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+ spiketools: a Python package for analyzing single-unit
+neural activity
+ Thomas
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+ The origin of extracellular fields and
+currents - EEG, ECoG, LFP and spikes
+ Buzsáki
+ Nature Reviews Neuroscience
+ 6
+ 13
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+ 1471-003X
+ 2012
+ Buzsáki, G., Anastassiou, C. A.,
+& Koch, C. (2012). The origin of extracellular fields and currents -
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+ SpikeInterface, a unified framework for spike
+ Buccino
+ eLife
+ 9
+ 10.7554/eLife.61834
+ 2050-084X
+ 2020
+ Buccino, A. P., Hurwitz, C. L.,
+Garcia, S., Magland, J., Siegle, J. H., Hurwitz, R., & Hennig, M. H.
+(2020). SpikeInterface, a unified framework for spike sorting. eLife, 9,
+e61834. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.61834
+ NeuroDSP: A package for neural digital signal
+ Cole
+ Journal of Open Source
+ 36
+ 4
+ 10.21105/joss.01272
+ 2475-9066
+ 2019
+ Cole, S. R., Donoghue, T., Gao, R.,
+& Voytek, B. (2019). NeuroDSP: A package for neural digital signal
+processing. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(36), 1272.
+ Single neurons in the human medial temporal
+lobe flexibly shift representations across spatial and memory
+ Donoghue
+ Hippocampus
+ 5
+ 33
+ 10.1002/hipo.23539
+ 1050-9631
+ 2023
+ Donoghue, T., Cao, R., Han, C. Z.,
+Holman, C. M., Brandmeir, N. J., Wang, S., & Jacobs, J. (2023).
+Single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe flexibly shift
+representations across spatial and memory tasks. Hippocampus, 33(5),
+600–615. https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23539
+ Array programming with NumPy
+ Harris
+ Nature
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+ 0028-0836
+ 2020
+ Harris, C. R., Millman, K. J., Walt,
+S. J. van der, Gommers, R., Virtanen, P., Cournapeau, D., Wieser, E.,
+Taylor, J., Berg, S., Smith, N. J., Kern, R., Picus, M., Hoyer, S.,
+Kerkwijk, M. H. van, Brett, M., Haldane, A., Río, J. F. del, Wiebe, M.,
+Peterson, P., … Oliphant, T. E. (2020). Array programming with NumPy.
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+ Matplotlib: A 2D Graphics
+ Hunter
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+ 2007
+ Hunter, J. D. (2007). Matplotlib: A
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+ Data Structures for Statistical Computing in
+ McKinney
+ Proceedings of the 9th Python in Science
+ 10.25080/Majora-92bf1922-00a
+ 2010
+ McKinney, W. (2010). Data Structures
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+ Neo: An object model for handling
+electrophysiology data in multiple formats
+ Garcia
+ Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
+ 8
+ 10.3389/fninf.2014.00010
+ 1662-5196
+ 2014
+ Garcia, S., Guarino, D., Jaillet, F.,
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+ Past, present and future of spike sorting
+ Rey
+ Brain Research Bulletin
+ 119
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+ 2015
+ Rey, H. G., Pedreira, C., & Quian
+Quiroga, R. (2015). Past, present and future of spike sorting
+techniques. Brain Research Bulletin, 119, 106–117.
+ Statsmodels: Econometric and Statistical
+Modeling with Python
+ Seabold
+ 10.25080/Majora-92bf1922-011
+ 2010
+ Seabold, S., & Perktold, J.
+(2010). Statsmodels: Econometric and Statistical Modeling with Python.
+ SciPy 1.0: Fundamental algorithms for
+scientific computing in Python
+ Virtanen
+ Nature Methods
+ 3
+ 17
+ 10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2
+ 1548-7091
+ 2020
+ Virtanen, P., Gommers, R., Oliphant,
+T. E., Haberland, M., Reddy, T., Cournapeau, D., Burovski, E., Peterson,
+P., Weckesser, W., Bright, J., Walt, S. J. van der, Brett, M., Wilson,
+J., Millman, K. J., Mayorov, N., Nelson, A. R. J., Jones, E., Kern, R.,
+Larson, E., … Contributors, S. 1.0. (2020). SciPy 1.0: Fundamental
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+spiketools: a Python package for analyzing single-unit
+neural activity
+Claire Zhixian
+Salman Ehtesham
+Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia
+Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
+Department of Neurological Surgery, Columbia
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+single unit activity
+ Summary
A common method of collecting and analyzing neural activity is to
+ implant electrodes that record the electrical activity of the brain,
+ from which action potentials of individual neurons can be recorded
+ (Buzsáki
+ et al., 2012). After pre-processing to detect spike waveforms
+ and cluster them into groups representing putative single neurons
+ (Rey
+ et al., 2015), this data can be used to investigate how neurons
+ in the brain encode and process information. Analyzing single-unit
+ activity requires dedicated analysis approaches, including
+ representing spiking activity as spike times and/or binary spike
+ trains, and analysis tools that allow for associating this activity to
+ features of interest, for example the position of the subject in space
+ or the properties of presented visual stimuli. To assist in this
+ process, spiketools is a package designed to be
+ used by neuroscientists for analyzing spiking activity.
