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+ ur-scape: harnessing data for stakeholder participation
+in city-making processes
+ David
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+ Muhammad Salihin Bin
+ Zaol-kefli
+ Yuhao
+ Lu
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+ The digital transformation of
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+ Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics
+and City Science
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+ 2021
+ Batty, M. (2021). The digital
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+and City Science.
+ Platform urbanism: negotiating platform
+ecosystems in connected cities
+ Barns
+ 2020
+ Barns, S. (2020). Platform urbanism:
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+ Free and open source urbanism: Software for
+urban planning practice
+ Yap
+ Computers, Environment and Urban
+ 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2022.101825
+ 2022
+ Yap, W., Janssen, P., & Biljecki,
+F. (2022). Free and open source urbanism: Software for urban planning
+practice. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
+ Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s
+Empowerment (Phase 2): Future Cities, Future Women Initiative Bandung
+Consultant’s Report
+ Asian Development Bank (ADB)
+ 2019
+ Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2019).
+Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (Phase 2): Future
+Cities, Future Women Initiative Bandung Consultant’s Report.
+ Manual on Leveraging Spatial Data for
+Pandemic-Resilient Cities (Report)
+ Future Cities Laboratory Global
+ 2021
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+ Livable Settlements Investment Project
+ 2021
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+Project. (2021). Urban Resilience Assessment of Cirebon City (Report).
+ Slum Assessment for Makassar City
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+ Geographic information system: Old principles
+with new capabilities
+ Maliene
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+ 2011
+ Maliene, V., Grigonis, V.,
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+ The New Science of Cities
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+ A unified theory of urban
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+ 10.1038/467912a
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+ Bettencourt, L., & Geoffrey, W.
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+ Geodesign by integrating design and geospatial
+ Lee
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+J. (2014). Geodesign by integrating design and geospatial sciences.
+Springer International Publishing.
+ Strengthening Participation Using Interactive
+Planning Support Systems: A Systematic Review
+ Flacke J
+ 10.3390/ijgi9010049
+ 2020
+ Flacke J, Rehana, S, & Aguilar,
+R. (2020). Strengthening Participation Using Interactive Planning
+Support Systems: A Systematic Review.
+ Planning support systems best practice and
+new methods
+ Geertman
+ 2009
+ Geertman, S., & Stillwell, J.
+(2009). Planning support systems best practice and new
+ Geodesign in Practice: What about the urban
+ Pelzer
+ 10.1007/978-3-319-08299-8_21
+ 2013
+ Pelzer, P., Brömmelstroet, M. T.,
+& S., G. (2013). Geodesign in Practice: What about the urban
+ Semantic City Planning Systems (SCPS): A
+Literature Review
+ von Richthofen
+ 10.1177/08854122211068526
+ 2022
+ von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P.,
+Kraft, M., & Cairns, S. (2022). Semantic City Planning Systems
+(SCPS): A Literature Review.
+ A framework for geodesign: Changing geography
+by design
+ Haddad
+ 10.1177/0739456X15581606
+ 2012
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+ World Urbanization Prospects
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+ur-scape: harnessing data for stakeholder participation
+in city-making processes
+Muhammad Salihin Bin
+Future Cities Laboratory Global, Singapore-ETH Centre,
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+ Summary
The growing technical sophistication of city planning software M.
+ Batty
+ (2013)
+ has produced increasingly specialised work flows that tend to
+ alineate, rather than engage, stakeholders Yap et al.
+ (2022).
+ This contradicts the basic purpose of such software – or Planning
+ Support Systems (PSS) – to improve the sustainability and long-term
+ resilience of cities by harnessing increasing volumes of digital data
+ to encourage greater stakeholder participation in city-making
+ processes von Richthofen et al.
+ (2022).
The disconnection of data from stakeholders is especially
+ debilitating for rapidly urbanising regions in Asia and Africa. Cities
+ in these regions are growing at unprecedented rates
+ (UN
+ Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2018) and typically
+ mix both formal and informal, urban and rural land-uses. The uneven,
+ dynamic and ambiguous settlement patterns and data landscape that
+ result are not always readily described with definitive,
+ boundary-oriented and line-based graphical conventions. The policy
+ makers, developers, investors, civil society actors, academics and the
+ general public here urgently need access to reliable data in
+ appropriate formats to support the planning of their cities and
+ regions.
ur-scape aims to offer solutions as part of the dataful way of
+ city-making and city-managing. Specifically, ur-scape is an
+ open-source planning support software designed to respond to the
+ issues of rapid urbanisation in Asia and Africa. Supported by Unity
+ game-engine, ur-scape aims to improve stakeholder access to data
+ through an innovative data rendering format and an intuitive UI/UX
+ concept.
