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Some questions to ask What is this change? What does it fix? Is this a bugfix or a feature? Does it break any existing functionality or force me to update to a new version? How has it been tested?
Take this checklist as orientation for yourself, if this PR is ready for Maintainer Review
- My suggestion follows the governance rules.
- All commits of this PR are signed.
- My changes generate no errors when passing CI tests.
- I updated all documentation (readmes incl. figures) according to my changes.
- I have successfully implemented and tested my fix/feature locally.
- Appropriate reviewer(s) are assigned.
If you are still working on this PR, submit as "Draft Pull Request", which can be selected in the green button at the bottom.
If your work is done, but you can’t check all the boxes above, please explain why. If all boxes are checked or commented, you can submit as a pull request directly.