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+ Viable North Sea (ViNoS): A NetLogo Agent-based Model
+of German Small-scale Fisheries
+ Carsten
+ Lemmen
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+ Agent-based modeling of environmental conflict
+and cooperation
+ BenDor
+ 10.1201/9781351106252
+ 2019
+ BenDor, T. K., & Scheffran, J.
+(2019). Agent-based modeling of environmental conflict and cooperation
+(1st ed.). CRC Press.
+ The ODD protocol for describing agent-based
+and other simulation models: A second update to improve clarity,
+replication, and structural realism
+ Grimm
+ Journal of Artifical Societies and Social
+ 2
+ 23
+ 10.18564/jasss.4259
+ 2020
+ Grimm, V., Railsback, S. F.,
+Vincenot, C. E., Berger, U., Gallagher, C., Deangelis, D. L., Edmonds,
+B., Ge, J., Giske, J., Groeneveld, J., Johnston, A. S. A., Milles, A.,
+Nabe-Nielsen, J., Polhill, J. G., Radchuk, V., Rohwäder, M. S.,
+Stillman, R. A., Thiele, J. C., & Ayllón, D. (2020). The ODD
+protocol for describing agent-based and other simulation models: A
+second update to improve clarity, replication, and structural realism.
+Journal of Artifical Societies and Social Simulation, 23(2).
+ NetLogo
+ Wilensky
+ 1999
+ Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center
+for Connected Learning; Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern
+University. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/
+ REUSE software
+ 2023
+ REUSE software. (2023). Free Software
+Foundation Europe e.V. https://reuse.software
+ NetLogo how to add a legend?
+ arn
+ 2018
+ arn, Sandoval, J., & Luke C.
+(2018). NetLogo how to add a legend? Stackoverflow.
+ Behavioural diversity in fishing—towards a
+next generation of fishery models
+ Wijermans
+ Fish and Fisheries
+ 5
+ 21
+ 10.1111/faf.12466
+ 2020
+ Wijermans, N., Boonstra, W. J.,
+Orach, K., Hentati-Sundberg, J., & Schlüter, M. (2020). Behavioural
+diversity in fishing—towards a next generation of fishery models. Fish
+and Fisheries, 21(5), 872–890.
+ Modelling complex human systems: A fisheries
+ Allen
+ European Journal of Operational
+ 2
+ 30
+ 10.1016/0377-2217(87)90092-0
+ 0377-2217
+ 1987
+ Allen, P. M., & McGlade, J. M.
+(1987). Modelling complex human systems: A fisheries example. European
+Journal of Operational Research, 30(2), 147–167.
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+Viable North Sea (ViNoS): A NetLogo Agent-based Model of
+German Small-scale Fisheries
+Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute of Coastal Systems -
+Modeling and Analysis, Germany, carsten.lemmen@hereon.de
+Universität Hamburg, Centre for Earth System Research and
+Sustainability (CEN), Germany
+Hochschule Bremerhaven, Research Cluster Life Sciences,
+Bremerhaven, Germany
+* E-mail:
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+Agent-based Model
+North Sea
+MuSSeL project
+ Summary
Viable North Sea (ViNoS) is an Agent-based Model (ABM) of the
+ German Small-scale Fisheries. As a Social-Ecological Systems model it
+ focusses on the adaptive behaviour of fishers facing regulatory,
+ economic, and resource changes. Small-scale fisheries are an important
+ part both of the cultural perception of the German North Sea coast and
+ of its fishing industry. These fisheries are typically family-run
+ operations that use smaller boats and bottom trawling gear to catch a
+ variety of demersal species, foremost plaice, sole, and brown
+ shrimp.
Fishers in the North Sea face area competition with other uses of
+ the sea—long practiced ones like shipping, gas exploration and sand
+ extraction, and currently increasing ones like marine protection and
+ offshore wind farming: German authorities released a maritime spatial
+ plan implementing (1) the need for 30% of protection areas demanded by
+ the United Nations High Seas Treaty and (2) aiming at up to 70 GW of
+ domestic offshore wind power generation by 2045; the European Union is
+ aiming to reduce fisheries in all Marine Protected Areas. Fisheries in
+ the North Sea also have to adjust to the northward migration of their
+ established resources following the climate heating of the water. And
+ they have to re-evaluate their economic balance by figuring in the
+ foreseeable rise in oil price and the need for re-investing into their
+ aged fleet.
