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Example Use Case Summaries

sgrellet edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 86 revisions

This page summarizes the use cases to be demonstrated in the BoreholeIE with a user story

Use Case template (please copy/paste/refine this below).

Who : name(organization)

Context : Generic sentence

Requirement towards the IE : Required information (concept), required IT formalism...

1/ Managing national borehole databank

Who : Sylvain (BRGM), Martin Nayembil (BGS), John Sharples (BOM)

Context : national obligation for drillers to declare where, how, ... they drilled a Borehole and provide the description of what they observed (log) and associated documents (construction details) In France every type of Borehole (actually every hole deeper than 10 meters) is to be declared even those used in Oil & Gas (embargo periods can apply). Similarly in Australia, any bore drilled for groundwater must be reported.

Requirement towards the IE :

  • borehole general details
  • drilling details
  • purpose/use
  • raw log
  • site data, i.e. elevations, location, etc
  • ... all the information needed to curate Borehole data coming from drillers

Use case 1 vocabulary

2/ From raw driller log to geologist validated one

Who : Sylvain, Mickaël (BRGM)

Context: raw logs provided by drillers to their client, analyzed by geologist specialists of the area to generate 'validated' logs for the same borehole

Requirement towards the IE :

  • a log = an observation
  • an observation workflow

Use case 2 vocabulary

3/ Water well

Who : Sylvain (BRGM), Martin Nayembil (BGS), John Sharples (BoM), Eric Boisvert (GSC)

Context : National Ground Water Information Network

Requirement towards the IE:

  • geo-resource (waterbody, aquifer) monitored (quantity, quality) or exploited (water abstraction
  • sensor system
  • management zone around the well (to protect water resource)
  • pump/aquifer test
  • construction details/equipment

Use case 3 vocabulary

4/ Geothermal Boreholes

Who : Sylvain (BRGM), Martin Nayembil (BGS)

Context : Geothermal probe deployment to assess subsurface heating storage capacity via Ground Thermal Response Testing (TRT). But also construction details specific to geothermal exploitation (ex : geothermal doublets).

Requirements towards the IE :

  • 'geothermal log'
  • Ground Thermal Response Testing (TRT) details
  • Geothermal doublets : coupled borehole
  • Geo-ressource available (geothermal field)

Use case 4 vocabulary

5/ Borehole for geotechnical investigation

Who : Mickaël (BRGM), Jean-François (Energistics), Martin Nayembil (BGS)

Context : boreholes drilled for Geotechnical engineering projects (ex : tunnel, foundations, ...) to aquire knowledge of the subsurface. direct link with Building Information Models (BIM) activities

Requirement towards the IE :

  • borehole general details
  • drilling details
  • detailed geotechnical tests results
  • details observation acquired down the hole (ex : borehole televiewer)

Use case 5 vocabulary

6/ Generic positioning of features on a borehole coordinate system

Who : Eric (NR-CAN), Mickaël (BRGM), Henning Lorenz (UU)

  • ability to position features from any domain along a borehole
  • definition of various positioning systems (eg: tropari, absolute, relative, etc.)
  • ResqML approach on wellboreframe is an interesting approach
  • Use case 6 vocabulary

7/ Representation of temporal information about and/or positioned on a borehole

Who : Eric (NR-CAN), Ollie (GA)

  • representation of borehole status (active, inactive, in production, etc.) in time
  • representation of changes to borehole (headwork, deepening, etc..)
  • Use case 7 vocabulary

8/ Core set of attribute to create a borehole vCard (c)2017 S.Grellet

Who : Eric (NR-CAN), Sylvain (BRGM), Henning Lorenz (UU)

Context : enhance discoverability of borehole data through the Web. For example, in the context of the EU EPOS research infrastructure, GeoSciML Lite BoreholeView was re-used and extended to provide Borehole summary information in order to facilitate borehole data discovery. This summary information could be considered as a vCard for the Borehole. See : -> Borehole_SimpleFeature_UML_model_Grellet.pptx

Requirement towards the IE :

