diff --git a/website_docs/_index.md b/website_docs/_index.md
index f1031aac637..d0b91d73cd3 100644
--- a/website_docs/_index.md
+++ b/website_docs/_index.md
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ description: >
A language-specific implementation of OpenTelemetry in Java.
-**Note**: As of 3/29 this is a copy of the documentation live on opentelemetry.io, and requires updates to become current with the current Java release.
OpenTelemetry Java consists of the following repositories:
- [opentelemetry-java](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java):
@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ OpenTelemetry Java consists of the following repositories:
| Traces | Metrics | Logs |
| ------ | ------- | ------------ |
-| Beta | Alpha | Experimental |
+| Stable | Alpha | Experimental |
### Components
@@ -44,25 +42,39 @@ OpenTelemetry Java consists of the following repositories:
### Releases
-Published releases are available on maven central.
+Published releases are available on maven central. We strongly recommend using our BOM to keep the
+versions of the various components in sync.
#### Maven
+ io.opentelemetry
+ opentelemetry-bom
+ 1.0.1
+ pom
+ import
- 0.10.0
#### Gradle
dependencies {
- implementation('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api:0.10.0')
+ implementation platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:1.0.1")
+ implementation('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api')
@@ -70,40 +82,8 @@ dependencies {
- [releases](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/releases)
- [maven](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.opentelemetry)
- - [bintray](https://bintray.com/open-telemetry/maven/opentelemetry-java)
-### Additional Information
-- [Javadoc](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry)
-- [Example code](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/tree/main/examples)
-## opentelemetry-java-instrumentation
-| Traces | Metrics | Logs |
-| ------ | ------- | ------------ |
-| Beta | Alpha | Experimental |
-### Releases
-> Published releases are *NOT* available on maven central, but will be by GA.
- - [releases](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/releases)
- - [bintray](https://bintray.com/open-telemetry/maven/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation)
-> Snapshots are also available as documented
-> [here](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#snapshots).
### Additional Information
- [Javadoc](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/io.opentelemetry)
- [Example code](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/tree/main/examples)
-## opentelemetry-java-contrib
-| Component | Status |
-| ----------------- | ------ |
-| JMX Metric Gather | Alpha |
-### Releases
- - [releases](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-contrib/releases)
diff --git a/website_docs/automatic_instrumentation.md b/website_docs/automatic_instrumentation.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f8df04eaf..00000000000
--- a/website_docs/automatic_instrumentation.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-title: "Automatic Instrumentation"
-weight: 3
-**Note**: As of 3/29 this is a copy of the documentation live on opentelemetry.io, and requires updates to become current with the current Java release.
-## Supported Libraries and Frameworks
-| Library/Framework | Versions |
-| [Akka HTTP](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/index.html) | 10.0+ |
-| [Apache HttpAsyncClient](https://hc.apache.org/index.html) | 4.0+ |
-| [Apache HttpClient](https://hc.apache.org/index.html) | 2.0+ |
-| [Armeria](https://armeria.dev) | 0.99.8+ |
-| [AWS Lambda](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/java-handler.html) | 1.0+ |
-| [AWS SDK](https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/) | 1.11.x and 2.2.0+ |
-| [Cassandra Driver](https://github.com/datastax/java-driver) | 3.0+ |
-| [Couchbase Client](https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-java-client) | 2.0+ (not including 3.x yet) |
-| [Dropwizard Views](https://www.dropwizard.io/en/latest/manual/views.html) | 0.7+ |
-| [Elasticsearch API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-api/current/index.html) | 5.0+ (not including 7.x yet) |
-| [Elasticsearch REST Client](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-rest/current/index.html) | 5.0+ |
-| [Finatra](https://github.com/twitter/finatra) | 2.9+ |
-| [Geode Client](https://geode.apache.org/) | 1.4+ |
-| [Google HTTP Client](https://github.com/googleapis/google-http-java-client) | 1.19+ |
-| [Grizzly](https://javaee.github.io/grizzly/httpserverframework.html) | 2.0+ (disabled by default, see below) |
-| [Grizzly Client](https://github.com/javaee/grizzly-ahc) | 1.9+ |
