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Luis Bermudez edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 3 revisions

CTL tests allow to tag tests using the attribute "type". For example:

<ctl:test name="wmts:GetTile.Implemented.KVP.POST" type="MandatoryIfImplemented">

Possible values for type are:

  • Mandatory (Default if not present)
  • MandatoryIfImplemented

Inherited Failure

The result of a test that have sub-tests depends on the results of its sub-tests and their types. The table bellows presents the conditions of a child test that will trigger the parent test to be marked as Inherited Failure:

Child Test Status Child Type: Mandatory or no type Child Type: MandatoryIfImplemented
Failed X X
Skipped X
Inherited Failure X X


The test should pass if all mandatory children tests pass and any optional (or mandatoryIfImplemented) children are implemented correctly.

  • If one test that is mandatory is skipped then the parent should fail
  • If an optional test is implemented and it fails, then it should fail that test and the parent test
  • If an optional element is skipped then the test should be marked as skipped.