spiketools is written in the Python
+ programming language, built on existing tools in the scientific Python
+ ecosystem, and developed using best-practice procedures. The module is
+ accompanied by a
+ documentation
+ site that includes detailed
+ tutorials
+ for each of the modules, which are described below, as well as
+ suggested workflows for combining them.
Modules in spiketools include:
measures : measures and conversions that can be applied to
+ spiking data
objects : objects that can be used for managing spiking
+ data
spatial : space related functionality and measures
stats : statistical measures for analyzing spiking data
sim : simulations of spiking activity and related
+ functionality
plts : plotting functions for visualizing spiking data and
+ related measures
utils : additional utilities for working with spiking data
spiketools has the following required
+ dependencies:
numpy : used for managing and computing with arrays
+ (Harris
+ et al., 2020)
scipy : used for some existing algorithms
+ (Virtanen
+ et al., 2020)
pandas : used for managing heterogeneous data
+ (McKinney,
+ 2010)
matplotlib : used for plotting
+ (Hunter,
+ 2007)
spiketools also has some optional
+ dependencies that offer extra functionality:
statsmodels : used for additional statistical measures
+ (Seabold
+ & Perktold, 2010)
+ Statement of Need
spiketools is an open-source Python package
+ for analyzing spiking neural data. Spiking neural activity is an
+ idiosyncratic data stream with specific properties that requires
+ specialized analysis tools including dedicated algorithms and
+ statistical tools. Despite the popularity of this kind of data, there
+ is currently a lack of openly available and maintained tools for this
+ kind of data, especially within the Python ecosystem.
+ spiketools therefore fills a niche, leveraging
+ the power of the scientific Python ecosystem, while providing
+ dedicated implementations for the specific requirements of spiking
+ data.
Benefits of spiketools include that it
+ follows modular organization, includes a test suite, follows a release
+ cycle with versioned updates, and includes documentation and
+ tutorials. spiketools is designed with a
+ lightweight architecture in which functions take in arrays of spike
+ times or spike trains, thus offering a flexible toolbox for custom
+ analyses of spiking data. This approach also makes the tool flexible
+ such that it can be integrated into existing codebases and workflows
+ that use other tools. As part of the open-source Python ecosystem,
+ spiketools also allows for sharing open-code that others can see and
+ re-use. For example, spiketools has been
+ demonstrated in an empirical project analyzing single-unit activity
+ collected from human neuro-surgical patients, with openly available
+ code showing all the analyses
+ (Donoghue
+ et al., 2023).
spiketools also offers a module for
+ simulations, offering several methods for simulating spiking activity
+ with specified parameters. Note that these simulations are designed to
+ mimic the statistics of single unit spiking activity, but are not
+ designed to replicate or reflect biophysical properties of neurons,
+ and therefore should not be over-interpreted as biophysically
+ realistic. Nevertheless, this simulation system allows for method
+ testing, as new methods and implementations can be tested against
+ synthetic data for which ground truth parameters are known.
+ Related Projects
spiketools complements related tools that
+ support other functionality in the ecosystem, including
+ neo
+ (Garcia
+ et al., 2014), which supports loading and working with
+ electrophysiological data, and spike interface
+ (Buccino
+ et al., 2020), which implements and supports spike-sorting
+ related functionality. spiketools is designed
+ with a lightweight architecture - whereby it manages data in common
+ data types such as numpy arrays, without requiring any specific or
+ idiosyncratic data formats. As such, this allows for integration with
+ other related tools, for example, it could be used in combination with
+ NeuroDSP
+ (Cole
+ et al., 2019), which provides functionality for analyzing
+ neural time series, in order to examine relationships between spiking
+ activity and the local field potential.