-| [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java) | 1.5+ |
-| [Hibernate](https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm) | 3.3+ |
-| [HttpURLConnection](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/net/HttpURLConnection.html) | Java 7+ |
-| [Hystrix](https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix) | 1.4+ |
-| [JAX-RS](https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/javax/ws/rs/package-summary.html) | 0.5+ |
-| [JAX-RS Client](https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/javax/ws/rs/client/package-summary.html) | 2.0+ |
-| [JDBC](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.sql/java/sql/package-summary.html) | Java 7+ |
-| [Jedis](https://github.com/xetorthio/jedis) | 1.4+ |
-| [Jetty](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/) | 8.0+ |
-| [JMS](https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/javax/jms/package-summary.html) | 1.1+ |
-| [JSP](https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/javax/servlet/jsp/package-summary.html) | 2.3+ |
-| [Kafka](https://kafka.apache.org/20/javadoc/overview-summary.html) | 0.11+ |
-| [khttp](https://khttp.readthedocs.io) | 0.1+ |
-| [Kubernetes Client](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/java) | 7.0+ |
-| [Lettuce](https://github.com/lettuce-io/lettuce-core) | 4.0+ (not including 6.x yet) |
-| [Log4j 1](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/) | 1.2+ |
-| [Log4j 2](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/) | 2.7+ |
-| [Logback](http://logback.qos.ch/) | 1.0+ |
-| [MongoDB Drivers](https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/) | 3.3+ |
-| [Netty](https://github.com/netty/netty) | 3.8+ |
-| [OkHttp](https://github.com/square/okhttp/) | 3.0+ |
-| [Play](https://github.com/playframework/playframework) | 2.3+ (not including 2.8.x yet) |
-| [Play WS](https://github.com/playframework/play-ws) | 1.0+ |
-| [RabbitMQ Client](https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-java-client) | 2.7+ |
-| [Ratpack](https://github.com/ratpack/ratpack) | 1.4+ |
-| [Reactor](https://github.com/reactor/reactor-core) | 3.1+ |
-| [Rediscala](https://github.com/etaty/rediscala) | 1.8+ |
-| [Redisson](https://github.com/redisson/redisson) | 3.0+ |
-| [RMI](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.rmi/java/rmi/package-summary.html) | Java 7+ |
-| [RxJava](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava) | 1.0+ |
-| [Servlet](https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/javax/servlet/package-summary.html) | 2.2+ |
-| [Spark Web Framework](https://github.com/perwendel/spark) | 2.3+ |
-| [Spring Data](https://spring.io/projects/spring-data) | 1.8+ |
-| [Spring Scheduling](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/scheduling/package-summary.html) | 3.1+ |
-| [Spring Web MVC](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/servlet/mvc/package-summary.html) | 3.1+ |
-| [Spring Webflux](https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/reactive/package-summary.html) | 5.0+ |
-| [Spymemcached](https://github.com/couchbase/spymemcached) | 2.12+ |
-| [Twilio](https://github.com/twilio/twilio-java) | 6.6+ (not including 8.x yet) |
-| [Vert.x](https://vertx.io) | 3.0+ |
-| [Vert.x RxJava2](https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-rx/java2/) | 3.5+ |
-### Disabled Instrumentations
-Some instrumentations can produce too many spans and make traces very noisy.
-For this reason the following instrumentations are disabled by default:
-- `jdbc-datasource` which creates spans whenever `java.sql.DataSource#getConnection` method is called.
-- `servlet-filter` which creates spans around Servlet Filter methods.
-- `servlet-service` which creates spans around Servlet methods.
-To enable them, add `otel.integration..enabled` system property:
-### Grizzly Instrumentation
-Whenever you use
-[Grizzly](https://javaee.github.io/grizzly/httpserverframework.html) for
-Servlet-based applications, you get better experience from Servlet-specific
-support. As these two instrumentations conflict with each other, more generic
-instrumentation for Grizzly http server is disabled by default. If needed,
-you can enable it by add the following system property:
-### Suppressing Instrumentation
-#### Specific Libraries
-You can suppress auto-instrumentation of specific libraries by using
-`-Dotel.integration.[id].enabled=false` where `id` is the instrumentation `id`.
-#### Specific Classes
-You can also exclude specific classes from being instrumented. This can be
-useful for a few reasons including:
-- To completely silence spans from a given class/package.
-- As a quick workaround for an instrumentation bug, when byte code in one specific class is problematic.