+ Statement of need
The data rendering format prioritises (raster-based) continuous
+ grid-based data fields. We call this techniques ‘gridded Venn
+ diagrams’ (Figure 1).
+ ur-scape displays gridded data with an additive colour-mixed Venn
+ diagrammatic representation at each centroid. Each coloured circle in
+ the Venn diagram carries data from a given data set, be it population
+ density, poverty, night-light, or CO2 emissions. As each centroid can
+ accommodate a theoretically infinite number of colour-mixed circles
+ arrayed around it, this rendering format facilitates layering and
+ viewing multiple datasets at once. By avoiding the cumbersome data
+ layering techniques typical of current PSS (through manipulations of
+ opacity and transparency levels), this format encourages rapid and
+ simple analyses of diverse kinds of data.
Illustrations of gridded Venn diagram concept at various
+ scales.
This approach is combined with an intuitive UI/UX concept based on
+ simple and well-known gesture-based interaction formats – touch,
+ pinch, zoom. The interaction concept is supported by a range of
+ intuitive and “on-the-fly” analytical tools – such as contouring of
+ multiple geospatial dataset intersections, transects and dissects –
+ that make the most of the gridded Venn diagram approach in combination
+ with multiple base maps (satellite, cadastral, traffic, and OSM).
+ Utilising Unity’s processing and rendering capability, ur-scape is
+ able to dynamically adjust image resolution based on the zoom level
+ (i.e. extent of the dataset) to provide a fluent and seamless user
+ experience even with large global datasets. Detailed descriptions and
+ how-to instructions can be found in our website:
+ https://ur-scape.sec.sg/en/Tutorials
This gives ur-scape a number of advantages over conventional
+ planning support software:
Integrates data management. Metadata input is mandatory and
+ built-in in to ur-scape’s import procedure which ensures that
+ users develop the habit of initiating and maintaining accurate
+ metadata. This is particularly needed in the rapidly urbanising
+ regions in Asia and Africa.
Supports problem-setting and problem-solving. The inclusion of
+ data of varying quality is often more effective is shaping agendas
+ than high object- and boundary-precision data
+ (Pelzer
+ et al., 2013). This approach supports users to shape and
+ prioritise problem statements based on the dynamic geographical,
+ institutional and data contexts in which they are working.
Offers quick access for non-expert. The intuitive UI/UX does
+ not require users to undergo intensive training, so facilitates
+ almost immediate interaction between expert and non-expert around
+ real-time spatial data
+ (Figure 2).
Enhances iterative experimentation with best available data.
+ ur-scape encourages users to make best use of uneven data quality
+ by enabling rapid and repeated trialling of diverse data sets,
+ including the use of data proxies where bespoke data is not
+ available.
A conceptual comparison between conventional work and
+ ur-scape workflow involving data and disciplinary-specific
+ experts.
+ Use cases
ur-scape was developed in collaboration with a number of government
+ agencies and multilateral institutions in East, South and Southeast
+ Asia which were addressing a range of practical challenges concerning
+ rapid urbanisation. For example, ur-scape was deployed in a number of
+ projects such as gender equality and female empowerment in Bandung,
+ Indonesia
+ (Asian
+ Development Bank (ADB), 2019), spatial planning during COVID-19
+ pandemic
+ (Future
+ Cities Laboratory Global, 2021), urban resilience
+ (Livable
+ Settlements Investment Project, 2021b), and slum assessment
+ (Livable
+ Settlements Investment Project, 2021a).
+ ur-scape architecture
ur-scape was developed in both game engine (Unity) and web-based
+ environments. The desktop game-engine-enabled version supports
+ real-time rendering. The desktop-based version compatible with a
+ variety of platforms including Windows, MacOS, and Web is currently
+ under development.
Generally, ur-scape is structured under four key components:
+ preparation, data, app, and develop
+ (Figure 3). In the
+ preparation stage, users interact with Mapbox to prepare the custom
+ base maps they wish to render in the application. See
+ detailed
+ tutorials. In the current version of ur-scape (version
+ 0.9.95), users also rely on QGIS to prepare and export both raster and
+ vector data to a .csv format
+ (see
+ documentation). Metadata input is a required step when
+ importing data into ur-scape. In the Data stage, data from the
+ previous stage (i.e. csv files) are placed in ur-scape’s Data folder
+ along with other data files (i.e. in-built tools and application
+ configuration data files) used for the application’s interpretation.