  • JSON-LD :representation of that Borehole vCard and associated data. Reusing practices summarized in the recent OGC Environmental Linked Feature Interoperability Experiment (ELFIE) would make a lot of sense
  • for the JSON-LD context we will need a reference ontology to point to

Use case 8 vocabulary

11/ Testing 3D/4D geologic model coherence

Who : Yan Liu (3GS), Josh Lieberman (OGC), Rainer Haener (GFZ)

Context : A new log is generated in a region where a 3D/4D was produced based on pre-existing knowledge of the underground. The new information available should be used to validate/invalidate the model. Borehole measurements are nearly the only way to verify geological or geophysical models derived from indirect investigation methods (for example Magnetotellurics). For this reason, it is essential to establish the means that are suitable to exchange borehole information like lithostratigraphical logs within the various communities without the need to implement the processing each time anew.

Requirement towards the IE :

  • how borehole log(s) are linked to 3D/4D underground descriptions

Use case 11 vocabulary

12/ Sharing borehole related vocabularies

Who : Rainer Haener (GFZ), Yan Liu (3GS), Ollie Raymond (GA)

Context : Various systems already have vocabularies describing boreholes and associated data. Vocabulary should be understood either as data structure (ontology, UML model,...) and/or codeLists/nomenclature/... Establishing a registry that maintains and manages the manifold of terms, concepts and relations between the scientific communities is important

Requirement towards the IE :

  • the IT formalism applied should support the use case (ontologies, thesaurus) in order to properly map the semantic umbrella produced by the IE to pre-existing vocabularies (provided those are exposed accordingly...). For example, expose the list of GeoSciML vocabularies that relate to boreholes.

Use case 12 vocabulary

13/ Analysis on core & result positionning down the hole

Who : Peter Warren (CSIRO), Mickaël Beaufils (BRGM), Henning Lorenz (UU)

ex Spectrally Scanned Boreholes Context : Mineral boreholes scanned with spectral reflectance logger. Australian National Virtual Core Library project.

Scanning the core in the tray. Result is a downhole log

Requirement towards the IE :

  • spectral reflectance logs. Quite dense data

Use case 13 vocabulary

14/ Serving the present status of the (uncurated) drill site database for off-site science support.

Revised from "Serving shapshot(s) from drill site (uncurated) database for off-site science decision support" Who: Henning Lorenz (UU)

Reason for revision: Managing versions, as it was required by the original formulation of the use case, is a wider problem beyond the borehole standard. In the revised version, time-stamping by the webservice (e.g. WFS) will be sufficient to identify the origin of the data; renewed access to a certain version is not part of the concept.

Context: Decision making support exists in commercial drilling management software and is often focussed on the technical drilling parameters. This use case explores in how far the model (eposb) chosen by the BoreholeIE is suitable for providing that latest (revised from "for near-real time provision of") scientific information from the drill site to the scientific manager (PI, or responsible geologist at ore exploration drillings) in order to provide sufficient information and support for off-site decision making and required control of the latter.

Basic requirements: A drilling (project) that has basic to advanced on-site documentation (core or cutting description, sampling, preliminary downhole logging data, etc.) that is stored in a data base; basic drilling information is stored in a data base; internet connection at the drill site.

Requirement towards the IE:

  • Define the on-site data base(s) to be tested (example: ICDP's drilling information system (DIS), => need example for e.g. exploration)
  • Mapping of the database to the model chosen by the BoreholeIE (eposb) => see also use cases #6 and #13
  • Check whether relevant ontologies and vocabularies can be integrated in a quick and easy way in the initial data collection (avoid classification and translation of data base content to the model) => see also use case #12
  • Explore how the information can be digested in a proper way by the end user (starting from, e.g. QGIS App-Schema plugin, and discuss potential specific solutions)
  • ? more to be defined
  • how to time stamp everything and roll-back to a previous version of the instance

Use case 14 vocabulary

16/ Oil & gas Well / Borehole description

Who : Jay Hollingsworth, Jean-François Rainaud

Context : Generic sentence

Requirement towards the IE :

Use case 16 vocabulary

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