+ Statement of need
Socio-economic fishery models are among the earliest application of
+ coupled human and natural systems modeling
+ (Allen
+ & McGlade, 1987). They have often concentrated on Maximum
+ Sustainable Yield, and have been neglecting adaptive behaviour and
+ diversity of fishers
+ (Wijermans
+ et al., 2020). The description of the patial, temporal and
+ structural adaptations of a fishery fleet is the purpose of the ViNoS
+ ABM. It is intended to be used for scenario development for future
+ sustainable fisheries. The ABM describes foremost
where to fish and how far to go out to sea,
how often to go out,
what gear to use and what species to target.
Its scope is the German North Sea small-scale fisheries. These
+ encompass some 300 vessels based and landing in German ports along the
+ North Sea coast and fishing in the German Bight, including but not
+ restricted to Germany’s exclusive economic zone. The target species
+ described by the model are currently limited to the commercially most
+ important ones in this sector: plaice, sole and brown shrimp; the
+ model is extensible to further target species like Norwegian lobster,
+ whiting, or sprat.
The intended audience of the ABM are marine researchers, educators
+ and government agencies concerned with spatial planning, environmental
+ status assessment, and climate change mitigation. The ABM can assist
+ in a stakeholder dialogue with tourism and fishers to contextualise
+ the complexity of the interactions between fisheries economics,
+ changing resources and regulatory restrictions.
+ Key features of the ABM
As a NetLogo implementation, the model comprises a (frontend) user
+ Interface, its basic
+ Info documentation, and the (backend)
+ Code in a single integrated development
+ environment (IDE) provided by NetLogo
+ (Wilensky,
+ 1999, version 6 required), a Java-based portable ABM and system
+ dynamics simulation platform.
The backend (Code) features geospatial data
+ access and integration of multiple georeferenced and tabular data
+ sources, as well as integrating Web Mapping Services to describe the
+ grid-based environmental context. This environmental context is
+ dynamic in time, providing seasonal resource changes and dynamic area
+ closures.
Agents are boats, the gear they use, the strategies they employ,
+ and their prey. All agents are encapsulated in object-oriented design
+ as NetLogo breeds. The agents’ methods
+ implement the decision rules of agents and the resulting interactions
+ between them and with their gridded environment
+ (patches). Key interactions are the movement
+ rules of boats across the seascape, the harvesting of resources, and
+ the cost-benefit analysis of a catch. Adaptation occurs at the level
+ of changing priorities for fishing trips (i.e. gear selection and
+ target species, time and distance preferences) towards increasing
+ expected values of agents, according to the VIABLE model framework
+ (BenDor
+ & Scheffran, 2019).
The user Interface provides an interactive
+ environment, perusing all NetLogo’s graphical features. Informational
+ elements include a (georeferenced) map view,
+ and several histograms and temporal scatter panels. Interactive
+ elements include switches for toggling
+ information on and off, choosers to toggle
+ which information to show, buttons to control
+ the simulation and sliders to adjust boundary
+ conditions, such as the diesel price.
+ Notable programming and software development features
This NetLogo model is a showcase of the integrated use of several
+ extensions to the base language, featuring, amongst other
reading and writing of tabular data (csv
+ extension),
import and export of Geographical Information System layers,
+ both ESRII raster .asc and vector
+ shapefiles .shp, both as local data and
+ interacting with Web Mapping Services and Web Feature Services,
+ from different projections and converted from other file formats
+ like NetCDF and geoTiff (using the gis
+ extension and python preprocessing),
a real-time calendar using the time
+ extension and both tick-based (daily model timestep) as well as
+ discrete event scheduling for substepping.
A notable programming feature is the integration of the legend with
+ the view, a feature that is lacking from the
+ default capabilities of NetLogo. There have been discussions on how to
+ implement a legend using the plot element and
+ using the bitmap extension
+ (arn
+ et al., 2018), but so far this is the only NetLogo model known
+ to the authors implementing a legend with the
+ view using NetLogo’s intrinsic
+ capabilities.