-> This option should not be used lightly, as it can leave some instrumentation
-> partially applied, which could have unknown side-effects.
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.trace.classes.exclude | OTEL_TRACE_CLASSES_EXCLUDE | Suppresses all instrumentation for specific classes, format is "my.package.MyClass,my.package2.\*" |
-### Logger MDC auto-instrumentation
-The agent injects several pieces of information about the current span into
-each logging event's MDC copy. As a result any services or tools that parse the
-application logs can correlate traces/spans with log statements.
-- `traceId` (same as `Span.current().getSpanContext().getTraceIdAsHexString()`)
-- `spanId` (same as `Span.current().getSpanContext().getSpanIdAsHexString()`)
-- `sampled` (same as `Span.current().getSpanContext().isSampled()`)
-This information can be included in log statements produced by the logging library
-by specifying them in the pattern/format.
-Example for Spring Boot configuration (which uses logback):
-logging.pattern.console = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %logger{36} - %msg trace_id=%X{trace_id} span_id=%X{span_id} trace_flags=%X{trace_flags} %n
-#### Supported logging libraries
-| Library | Version |
-| Log4j 1 | 1.2+ |
-| Log4j 2 | 2.7+ |
-| Logback | 1.0+ |
-## Configuration Options
-> Configuration parameters names are very likely to change until GA.
-### Exporters
-The following configuration properties are common to all exporters:
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.exporter | OTEL_EXPORTER | Exporter to be used, can be a comma-separated list to use multiple exporters. Currently does not support multiple metric exporters. Defaults to `otlp`. |
-#### OTLP exporter (both span and metric exporters)
-> In order to configure the service name for the OTLP exporter, you must add
-`service.name` key to the OpenTelemetry Resource ([see
-below](#opentelemetry-resource)). For example:
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.exporter=otlp (default) | OTEL_EXPORTER=otlp | To select OpenTelemetry exporter (default) |
-| otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint | OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT | The OTLP endpoint to connect to, default is "localhost:55680" |
-| otel.exporter.otlp.insecure | OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_INSECURE | Whether to enable client transport security for the connection |
-| otel.exporter.otlp.headers | OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS | The key-value pairs separated by semicolon to pass as request headers |
-| otel.exporter.otlp.timeout | OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TIMEOUT | The max waiting time allowed to send each batch, default is 1000 |
-#### Jaeger exporter
-> Currently only supports gRPC.
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.exporter=jaeger | OTEL_EXPORTER=jaeger | To select Jaeger exporter |
-| otel.exporter.jaeger.endpoint | OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT | The Jaeger endpoint to connect to, default is "localhost:14250", currently only gRPC is supported. |
-| otel.exporter.jaeger.service.name | OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME | The service name of this JVM instance, default is "unknown". |
-#### Zipkin exporter
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.exporter=zipkin | OTEL_EXPORTER=zipkin | To select Zipkin exporter |
-| otel.exporter.zipkin.endpoint | OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_ENDPOINT | The Zipkin endpoint to connect to, default is "http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans". Currently only HTTP is supported. |
-| otel.exporter.zipkin.service.name | OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_SERVICE_NAME | The service name of this JVM instance, default is "unknown". |
-#### Prometheus exporter
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.exporter=prometheus | OTEL_EXPORTER=prometheus | To select Prometheus exporter |
-| otel.exporter.prometheus.port | OTEL_EXPORTER_PROMETHEUS_PORT | The local port used to bind the prometheus metric server, defaults to 9464 |
-| otel.exporter.prometheus.host | OTEL_EXPORTER_PROMETHEUS_HOST | The local address used to bind the prometheus metric server, defaults to "" |
-#### Logging exporter
-> The logging exporter simply prints the name of the span along with its
-attributes to stdout. It is used mainly for testing and debugging.
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.exporter=logging | OTEL_EXPORTER=logging | To select logging exporter |
-| otel.exporter.logging.prefix | OTEL_EXPORTER_LOGGING_PREFIX | An optional string that is printed in front of the span name and attributes. |
-### Propagator
-The propagator controls which distributed tracing header format is used.
-If this is set to a comma-delimited list of the values, the multi-propagator
-will be used. The multi-propagator will try to extract the context from
-incoming requests using each of the configured propagator formats (in order),
-stopping after the first successful context extraction. The multi-propagator
-will inject the context into outgoing requests using all the configured
-propagator formats.