+ This leads to the App stage whereby the application interprets all the
+ data files and renders them on an interactive map (set up via Mapbox
+ during the initial installation of ur-scape). A list of sites
+ containing data layers are also available for users to interact with.
+ Site panel is a useful feature for projects involving local datasets
+ with different data layer categories or in a different language.
Users can make use of the in-built tools to interact with and
+ analyse the GIS data. Currently, ur-scape supports a total number of
+ 11
+ tools with various complexity and data requirements. The
+ folder structure of existing and new tools, as well as the
+ application’s platform configuration files are illustrated in
+ Figure 3.
Core components and folder structure of ur-scape
+ software.
+ Future developments
The development of ur-scape is based on the integrated
+ socio-technical goals outlined above and is guided by three
+ principles: streamlined workflow (i.e. bypassing QGIS importer),
+ web-friendly (i.e. browser-based), open-ended (i.e. be able to export
+ results as GIS datasets such as GeoTIFF or GeoJSON).
+ Acknowledgement
ur-scape was developed at Future Cities Laboratory (FCL). FCL was
+ established by ETH-Zürich and Singapore’s National Research Foundation
+ (NRF), and operates under the auspices of the Singapore-ETH Centre
+ (SEC) at the CREATE campus in Singapore. We thank the NRF, Asian
+ Development Bank (ADB) and State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
+ (SECO) for funding the research. We thank our partners in Indonesia
+ and Vietnam and colleagues at FCL for their feedback, suggestions and
+ support in the development of ur-scape.
+ BattyM.
+ The digital transformation of planning
+ 2021
+ 10.1177/23998083211016122
+ BarnsS
+ Springer Nature
+ 2020
+ YapW.
+ JanssenP.
+ BiljeckiF
+ Free and open source urbanism: Software for urban planning practice
+ 2022
+ 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2022.101825
+ Asian Development Bank (ADB)
+ Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (Phase 2): Future Cities, Future Women Initiative Bandung Consultant’s Report
+ 2019
+ https://www.adb.org/projects/documents/reg-48206-001-tacr-3
+ Future Cities Laboratory Global
+ Manual on Leveraging Spatial Data for Pandemic-Resilient Cities (Report)
+ 2021
+ https://events.development.asia/system/files/materials/2021/06/202106-manual-leveraging-spatial-data-pandemic-resilient-cities.pdf
+ Livable Settlements Investment Project
+ Urban Resilience Assessment of Cirebon City (Report)
+ 2021
+ https://www.livingcities.se/uploads/1/5/3/3/15335706/cirebon_urban_resilience_assessment_-_adb_lsip.pdf
+ Livable Settlements Investment Project
+ Slum Assessment for Makassar City (Report)
+ 2021
+ https://www.livingcities.se/uploads/1/5/3/3/15335706/lsip_makassar_report_eng.pdf
+ MalieneV.
+ GrigonisV.
+ PalevičiusV
+ GriffithsS
+ Geographic information system: Old principles with new capabilities
+ 2011
+ 10.1057/udi.2010.25
+ BattyM
+ The New Science of Cities
+ 2013
+ BettencourtL
+ GeoffreyW
+ A unified theory of urban living
+ 2010
+ 10.1038/467912a
+ LeeD
+ DiasE
+ ScholtenH. J
+ Springer International Publishing
+ 2014
+ https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-08299-8
+ Flacke J
+ RehanaS
+ AguilarR
+ Strengthening Participation Using Interactive Planning Support Systems: A Systematic Review
+ 2020
+ 10.3390/ijgi9010049
+ GeertmanStan
+ StillwellJ.
+ Planning support systems best practice and new methods
+ 2009
+ PelzerP.
+ BrömmelstroetM. T.
+ S.Geertman
+ Geodesign in Practice: What about the urban designers
+ 2013
+ 10.1007/978-3-319-08299-8_21
+ von RichthofenA
+ HerthogsP
+ KraftM
+ CairnsS
+ Semantic City Planning Systems (SCPS): A Literature Review
+ 2022
+ 10.1177/08854122211068526
+ HaddadM
+ A framework for geodesign: Changing geography by design
+ 2012
+ 10.1177/0739456X15581606
+ UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
+ World Urbanization Prospects
+ 2018
+ ZwickP.
+ The world beyond GIS
+ 2010
+ https://trid.trb.org/view/925657
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