Embedding data...", flush=True)
+if torch.cuda.is_available():
+    print("CUDA is available, using GPU", flush=True)
+    precision = "16"
+    dtype = torch.float16
+    print("CUDA is not available, using CPU", flush=True)
+    precision = "32"
+    dtype = torch.float32
+n_cores_available = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
+print(f"Using {n_cores_available} worker cores")
+embedder = Embedder(
+    how="random expr",
+    max_len=4000,
+    add_zero_genes=0,
+    num_workers=n_cores_available,
+    doclass=False,
+    doplot=False,
+    precision=precision,
+    dtype=dtype,
+embedded, _ = embedder(model, adata, cache=False)
+print("\n>>> Storing output...", flush=True)
+output = ad.AnnData(
+    obs=input.obs[[]],
+    var=input.var[[]],
+    obsm={
+        "X_emb": embedded.obsm["scprint"],
+    },
+    uns={
+        "dataset_id": input.uns["dataset_id"],
+        "normalization_id": input.uns["normalization_id"],
+        "method_id": meta["name"],
+    },
+print("\n>>> Writing output AnnData to file...", flush=True)
+output.write_h5ad(par["output"], compression="gzip")
+print("\n>>> Done!", flush=True)
diff --git a/src/workflows/run_benchmark/config.vsh.yaml b/src/workflows/run_benchmark/config.vsh.yaml
index 1047ea8..75c9300 100644
--- a/src/workflows/run_benchmark/config.vsh.yaml
+++ b/src/workflows/run_benchmark/config.vsh.yaml
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ dependencies:
   - name: methods/scanvi
   - name: methods/scgpt
   - name: methods/scimilarity
+  - name: methods/scprint
   - name: methods/scvi
   - name: methods/uce
   # metrics
diff --git a/src/workflows/run_benchmark/main.nf b/src/workflows/run_benchmark/main.nf
index aaacb43..afcb968 100644
--- a/src/workflows/run_benchmark/main.nf
+++ b/src/workflows/run_benchmark/main.nf
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ methods = [
     args: [model: file("s3://openproblems-work/cache/scimilarity-model_v1.1.tar.gz")]
+  scprint,
     args: [model: file("s3://openproblems-work/cache/uce-model-v5.zip")]