To date, most NetLogo models have not exploited continuous
+ integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD). With our
+ implementation, we demonstrate how CI can be used for NetLogo by
+ making use of NetLogo’s BehaviorSpace tool that
+ runs a suite of unit tests. We also use
+ BehaviorSpace for the CD of generating the
+ resulting maps of fishing effort under different scenarios.
+ Model documentation and license
The model is documented in short form in the NetLogo IDE’s
+ Info section. A full documentation follows the
+ Overview, Design concepts, and Details (ODD,
+ Grimm
+ et al., 2020) standard protocol for ABMs. This standard intends
+ to facilitate model replication and declares, amongst others, a
+ model’s purpose, entities, scales, processes and scheduling, and
+ initial and boundary data. The ViNoS ODD is available in the
+ repository as doc/odd/odd.md. Data from third
+ parties are licensed under a multitude of open source licenses. The
+ model, its results and own proprietary data are released under open
+ source licenses, mostly Apache 2.0 and CC-by-SA 4.0. A comprehensive
+ documentation of all licenses is provided via REUSE
+ Software
+ (2023).
+ Acknowledgements
We acknowledge contributions from W. Nikolaus Probst, Marie Ryan,
+ Jieun Seo, Verena Mühlberger and Kai W. Wirtz for providing feedback,
+ data, fruitful discussions and for contributing to the ODD document.
+ We thank all members of the MuSSeL consortium making this software
+ relevant in a research context. The development of the model was made
+ possible by the grants 03F0862A, 03F0862C, 03F0862D, 03F0862E
+ “Multiple Stressors on North Sea Life” (MuSSeL) within the 3rd
+ Küstenforschung Nord-Ostsee (KüNO) call of the Forschung für
+ Nachhaltigkeit program of the Germany Bundesministerium für Bildung
+ und Forschung (BMBF). We are grateful for the open source community
+ that facilitated this research, amongst them the developers of and
+ contributors to NetLogo, Python, R, pandoc, and LaTeX.
+ BenDorTodd K.
+ ScheffranJürgen
+ CRC Press
+ Boca Raton
+ 2019
+ 1
+ 10.1201/9781351106252
+ GrimmVolker
+ RailsbackSteven F.
+ VincenotChristian E.
+ BergerUta
+ GallagherCara
+ DeangelisDonald L.
+ EdmondsBruce
+ GeJiaqi
+ GiskeJarl
+ GroeneveldJürgen
+ JohnstonAlice S. A.
+ MillesAlexander
+ Nabe-NielsenJacob
+ PolhillJ. Gareth
+ RadchukViktoriia
+ RohwäderMarie Sophie
+ StillmanRichard A.
+ ThieleJan C.
+ AyllónDaniel
+ The ODD protocol for describing agent-based and other simulation models: A second update to improve clarity, replication, and structural realism
+ 2020
+ 23
+ 2
+ 10.18564/jasss.4259
+ WilenskyUri
+ NetLogo
+ Center for Connected Learning; Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University
+ Evanston, IL
+ 1999
+ http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/
+ REUSE software
+ Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
+ 2023
+ 20230402
+ https://reuse.software
+ arn
+ SandovalJavier
+ Luke C
+ NetLogo how to add a legend?
+ Stackoverflow
+ 2018
+ 20230403
+ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51328633/netlogo-how-to-add-a-legend
+ WijermansNanda
+ BoonstraWiebren J.
+ OrachKirill
+ Hentati-SundbergJonas
+ SchlüterMaja
+ Behavioural diversity in fishing—towards a next generation of fishery models
+ 2020
+ 21
+ 5
+ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/faf.12466
+ 10.1111/faf.12466
+ 872
+ 890
+ AllenP. M.
+ McGladeJ. M.
+ Modelling complex human systems: A fisheries example
+ 1987
+ 30
+ 2
+ 0377-2217
+ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0377221787900920
+ 10.1016/0377-2217(87)90092-0
+ 147
+ 167
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