The following are high-level items that define our long-term vision for Profiling support in the OpenTelemetry project that we aspire to achieve.
While this vision document reflects our current desires, it is meant to be a guide towards a collectively agreed upon set of objectives rather than a checklist of requirements. A group of OpenTelemetry community members have participated in a series of bi-weekly meetings for 2 months. The group represents a cross-section of industry and domain expertise, who have found common cause in the creation of this document. It is our shared intention to continue to ensure alignment moving forward. As our vision evolves and matures, we intend to incorporate our learnings further to facilitate an optimal outcome.
This document and efforts thus far are motivated by:
- This long-standing issue created in October 2020
- A conversation about priorities at the in-person OpenTelemetry meeting at Kubecon EU 2022
- Increasing community interest in profiling as an observability signal alongside logs, metrics, and traces
While the terms "profile" and "profiling" can have slightly different meanings depending on the context, for the purposes of this OTEP we are defining the two terms as follows:
- Profile: A collection of stack traces with some metric associated with each stack trace, typically representing the number of times that stack trace was encountered
- Profiling: The process of collecting profiles from a running program, application, or the system
The OpenTelemetry vision states:
Effective observability is powerful because it enables developers to innovate faster while maintaining high reliability. But effective observability absolutely requires high-quality telemetry – and the performant, consistent instrumentation that makes it possible.
While existing OpenTelemetry signals fit all of these criteria, until recently no effort has been explicitly geared towards creating performant and consistent instrumentation based upon profiling data.
Currently Logs, Metrics, and Traces are widely accepted as the main “pillars” of observability, each providing a different set of data from which a user can query to answer questions about their system/application.
Profiling data can help further this goal by answering certain questions about a system or application which logs, metrics, and traces are less equipped to answer. We aim to facilitate implementations capable of best-in-class support for collecting, processing, and transporting this profiling data.
Our goals for profiling align with those of OpenTelemetry as a whole:
- Profiling should be easy: the nature of profiling offers fast time-to-value by often being able to optionally drop in a minimal amount of code and instantly have details about application resource utilization
- Profiling should be universal: currently profiling is slightly different across different languages, but with a little effort the representation of profiling data can be standardized in a way where not only are languages consistent, but profiling data itself is also consistent with the other observability signals as well
- Profiling should be vendor neutral: From one profiling agent, users should be able to send data to whichever vendor they like (or no vendor at all) and interoperate with other OSS projects
As it currently stands, the method for collecting profiles for an application and the format of the profiles collected varies greatly depending on several factors such as:
- Language (and language runtime)
- Profiler Type
- Data type being profiled (i.e. cpu, memory, etc)
- Availability or utilization of symbolic information
A fairly comprehensive taxonomy of various profiling formats can be found on the profilerpedia website.
As a result of this variation, the tooling and collection of profiling data lacks in exactly the areas in which OpenTelemetry has built as its core engineering values:
- Profiling currently lacks compatibility: Each vendor, open source project, and language has different ways of collecting, sending, and storing profiling data and often with no regard to linking to other signals
- Profiling currently lacks consistency: Currently profiling agents and formats can change arbitrarily with no unified criteria for how to take end-users into account
Profiles are particularly useful in the context of other signals. For example, having a profile for a particular “slow” span in a trace yields more actionable information than simply knowing that the span was slow.
OpenTelemetry will define how profiles will be correlated with logs, traces, and metrics and how this correlation information will be stored.
Correlation will work across 2 major dimensions:
- To correlate telemetry emitted for the same request (also known as request or trace context correlation)
- To correlate telemetry emitted from the same source (also known as resource context correlation)
We will design a profiling data model that will aim to represent the vast majority of profiling data with the following goals in mind:
- Profiling formats should be as compact as possible
- Profiling data should be transferred as efficiently as possible and the model should be lossless with intentional bias for enabling efficient marshaling, transcoding (to and from other formats), and analysis
- Profiling formats should be able to be unambiguously mapped to the standardized data model (i.e. collapsed, pprof, JFR, etc.)
- Profiling formats should contain mechanisms for representing relationships between other telemetry signals (i.e. linking call stacks with spans)
For existing profilers we will provide instructions on how these legacy formats can emit profiles in a manner that makes them compatible with OpenTelemetry’s approach and enables telemetry data correlation.
Particularly for popular profilers such as the ones native to Golang and Java (JFR) we will help to have them produce OpenTelemetry-compatible profiles with minimal overhead.
Profiling agents can be architected in a variety of differing ways, with reasonable trade offs made that may impact performance, completeness, accuracy and so on. Similarly, the manner in which such a profiler might produce or consume OpenTelemetry-compatible data could vary significantly. As such, in our standardization effort it is not feasible to be prescriptive on the matter of resource usage for profilers.
However, the output of OpenTelemetry's standardization effort must take into account that some existing profilers are designed to be low overhead and high performance. For example, they may operate in a whole-datacenter, always-on manner, and/or in environments where they must guarantee low CPU/RAM/network usage. The OpenTelemetry standardisation effort should take this into account and strive to produce a format that is usable by profilers of this nature without sacrificing their performance guarantees.
Similar to other OpenTelemetry signals, we target production environments. Thus, the profiling signal must be implementable with low overhead and conforming to OpenTelemetry-wide runtime overhead / intrusiveness and wire data size requirements.
The CNCF’s mission states: Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds
We will have best-in-class support for profiles emitted in cloud native environments (e.g. Kubernetes, serverless, etc), including legacy applications running in those environments. As we aim to achieve this goal we will center our efforts around making profiling applications resilient, manageable and observable. This is in line with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and OpenTelemetry missions and will thus allow us to further expand and leverage those communities to further the respective missions.
- Tracking resource utilization of an application over time to understand how code changes, hardware configuration changes, and ephemeral environmental issues influence performance
- Understanding what code is responsible for consuming resources (i.e. CPU, Ram, disk, network)
- Planning for resource allotment for a group of services running in production
- Comparing profiles of different versions of code to understand how code has improved or degraded over time
- Detecting frequently used and "dead" code in production
- Breaking a trace span into code-level granularity (i.e. function call and line of code) to understand the performance for that particular unit