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.propagators | OTEL_PROPAGATORS | Default is "tracecontext" (W3C). Other supported values are "b3", "b3single", "jaeger", "ottracer", "xray". |
-### OpenTelemetry Resource
-The [OpenTelemetry
-is a representation of the entity producing telemetry.
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.resource.attributes | OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES | Used to specify resource attributes in format: key1=val1,key2=val2,key3=val3 |
-### Peer service name
-The [peer service
-is the name of a remote service that is being connected to. It corresponds to
-`service.name` in the
-for the local service.
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.endpoint.peer.service.mapping | OTEL_ENDPOINT_PEER_SERVICE_MAPPING | Used to specify a mapping from hostnames or IP addresses to peer services, as a comma separated list of host=name pairs. The peer service name will be added as an attribute to a span whose host or IP match the mapping. For example, if set to,dogs-abcdef123.serverlessapis.com=dogs-api, requests to `` will have a `peer.service` attribute of `cats-service` and requests to `dogs-abcdef123.serverlessapis.com` will have one of `dogs-api` |
-### Batch span processor
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.bsp.schedule.delay | OTEL_BSP_SCHEDULE_DELAY | The interval in milliseconds between two consecutive exports (default: 5000) |
-| otel.bsp.max.queue | OTEL_BSP_MAX_QUEUE | Maximum queue size (default: 2048) |
-| otel.bsp.max.export.batch | OTEL_BSP_MAX_EXPORT_BATCH | Maximum batch size (default: 512) |
-| otel.bsp.export.timeout | OTEL_BSP_EXPORT_TIMEOUT | Maximum allowed time in milliseconds to export data (default: 30000) |
-| otel.bsp.export.sampled | OTEL_BSP_EXPORT_SAMPLED | Whether only sampled spans should be exported (default: true) |
-### Trace config
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.config.sampler.probability | OTEL_CONFIG_SAMPLER_PROBABILITY | Sampling probability between 0 and 1 (default: 1) |
-| otel.config.max.attrs | OTEL_CONFIG_MAX_ATTRS | Maximum number of attributes per span (default: 32) |
-| otel.config.max.events | OTEL_CONFIG_MAX_EVENTS | Maximum number of events per span (default: 128) |
-| otel.config.max.links | OTEL_CONFIG_MAX_LINKS | Maximum number of links per span (default: 32) |
-| otel.config.max.event.attrs | OTEL_CONFIG_MAX_EVENT_ATTRS | Maximum number of attributes per event (default: 32) |
-| otel.config.max.link.attrs | OTEL_CONFIG_MAX_LINK_ATTRS | Maximum number of attributes per link (default: 32) |
-### Interval metric reader
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| otel.imr.export.interval | OTEL_IMR_EXPORT_INTERVAL | The interval in milliseconds between pushes to the exporter (default: 60000) |
-#### Customizing the OpenTelemetry SDK
-> This is highly advanced behavior and still in the prototyping phase. It may
-change drastically or be removed completely. Use with caution
-The OpenTelemetry API exposes SPI
-for customizing its behavior, such as the `Resource` attached to spans or the
-Because the auto instrumentation runs in a separate classpath than the
-instrumented application, it is not possible for customization in the
-application to take advantage of this customization. In order to provide such
-customization, you can provide the path to a JAR file including an SPI
-implementation using the system property `otel.initializer.jar`. Note that this
-JAR will need to shade the OpenTelemetry API in the same way as the agent does.
-The simplest way to do this is to use the same shading configuration as the
-agent from
-In addition, you will have to specify the
-to the name of the class that implements the SPI.
-## Manual Instrumentation
-> Starting with 0.6.0, and prior to version 1.0.0, `opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar`
-only supports manual instrumentation using the `opentelemetry-api` version with the same version
-number as the Java agent you are using. Starting with 1.0.0, the Java agent will start supporting
-multiple (1.0.0+) versions of `opentelemetry-api`.
-With auto-instrumentation it may be desirable to also add manual
-instrumentation. In this scenario, it is critical that both automatic and
-manual instrumentation stitch together properly. Two options exist to configure
-manual instrumentation with the appropriate span context:
-- `@WithSpan` annotation: Simply annotate the functions or methods you wish to instrument
-- `getTracer`: Traditional way to instrument with OpenTelemetry
-Both options require a dependency on the `opentelemetry-api` library to get started.
