- Update build.gradle and release notes for v1.2.0.1 (#105)
- Upgrade to ES 7.2.1 (#110)
- Alerting Anomaly detection integration *
- Update plugin version *
- Fix parse exception of ad result response (#132)
- Support for ES 7.2.1 (#153)
- Extended proxy authenticator to pass additional attributes via header (#174)
- Support for ES 7.2.1 (#49)
- Support for ES 7.2.1 (#26)
- Support for ES 7.2.1 (#106)
- Update opendistro_security version to 7.2.1*
- Update Open Distro version for security kibana plugin (#107)
- Support for Open Distro 1.2.1 (#219)
- Changed version to 1.2.1 and updated release notes (#27)
- Update version in version.java
- Support Elasticsearch 7.2.1 (#27)