diff --git a/content/en/docs/collector/architecture.md b/content/en/docs/collector/architecture.md
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+title: Architecture
+weight: 28
+cSpell:ignore: fanoutconsumer probabilisticsampler spanmetrics zpages
+The OpenTelemetry Collector is an executable file that can receive telemetry,
+process it, and export it to multiple targets, such as observability backends.
+The Collector supports several popular open source protocols for receiving and
+sending telemetry data, and it offers an extensible architecture for adding more
+Data receiving, processing, and exporting are done using
+[pipelines](#pipelines). You can configure the Collector to have one or more
+Each pipeline includes the following:
+- A set of [receivers](#receivers) that collect the data.
+- A series of optional [processors](#processors) that get the data from
+ receivers and process it.
+- A set of [exporters](#exporters) which get the data from processors and send
+ it outside the Collector.
+The same receiver can be included in multiple pipelines and multiple pipelines
+can include the same exporter.
+## Pipelines
+A pipeline defines a path that data follows in the Collector: from reception, to
+processing (or modification), and finally to export.
+Pipelines can operate on three telemetry data types: traces, metrics, and logs.
+The data type is a property of the pipeline defined by its configuration.
+Receivers, processors, and exporters used in a pipeline must support the
+particular data type, otherwise the `ErrDataTypeIsNotSupported` exception is
+reported when the configuration loads.
+The following diagram represents a typical pipeline:
+title: Pipeline
+flowchart LR
+ R1(Receiver 1) --> P1[Processor 1]
+ R2(Receiver 2) --> P1
+ RM(...) ~~~ P1
+ RN(Receiver N) --> P1
+ P1 --> P2[Processor 2]
+ P2 --> PM[...]
+ PM --> PN[Processor N]
+ PN --> FO((fan-out))
+ FO --> E1[[Exporter 1]]
+ FO --> E2[[Exporter 2]]
+ FO ~~~ EM[[...]]
+ FO --> EN[[Exporter N]]
+ %% The stroke color matches the website header.
+ classDef default fill:#e3e8fc,stroke:#4f62ad
+Pipelines can have one or more receivers. Data from all receivers is pushed to
+the first processor, which processes the data and then pushes it to the next
+processor. A processor might also drop the data if it's sampling or filtering.
+This continues until the last processor in the pipeline pushes the data to the
+exporters. Each exporter gets a copy of each data element. The last processor
+uses a `fanoutconsumer` to send the data to multiple exporters.
+The pipeline is constructed during Collector startup based on pipeline
+definition in the configuration.
+A pipeline configuration typically looks like this:
+ pipelines: # section that can contain multiple subsections, one per pipeline
+ traces: # type of the pipeline
+ receivers: [otlp, zipkin]
+ processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
+ exporters: [otlp, zipkin]
+The previous example defines a pipeline for the traces type of telemetry data,
+with three receivers, two processors, and three exporters.
+### Receivers
+Receivers typically listen on a network port and receive telemetry data. They
+can also actively obtain data, like scrapers. Usually one receiver is configured
+to send received data to one pipeline. However, it is also possible to configure
+the same receiver to send the same received data to multiple pipelines. This can
+be done by listing the same receiver in the `receivers` key of several
+ otlp:
+ protocols:
+ grpc:
+ endpoint: localhost:4317
+ pipelines:
+ traces: # a pipeline of “traces” type
+ receivers: [otlp]
+ processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
+ exporters: [otlp]
+ traces/2: # another pipeline of “traces” type
+ receivers: [otlp]
+ processors: [transform]
+ exporters: [otlp]
+In the above example, `otlp` receiver will send the same data to pipeline
+`traces` and to pipeline `traces/2`.
+> The configuration uses composite key names in the form of `type[/name]`.
+When the Collector loads this config, the result looks like this diagram (part
+of processors and exporters are omitted for brevity):
+flowchart LR
+ R1("`#quot;opentelemetry-collector#quot; Receiver`") --> FO((fan-out))
+ FO -->|Pipeline 'traces'| P1["`#quot;memory_limiter#quot; Processor`"]
+ FO -->|Pipeline 'traces/2'| P2["`#quot;transform#quot; Processor`"]
+ P1 ~~~ M1[...]
+ P2 ~~~ M2[...]
+ classDef default fill:#e3e8fc,stroke:#4f62ad;
+{{% alert title="Important" color="warning" %}}
+When the same receiver is referenced in more than one pipeline, the Collector
+creates only one receiver instance at runtime that sends the data to a fan-out
+consumer. The fan-out consumer in turn sends the data to the first processor of
+each pipeline. The data propagation from receiver to the fan-out consumer and
+then to processors is completed using a synchronous function call. This means
+that if one processor blocks the call, the other pipelines attached to this
+receiver are blocked from receiving the same data, and the receiver itself stops
+processing and forwarding newly received data.
