This how-to will help you publish the documentation for your Open edX Library or Service to under the domain.
- You know how to build your repo's documentation locally. If not, see :doc:`/developers/how-tos/add-sphinx-docs-to-a-repo`
- Your repo's documentation is built using Sphinx
Add a .readthedocs.yml file in your repository that looks like the following.
# .readthedocs.yml # Read the Docs configuration file # See for details # Required: the version of this file's schema. version: 2 # Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx sphinx: configuration: docs/ fail_on_warning: true # Set the version of python needed to build these docs. build: os: "ubuntu-22.04" tools: python: "3.8" # Optionally install extra requirements required to build your docs python: install: - requirements: requirements/doc.txt
File an Axim Request to add your docs to
Sample request text:
I'd like to have the documentation for the <url_to_repo> repository published under Please enable publishing the docs as well as running test builds on pull requests for this repository.
Once the documentation is published you should update any READMEs and other links that need to point to this documentation. The new documetation will be published at a url like<repo_name>/
.. seealso:: `Debuging/Fixig Docs Builds <>`_ A guide to help you fix issues you might run into while setting documentation CI. :doc:`/developers/how-tos/add-sphinx-docs-to-a-repo` Add sphinx to a repository that doesn't already have it.