-### Dependency
-#### Maven
- io.opentelemetry
- opentelemetry-api
- 0.10.0
-#### Gradle
-dependencies {
- compile('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api:0.10.0')
-### Configure `@WithSpan` annotation
-Add the trace annotation to your application's code. Then, each time the
-application invokes the annotated method, it creates a span that denotes its
-duration and provides any thrown exceptions.
-import io.opentelemetry.extensions.auto.annotations.WithSpan;
-public class MyClass {
- @WithSpan
- public void MyLogic() {
- <...>
- }
-#### Dependency
-An additional dependency is required for this annotation:
-##### Maven
- io.opentelemetry
- opentelemetry-extension-auto-annotations
- 0.10.0
-##### Groovy
-dependencies {
- compile('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-extension-auto-annotations:0.10.0')
-#### Suppressing `@WithSpan` instrumentation
-This is useful in case you have code that is over-instrumented using `@WithSpan`,
-and you want to suppress some of them without modifying the code.
-| System property | Environment variable | Purpose |
-| trace.annotated.methods.exclude | TRACE_ANNOTATED_METHODS_EXCLUDE | Suppress `@WithSpan` instrumentation for specific methods, format is "my.package.MyClass1[method1,method2];my.package.MyClass2[method3]" |
-### Configure the OpenTelemetry getTracer
-See the [Manual Instrumentation documentation](/docs/java/manual_instrumentation/#instantiate-tracer)
-for configuration information and examples.
-## Troubleshooting
-To turn on the agent's internal debug logging:
-> Note these logs are extremely verbose. Enable debug logging only when needed.
-Debug logging negatively impacts the performance of your application.
diff --git a/website_docs/getting_started.md b/website_docs/getting_started.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 27706e52bc6..00000000000
--- a/website_docs/getting_started.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-title: "Getting Started"
-weight: 2
-**Note**: As of 3/29 this is a copy of the documentation live on opentelemetry.io, and requires updates to become current with the current Java release.
-## Automatic Instrumentation
-> Automatic instrumentation is applicable to trace data only today.
-Download the [latest version](/docs/java/#releases-1). This package includes
-the instrumentation agent, instrumentations for all supported libraries and all
-available data exporters.
-The instrumentation agent is enabled by passing the `-javaagent` flag to the JVM.
-java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar \
- -jar myapp.jar
-By default OpenTelemetry Java agent uses the [OTLP
-configured to send data to a local [OpenTelemetry
-at `localhost:55680`.
-Configuration parameters are passed as Java system properties (`-D` flags) or as
-environment variables. For example:
-java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar \
- -Dotel.exporter=zipkin \
- -jar myapp.jar
-An exporter jar can be specified via the `otel.exporter.jar` system property:
-java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar \
- -Dotel.exporter.jar=path/to/external-exporter.jar \
- -jar myapp.jar
-For additional information, see the [Automatic Instrumentation documentation](/docs/java/automatic_instrumentation).
-## Manual Instrumentation
-Please see the [QuickStart Guide](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/blob/v1.0.0/QUICKSTART.md).
-#### Example
-are provided to get started. The [metrics
-demonstrates how to generate other types of metrics.
diff --git a/website_docs/instrumentation_examples.md b/website_docs/instrumentation_examples.md
index 6961f07401e..994a39186b2 100644
--- a/website_docs/instrumentation_examples.md
+++ b/website_docs/instrumentation_examples.md
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ title: "Instrumentation Examples"
weight: 4
-**Note**: As of 3/29 this is a copy of the documentation live on opentelemetry.io, and requires updates to become current with the current Java release.
Here are Some of the resources for Opentelemetry Instrumentation Examples
## Community Resources
diff --git a/website_docs/manual_instrumentation.md b/website_docs/manual_instrumentation.md
index f8c91a4bc58..e206ca0d1d2 100644
--- a/website_docs/manual_instrumentation.md
+++ b/website_docs/manual_instrumentation.md
@@ -3,17 +3,42 @@ Title: "Manual Instrumentation"
Weight: 3
-**Note**: As of 3/29 this is a copy of the documentation live on opentelemetry.io, and requires updates to become current with the current Java release.
