diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 5a880d85a720..06ae8c690506 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[submodule "content-modules/community"]
path = content-modules/community
url = https://github.com/open-telemetry/community
- community-pin = 0cb6dca
+ community-pin = 4e0d748
[submodule "content-modules/opentelemetry-proto"]
path = content-modules/opentelemetry-proto
url = https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto
diff --git a/content-modules/community b/content-modules/community
index 0cb6dcadb53f..4e0d748886b8 160000
--- a/content-modules/community
+++ b/content-modules/community
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 0cb6dcadb53f1f7ffe5ef819ceef02ac9e6886c8
+Subproject commit 4e0d748886b8bd77aa04c0a4fd153d2bbc196dff
diff --git a/layouts/partials/page-meta-links.html b/layouts/partials/page-meta-links.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5804b80045ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/partials/page-meta-links.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{{/* Temporary Docsy file override */ -}}
+{{ if .File -}}
+{{ $pathFormatted := replace .File.Path "\\" "/" -}}
+{{ $gh_repo := ($.Param "github_repo") -}}
+{{ $gh_url := ($.Param "github_url") -}}
+{{ $gh_subdir := ($.Param "github_subdir") -}}
+{{ $gh_project_repo := ($.Param "github_project_repo") -}}
+{{ $gh_branch := (default "main" ($.Param "github_branch")) -}}
+{{ if $gh_url -}}
+ {{ warnf "Warning: use of `github_url` is deprecated. For details see https://www.docsy.dev/docs/adding-content/repository-links/#github_url-optional" -}}
{{ T "post_edit_this" }}
+{{ else if $gh_repo -}}
+ {{ $gh_repo_path := printf "%s/content/%s" $gh_branch $pathFormatted -}}
+ {{ if and ($gh_subdir) (.Site.Language.Lang) -}}
+ {{ $gh_repo_path = printf "%s/%s/content/%s/%s" $gh_branch $gh_subdir ($.Site.Language.Lang) $pathFormatted -}}
+ {{ else if .Site.Language.Lang -}}
+ {{ $gh_repo_path = printf "%s/content/%s/%s" $gh_branch ($.Site.Language.Lang) $pathFormatted -}}
+ {{ else if $gh_subdir -}}
+ {{ $gh_repo_path = printf "%s/%s/content/%s" $gh_branch $gh_subdir $pathFormatted -}}
+ {{ end -}}
+ {{/* Adjust $gh_repo_path based on path_base_for_github_subdir */ -}}
+ {{ $ghs_base := $.Param "path_base_for_github_subdir" -}}
+ {{ $ghs_rename := "" -}}
+ {{ if reflect.IsMap $ghs_base -}}
+ {{ $ghs_rename = $ghs_base.to -}}
+ {{ $ghs_base = $ghs_base.from -}}
+ {{ end -}}
+ {{ with $ghs_base -}}
+ {{ $gh_repo_path = replaceRE . $ghs_rename $gh_repo_path -}}
+ {{ end -}}
+ {{ $viewURL := printf "%s/tree/%s" $gh_repo $gh_repo_path -}}
+ {{ $editURL := printf "%s/edit/%s" $gh_repo $gh_repo_path -}}
+ {{ $issuesURL := printf "%s/issues/new?title=%s" $gh_repo (safeURL $.Title ) -}}
+ {{ $newPageStub := resources.Get "stubs/new-page-template.md" -}}
+ {{ $newPageQS := querify "value" $newPageStub.Content "filename" "change-me.md" | safeURL -}}
+ {{ $newPageURL := printf "%s/new/%s?%s" $gh_repo (path.Dir $gh_repo_path) $newPageQS -}}
{{ T "post_view_this" }}
{{ T "post_edit_this" }}
{{ T "post_create_child_page" }}
{{ T "post_create_issue" }}
+ {{ with $gh_project_repo -}}
+ {{ $project_issueURL := printf "%s/issues/new" . -}}
{{ T "post_create_project_issue" }}
+ {{ end -}}
+{{ end -}}
+{{ with .CurrentSection.AlternativeOutputFormats.Get "print" -}}
{{ T "print_entire_section" }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ end -}}