+{{% /alert %}}
+### Exporters
+Exporters typically forward the data they get to a destination on a network, but
+they can also send the data elsewhere. For example, `debug` exporter writes the
+telemetry data to the logging destination.
+The configuration allows for multiple exporters of the same type, even in the
+same pipeline. For example, you can have two `otlp` exporters defined, each one
+sending to a different OTLP endpoint:
+ otlp/1:
+ endpoint: example.com:4317
+ otlp/2:
+ endpoint: localhost:14317
+An exporter usually gets the data from one pipeline. However, you can configure
+multiple pipelines to send data to the same exporter:
+ otlp:
+ protocols:
+ grpc:
+ endpoint: localhost:14250
+ pipelines:
+ traces: # a pipeline of “traces” type
+ receivers: [zipkin]
+ processors: [memory_limiter]
+ exporters: [otlp]
+ traces/2: # another pipeline of “traces” type
+ receivers: [otlp]
+ processors: [transform]
+ exporters: [otlp]
+In the above example, `otlp` exporter gets data from pipeline `traces` and from
+pipeline `traces/2`. When the Collector loads this config, the result looks like
+this diagram (part of processors and receivers are omitted for brevity):
+flowchart LR
+ M1[...] ~~~ P1["`#quot;memory_limiter#quot; Processor`"]
+ M2[...] ~~~ P2["`#quot;transform#quot; Processor`"]
+ P1 -->|Pipeline 'traces'|E1[["`#quot;otlp#quot; Exporter`"]]
+ P2 -->|Pipeline 'traces/2'|E1
+ classDef default fill:#e3e8fc,stroke:#4f62ad;
+### Processors
+A pipeline can contain sequentially connected processors. The first processor
+gets the data from one or more receivers that are configured for the pipeline,
+and the last processor sends the data to one or more exporters that are
+configured for the pipeline. All processors between the first and last receive
+the data from only one preceding processor and send data to only one succeeding
+Processors can transform the data before forwarding it, such as adding or
+removing attributes from spans. They can also drop the data by deciding not to
+forward it (for example, the `probabilisticsampler` processor). Or they can
+generate new data, as the `spanmetrics` processor does by producing metrics for
+spans processed by the pipeline.
+The same name of the processor can be referenced in the `processors` key of
+multiple pipelines. In this case, the same configuration is used for each of
+these processors, but each pipeline always gets its own instance of the
+processor. Each of these processors has its own state, and the processors are
+never shared between pipelines. For example, if `batch` processor is used in
+several pipelines, each pipeline has its own batch processor, but each batch
+processor is configured exactly the same way if they reference the same key in
+the configuration. See the following configuration:
+ batch:
+ send_batch_size: 10000
+ timeout: 10s
+ pipelines:
+ traces: # a pipeline of “traces” type
+ receivers: [zipkin]
+ processors: [batch]
+ exporters: [otlp]
+ traces/2: # another pipeline of “traces” type
+ receivers: [otlp]
+ processors: [batch]
+ exporters: [otlp]
+When the Collector loads this config, the result looks like this diagram:
+title: Pipeline "traces"
+flowchart LR
+ R1("`zipkin Receiver`") --> P1["`#quot;batch#quot; Processor`"]
+ P1 --> E1[["`#quot;otlp#quot; Exporter`"]]
+ classDef default fill:#e3e8fc,stroke:#4f62ad;
+title: Pipeline "traces/2"
+flowchart LR
+ R1("`otlp Receiver`") --> P1["`#quot;batch#quot; Processor`"]
+ P1 --> E1[["`#quot;otlp#quot; Exporter`"]]
+ classDef default fill:#e3e8fc,stroke:#4f62ad;
+Note that each `batch` processor is an independent instance, although they are
+configured the same way with a `send_batch_size` of `10000`.
+> The same name of the processor must not be referenced multiple times in the
+> `processors` key of a single pipeline.
+## Running as an agent
+On a typical VM/container, user applications are running in some processes/pods
+with an OpenTelemetry library. Previously, the library did all the recording,
+collecting, sampling, and aggregation of traces, metrics, and logs, and then
+either exported the data to other persistent storage backends through the
+library exporters, or displayed it on local zpages. This pattern has several
+drawbacks, for example:
+1. For each OpenTelemetry library, exporters and zpages must be re-implemented
+ in native languages.
+2. In some programming languages (for example, Ruby or PHP), it is difficult to
+ do the stats aggregation in process.
+3. To enable exporting of OpenTelemetry spans, stats, or metrics, application
+ users need to manually add library exporters and redeploy their binaries.
+ This is especially difficult when an incident has occurred, and users want to
+ use OpenTelemetry to investigate the issue right away.