-## Traces
-### Instantiate `TracerProvider` and SDK
-In the [OpenTelemetry Tracing
-the `TracerProvider` is the main entry point and is expected to be the stateful
-object that holds any configuration. The `TracerProvider` provides access
-to the [`Tracer`](#instantiate-tracer).
+- [Set up](#set-up)
+- [Tracing](#tracing)
+ * [Create basic Span](#create-a-basic-span)
+ * [Create nested Spans](#create-nested-spans)
+ * [Span Attributes](#span-attributes)
+ * [Create Spans with events](#create-spans-with-events)
+ * [Create Spans with links](#create-spans-with-links)
+ * [Context Propagation](#context-propagation)
+- [Metrics](#metrics-alpha-only)
+- [Tracing SDK Configuration](#tracing-sdk-configuration)
+ * [Sampler](#sampler)
+ * [Span Processor](#span-processor)
+ * [Exporter](#exporter)
+- [Auto Configuration](#auto-configuration)
+- [Logging And Error Handling](#logging-and-error-handling)
+ * [Examples](#examples)
+**Libraries** that want to export telemetry data using OpenTelemetry MUST only depend on the
+`opentelemetry-api` package and should never configure or depend on the OpenTelemetry SDK. The SDK
+configuration must be provided by **Applications** which should also depend on the
+`opentelemetry-sdk` package, or any other implementation of the OpenTelemetry API. This way,
+libraries will obtain a real implementation only if the user application is configured for it. For
+more details, check out the [Library Guidelines].
+## Set up
+The first step is to get a handle to an instance of the `OpenTelemetry` interface.
+If you are an application developer, you need to configure an instance of the `OpenTelemetrySdk` as
+early as possible in your application. This can be done using the `OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()` method.
+For example:
SdkTracerProvider sdkTracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
@@ -26,29 +51,33 @@ to the [`Tracer`](#instantiate-tracer).
-### Instantiate `Tracer`
+As an aside, if you are writing library instrumentation, it is strongly recommended that you provide your users
+the ability to inject an instance of `OpenTelemetry` into your instrumentation code. If this is
+not possible for some reason, you can fall back to using an instance from the `GlobalOpenTelemetry`
+class. Note that you can't force end-users to configure the global, so this is the most brittle
+option for library instrumentation.
+## Tracing
-In order to instrument, you must acquire a `Tracer`. A `Tracer` is responsible for
-creating spans. To acquire a `Tracer` use the [OpenTelemetry Tracing
-and specify the name and version of the [library
-the [instrumented
-or application to be monitored.
+In the following, we present how to trace code using the OpenTelemetry API. **Note:** Methods of the
+OpenTelemetry SDK should never be called.
+First, a `Tracer` must be acquired, which is responsible for creating spans and interacting with the
+[Context](#context-propagation). A tracer is acquired by using the OpenTelemetry API specifying the
+name and version of the [library instrumenting][Instrumentation Library] the [instrumented library] or application to be
+monitored. More information is available in the specification chapter [Obtaining a Tracer].
Tracer tracer =
- openTelemetry.getTracer("instrumentation-library-name","1.0.0");
+ openTelemetry.getTracer("instrumentation-library-name", "1.0.0");
-### Create Spans
-#### Basic
-To create a basic span, you only need to specify the name of the span. The
-start and end time of the span is automatically set by the OpenTelemetry SDK.
+Important: the "name" and optional version of the tracer are purely informational.
+All `Tracer`s that are created by a single `OpenTelemetry` instance will interoperate, regardless of name.
+### Create a basic Span
+To create a basic span, you only need to specify the name of the span.
+The start and end time of the span is automatically set by the OpenTelemetry SDK.
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my span").startSpan();
// put the span into the current Context
@@ -62,16 +91,13 @@ try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
-#### Nested
+### Create nested Spans
-Most of the time, we want to correlate spans for nested operations.
-OpenTelemetry supports tracing within processes and across remote processes.
-For more information about how to share context between remote processes, see [Context
-For a method `parentOne` calling a method `childOne`, the spans could be manually linked in the
-following way:
+Most of the time, we want to correlate spans for nested operations. OpenTelemetry supports tracing
+within processes and across remote processes. For more details how to share context between remote
+processes, see [Context Propagation](#context-propagation).
