Using NextJS v14.2.5
- Install packages
npm i
Create .env file
Run project
npm run dev
|- app: This is where to create and configure for pages in Nextjs.
| |- (dashboard)
| | |- mission-categories: mission category page
| | |- missions: mission pages
| | | |- [id]: mission details page
| | | |- add: mission creation page
| | | `- page.tsx: mission list page
| | |- rewards: reward pages
| | | |- [id]: reward details page
| | | |- add: reward creation page
| | | `- page.tsx: reward list page
| | `- users: user page
| |- api: api routes to call Discord API
| | |- channels: call Discord APIs related to `channel`
| | |- guilds: call Discord APIs related to `guild`
| | |- callers.ts: fetch API routes from client side
| | `- services.ts: use React-Query to wrap fetching functions from `callers.ts`
| `- login: login page
|- assets: Collections of assets like images.
|- components: Common, re-usable components.
|- config: store the configuration
|- constants: All constants in the app.
|- redux: use Redux Toolkit, handle global state
|- styling: store global css files
|- supabase: Configurations, endpoints and functions to interact with Supabase.
| |- api
| `- (object): APIs related to queried object
| |- callers.ts: fetch data from Supabase
| `- services.ts: use React-Query to wrap fetching functions from `callers.ts`
`- utils: Utility functions.
: Supabase URL, take it in API Settings tab, Project Dashboard
: Supabase service_role
key, take it in API Settings tab, Project Dashboard
: Discord Bot token
: Discord Guild ID
: base URL of OpenGuild client website
: base URL of Discord API
- Deploy following this guideline for NextJS application:
- Add the Environment Variable above to avoid publishing the .env file