+4. Application users need to take the responsibility for configuring and
+ initializing exporters. These tasks are error-prone (for example, setting up
+ incorrect credentials or monitored resources), and users may be reluctant to
+ “pollute” their code with OpenTelemetry.
+To resolve the issues above, you can run OpenTelemetry Collector as an agent.
+The agent runs as a daemon in the VM/container and can be deployed independent
+of the library. Once the agent is deployed and running, it should be able to
+retrieve traces, metrics, and logs from the library, and export them to other
+backends. We may also give the agent the ability to push configurations (such as
+sampling probability) to the library. For those languages that cannot do stats
+aggregation in process, they can send raw measurements and have the agent do the
+flowchart LR
+ subgraph S1 ["#nbsp;"]
+ subgraph S2 ["#nbsp;"]
+ end
+ subgraph S3 ["#nbsp;"]
+ subgraph VM [VM]
+ PR["Process [Library]"] -->|Push sample spans, metrics| AB[Agent Binary]
+ AB -->|Push configs| PR
+ end
+ subgraph K8s-pod [K8s Pod]
+ AC["`App Container [Library]`"] --> AS[Agent Sidecar]
+ AS --> AC
+ end
+ subgraph K8s-node [K8s Node]
+ subgraph Pod1 [Pod]
+ APP1[App] ~~~ APP2[App]
+ end
+ subgraph Pod2 [Pod]
+ APP3[App] ~~~ APP4[App]
+ end
+ subgraph Pod3 [Pod]
+ APP5[App] ~~~ APP6[App]
+ end
+ subgraph AD [Agent Daemonset]
+ end
+ APP1 --> AD
+ APP2 --> AD
+ APP4 --> AD
+ APP6 --> AD
+ end
+ end
+ subgraph Backends ["#nbsp;"]
+ AB --> BE[Backend]
+ AS --> PRM[Prometheus Backend]
+ AS --> JA[Jaeger Backend]
+ AD --> JA
+ end
+ end
+class S1,S2,S3 noLines;
+class VM,K8s-pod,K8s-node,Pod1,Pod2,Pod3,Backends withLines;
+classDef noLines fill:#fff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:4px;
+classDef withLines fill:#fff,stroke:#4f62ad
+classDef nodeStyle fill:#e3e8fc,stroke:#4f62ad;
+> For developers and maintainers of other libraries: By adding specific
+> receivers, you can configure an agent to accept traces, metrics, and logs from
+> other tracing/monitoring libraries, such as Zipkin, Prometheus, etc. See
+> [Receivers](#receivers) for details.
+## Running as a gateway
+The OpenTelemetry Collector can run as a gateway instance and receive spans and
+metrics exported by one or more agents or libraries or by tasks/agents that emit
+in one of the supported protocols. The Collector is configured to send data to
+the configured exporter(s). The following figure summarizes the deployment
+flowchart LR
+ subgraph S1 ["#nbsp;"]
+ subgraph S2 ["#nbsp;"]
+ subgraph S3 ["#nbsp;"]
+ subgraph VM [VM]
+ PR["Process [Library]"]
+ end
+ subgraph K8s-pod [K8s Pod]
+ AC["`App Container [Library]`"]
+ end
+ subgraph K8s-node [K8s Node]
+ subgraph Pod1 [Pod]
+ APP1[App] ~~~ APP2[App]
+ end
+ subgraph Pod2 [Pod]
+ APP3[App] ~~~ APP4[App]
+ end
+ subgraph Pod3 [Pod]
+ APP5[App] ~~~ APP6[App]
+ end
+ subgraph AD [Agent Daemonset]
+ end
+ APP1 --> AD
+ APP2 --> AD
+ APP4 --> AD
+ APP6 --> AD
+ end
+ end
+ subgraph S4 ["#nbsp;"]
+ PR --> OTEL["`OpenTelemetry Collector Service`"]
+ AC --> OTEL
+ AD --> OTEL
+ OTEL ---> BE[Backend X]
+ end
+ end
+ subgraph S5 ["#nbsp;"]
+ subgraph S6 ["#nbsp;"]
+ JA[Jaeger Backend]
+ end
+ subgraph S7 ["#nbsp;"]
+ PRM[Prometheus Backend]
+ end
+ end
+ JA ~~~ PRM
+ OTEL --> JA
+ OTEL --> PRM
+ end
+class S1,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8 noLines;
+class VM,K8s-pod,K8s-node,Pod1,Pod2,Pod3 withLines;
+class S2 lightLines
+classDef noLines fill:#fff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:4px;
+classDef withLines fill:#fff,stroke:#4f62ad
+classDef lightLines fill:#fff,stroke:#acaeb0
+classDef nodeStyle fill:#e3e8fc,stroke:#4f62ad;
+The OpenTelemetry Collector can also be deployed in other configurations, such
+as receiving data from other agents or clients in one of the formats supported
+by its receivers.
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