Dockerize container to execute edx-app-test on Android Phone from Mac Host
1 - Install followings,
VirtualBox, please don't forget to install Extension Pack
2 - Install edx Android app on Android Device and connect to Mac(through USB) Host
3 - Check out/download project source code,
git clone
4 - Browse project directory and open
through some editor
Enter connected Android Device OS Version against
Enter docker-machine name in place of
<machine name>
in followings i.e appium-machine,- docker-machine create --driver virtualbox <machine name> - docker-machine stop <machine name> - vboxmanage modifyvm <machine name> --usb on --usbehci on - docker-machine start <machine name>
and save changes made. Please note that one may need to enter new machine name on re-running script
- Permit
chmod +x ./
, run./
in terminal and wait for some installations & settings to finish
5 - Load Virtual box, add USB Controller and connected Android Device as follow,
- Virtual Box - select specific running docker machine, and load its Settings
- On Settings dialog select Ports, then USB Tab
- Click on Add icon under USB Device Filters, select 'USB Host Controller' and connected 'Android Device'. Click on OK and to save settings
6 - Connect to specific running docker machine, don't forget to add docker-machine name in place of <machine name>
docker-machine ssh <machine name>
7 - From docker machine interface match filesystem to local filesystem of host
8 - Browser to specific downloaded/checked out edx-app-test directory, and run following command to create docker image, enter docker image name in place of <machine name>
i.e appium-image
docker build -t <image name> .
wait for docker image creation to finish
9 - Run above created docker image, enter container name against --name
i.e appium-container
and docker image name
in place of <machine name>
as created above
docker run -it --privileged --rm -d -p 4723:4723 -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --name <container name> <image name>
it should return new running container id
10 - Run below command and connected android device should be visible under List of devices attached
if everything
was successful
docker exec -it $(docker ps -q) adb devices
One may need to re-plug the connected Android Device
11 - Open another tab of terminal(on Mac host) and get the ip of specific running docker machine, don't forget
to enter above created docker machine name in place of <machine name>
docker-machine ip <machine name>
12 - Pass the above machine ip as server url like below
export SERVER_URL=''
its all set to start execution now
From host machine(Mac) browse project directory, and run any of the followings based on your need,
Execute all test cases in specific directory
Execute specific test case
pytest -v <test case name>
Execute specific test case with html report at end
pytest -v <test case name> --html=report.html
Stop running docker machine, don't forget to enter specific machine name in place of
<machine name>
docker-machine stop <machine name>
After above successful setup one need to follow below steps only for executions next time,
1 - Connect Android Device to Mac host machine
2- Start and connect to docker machine, don't forget to add docker-machine name in place of <machine name>
docker-machine start <machine name>
docker-machine ssh <machine name>
3 - Repeat step # 9, 10, 11 & 12
4 - Execute test cases as mentioned in Run section