+For a method `a` calling a method `b`, the spans could be manually linked in the following way:
void parentOne() {
Span parentSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("parent").startSpan();
@@ -90,9 +116,7 @@ void childOne(Span parentSpan) {
-The OpenTelemetry API also offers an automated way to propagate the parentSpan:
+The OpenTelemetry API offers also an automated way to propagate the parent span on the current thread:
void parentTwo() {
Span parentSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("parent").startSpan();
@@ -113,23 +137,19 @@ void childTwo() {
-To link spans from remote processes, it is sufficient to set the [Remote
-Context](#context-propagation) as parent.
+To link spans from remote processes, it is sufficient to set the
+[Remote Context](#context-propagation) as parent.
Span childRemoteParent = tracer.spanBuilder("Child").setParent(remoteContext).startSpan();
-### Enrich Spans
-#### Attributes
-In OpenTelemetry, you can create spans freely. It's up to the implementor to
-annotate spans with attributes specific to the represented operation. Attributes
-provide additional context on a span about the specific operation it tracks,
-such as results or operation properties.
+### Span Attributes
+In OpenTelemetry spans can be created freely and it's up to the implementor to annotate them with
+attributes specific to the represented operation. Attributes provide additional context on a span
+about the specific operation it tracks, such as results or operation properties.
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("/resource/path").setSpanKind(SpanKind.CLIENT).startSpan();
@@ -137,17 +157,15 @@ span.setAttribute("http.method", "GET");
span.setAttribute("http.url", url.toString());
-Some of these operations represent calls that use well-known protocols like
-HTTP or database calls. For these operations, OpenTelemetry requires specific attributes
-to be set. The full attribute list is available in the Semantic Conventions in
-the cross-language specification. And, the standard attribute keys are available in the
-`io.opentelemetry.api.trace.attributes.SemanticAttributes` class as constants.
+Some of these operations represent calls that use well-known protocols like HTTP or database calls.
+For these, OpenTelemetry requires specific attributes to be set. The full attribute list is
+available in the [Semantic Conventions](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/master/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/README.md) in the cross-language specification.
-#### Events
+### Create Spans with events
-Spans can be annotated with named events that can carry zero or more [Span
-Attributes](#attributes), each of which is itself a name/value map paired
-automatically with a timestamp.
+Spans can be annotated with named events that can carry zero or more
+[Span Attributes](#span-attributes), each of which is itself a key:value map paired automatically
+with a timestamp.
@@ -163,12 +181,10 @@ Attributes eventAttributes = Attributes.of(
span.addEvent("End Computation", eventAttributes);
-#### Links
-You can link a span to zero or more other spans that are causally related.
-Use links to represent batched operations where a span was initiated by
-multiple initiating spans, each representing a single incoming item being
-processed in the batch.
+### Create Spans with links
+A Span may be linked to zero or more other Spans that are causally related. Links can be used to
+represent batched operations where a Span was initiated by multiple initiating Spans, each
+representing a single incoming item being processed in the batch.
Span child = tracer.spanBuilder("childWithLink")
@@ -179,17 +195,15 @@ Span child = tracer.spanBuilder("childWithLink")
-For more information about how to read context from remote processes, see [Context
+For more details how to read context from remote processes, see
+[Context Propagation](#context-propagation).
### Context Propagation
-OpenTelemetry provides a text-based approach to propagate context to remote
-services. By default, the [W3C Trace Context](https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/)
-format is used.
+OpenTelemetry provides a text-based approach to propagate context to remote services using the
+[W3C Trace Context](https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/) HTTP headers.
-The following example shows an outgoing HTTP request using
+The following presents an example of an outgoing HTTP request using `HttpURLConnection`.
// Tell OpenTelemetry to inject the context in the HTTP headers
@@ -205,7 +219,7 @@ TextMapSetter setter =
URL url = new URL("");
Span outGoing = tracer.spanBuilder("/resource").setSpanKind(SpanKind.CLIENT).startSpan();
try (Scope scope = outGoing.makeCurrent()) {
- // Semantic Convention.
+ // Use the Semantic Conventions.
// (Note that to set these, Span does not *need* to be the current instance in Context or Scope.)
outGoing.setAttribute(SemanticAttributes.HTTP_METHOD, "GET");
outGoing.setAttribute(SemanticAttributes.HTTP_URL, url.toString());
@@ -219,10 +233,9 @@ try (Scope scope = outGoing.makeCurrent()) {
-Similarly, you can use the text-based approach to read the W3C Trace Context
-from incoming requests. The following example demonstrates processing an
-incoming HTTP request using
+Similarly, the text-based approach can be used to read the W3C Trace Context from incoming requests.