+ Conclusion
The spiketools Python package offers
+ functionality for analyzing single-unit activity that can be collected
+ from human subjects and/or animal models, contributing to the
+ ecosystem of scientific tools for analyzing neuroscience data.
+ Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the Jacobs Lab for useful discussions
+ throughout the development of this toolbox. This work was supported by
+ National Institute of Health (NIH) grants U01-NS121472 and
+ 2R01-MH104606, as well as funding from the National Science Foundation
+ (NSF).
+ BuzsákiGyörgy
+ AnastassiouCostas A.
+ KochChristof
+ The origin of extracellular fields and currents - EEG, ECoG, LFP and spikes
+ 2012
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+ BuccinoAlessio P
+ HurwitzCole L
+ GarciaSamuel
+ MaglandJeremy
+ SiegleJoshua H
+ HurwitzRoger
+ HennigMatthias H
+ SpikeInterface, a unified framework for spike sorting
+ 2020
+ 9
+ 2050-084X
+ https://elifesciences.org/articles/61834
+ 10.7554/eLife.61834
+ e61834
+ ColeScott R.
+ DonoghueThomas
+ GaoRichard
+ VoytekBradley
+ NeuroDSP: A package for neural digital signal processing
+ 2019
+ 4
+ 36
+ 2475-9066
+ http://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.01272
+ 10.21105/joss.01272
+ 1272
+ DonoghueThomas
+ CaoRunnan
+ HanClaire Z.
+ HolmanCameron Monteith
+ BrandmeirNicholas J.
+ WangShuo
+ JacobsJoshua
+ Single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe flexibly shift representations across spatial and memory tasks
+ 2023
+ 33
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+ 1050-9631
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+ HarrisCharles R.
+ MillmanK. Jarrod
+ WaltStéfan J. van der
+ GommersRalf
+ VirtanenPauli
+ CournapeauDavid
+ WieserEric
+ TaylorJulian
+ BergSebastian
+ SmithNathaniel J.
+ KernRobert
+ PicusMatti
+ HoyerStephan
+ KerkwijkMarten H. van
+ BrettMatthew
+ HaldaneAllan
+ RíoJaime Fernández del
+ WiebeMark
+ PetersonPearu
+ Gérard-MarchantPierre
+ SheppardKevin
+ ReddyTyler
+ WeckesserWarren
+ AbbasiHameer
+ GohlkeChristoph
+ OliphantTravis E.
+ Array programming with NumPy
+ 2020
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+ Matplotlib: A 2D Graphics Environment
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+ McKinneyWes
+ Data Structures for Statistical Computing in Python
+ 2010
+ 10.25080/Majora-92bf1922-00a
+ GarciaSamuel
+ GuarinoDomenico
+ JailletFlorent
+ JenningsTodd
+ PröpperRobert
+ RautenbergPhilipp L.
+ RodgersChris C.
+ SobolevAndrey
+ WachtlerThomas
+ YgerPierre
+ DavisonAndrew P.
+ Neo: An object model for handling electrophysiology data in multiple formats
+ 2014
+ 8
+ 1662-5196
+ http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fninf.2014.00010/abstract
+ 10.3389/fninf.2014.00010
+ ReyHernan Gonzalo
+ PedreiraCarlos
+ Quian QuirogaRodrigo
+ Past, present and future of spike sorting techniques
+ 2015
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+ PerktoldJosef
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+ VirtanenPauli
+ GommersRalf
+ OliphantTravis E.
+ HaberlandMatt
+ ReddyTyler
+ CournapeauDavid
+ BurovskiEvgeni
+ PetersonPearu
+ WeckesserWarren
+ BrightJonathan
+ WaltStéfan J. van der
+ BrettMatthew
+ WilsonJoshua
+ MillmanK. Jarrod
+ MayorovNikolay
+ NelsonAndrew R. J.
+ JonesEric
+ KernRobert
+ LarsonEric
+ CareyC J
+ Polatİlhan
+ FengYu
+ MooreEric W.
+ VanderPlasJake
+ LaxaldeDenis
+ PerktoldJosef
+ CimrmanRobert
+ HenriksenIan
+ QuinteroE. A.
+ HarrisCharles R.
+ ArchibaldAnne M.
+ RibeiroAntônio H.
+ PedregosaFabian
+ MulbregtPaul van
+ ContributorsScipy 1.0
+ SciPy 1.0: Fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python
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