+The following presents an example of processing an incoming HTTP request using
TextMapGetter getter =
@@ -265,90 +278,22 @@ public void handle(HttpExchange httpExchange) {
-Other propagators are available as extensions, most notably
-### Configuring the default OpenTelemetry SDK
-In order to configure the SDK, options can be passed to the builder method of `SdkTracerProvider`. The following demonstrates a SDK that writes traces through a logger.
- SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
- .addSpanProcessor(BatchSpanProcessor.builder(new LoggingSpanExporter()).build())
- .build();
-### Processors
-The following processors are available today:
-#### SimpleSpanProcessor
-This span processor exports spans immediately after they end.
-SimpleSpanProcessor simpleSpansProcessor = SimpleSpanProcessor.builder(exporter).build();
-#### BatchSpanProcessor
-This span processor exports spans in batches.
-BatchSpanProcessor batchSpansProcessor =
- BatchSpanProcessor.builder(exporter).build();
-You can also specify a variety of configuration parameters:
-BatchSpanProcessor batchSpansProcessor =
- BatchSpanProcessor.builder(exporter)
- .setExportOnlySampled(true) // send only sampled spans to the exporter
- .setMaxExportBatchSize(512) // maximum batch size to use
- .setMaxQueueSize(2048) // queue size; mmust be >= the export batch size
- .setExporterTimeoutMillis(
- 30_000) // max amount of time an export can run before getting interrupted
- .setScheduleDelayMillis(5000) // set time between two different exports
- .build();
-#### MultiSpanProcessor
+## Metrics (alpha only!)
-A MultiSpanProcessor accepts a list of span processors.
-SpanProcessor multiSpanProcessor =
- MultiSpanProcessor.create(Arrays.asList(simpleSpansProcessor, batchSpansProcessor));
-### Exporters
-### Sampling
+Spans are a great way to get detailed information about what your application is doing, but
+what about a more aggregated perspective? OpenTelemetry provides supports for metrics, a time series
+of numbers that might express things such as CPU utilization, request count for an HTTP server, or a
+business metric such as transactions.
-## Metrics
+In order to access the alpha metrics library, you will need to explicitly depend on the `opentelemetry-api-metrics`
+and `opentelemetry-sdk-metrics` modules, which are not included in the opentelemetry-bom until they are
+stable and ready for long-term-support.
-OpenTelemetry provides support for metrics, a time series of numbers that might
-express things such as CPU utilization, request count for an HTTP server, or a
-business metric such as transactions.
+All metrics can be annotated with labels: additional qualifiers that help describe what
+subdivision of the measurements the metric represents.
-All metrics can be annotated with labels. Labels are additional qualifiers that help
-describe what subdivision of the measurements the metric represents.
+First, you'll need to get access to a `MeterProvider`. Note the APIs for this are in flux, so no
+example code is provided here for that.
The following is an example of counter usage:
@@ -391,3 +336,166 @@ The following is an example of observer usage:
+## Tracing SDK Configuration
+The configuration examples reported in this document only apply to the SDK provided by
+`opentelemetry-sdk`. Other implementation of the API might provide different configuration
+The application has to install a span processor with an exporter and may customize the behavior of
+the OpenTelemetry SDK.
+For example, a basic configuration instantiates the SDK tracer provider and sets to export the
+traces to a logging stream.
+ SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
+ .addSpanProcessor(BatchSpanProcessor.builder(new LoggingSpanExporter()).build())
+ .build();
+### Sampler
+It is not always feasible to trace and export every user request in an application.
+In order to strike a balance between observability and expenses, traces can be sampled.
+The OpenTelemetry SDK offers four samplers out of the box:
+- [AlwaysOnSampler] which samples every trace regardless of upstream sampling decisions.
+- [AlwaysOffSampler] which doesn't sample any trace, regardless of upstream sampling decisions.
+- [ParentBased] which uses the parent span to make sampling decisions, if present.
+- [TraceIdRatioBased] which samples a configurable percentage of traces, and additionally samples any
+ trace that was sampled upstream.
+Additional samplers can be provided by implementing the `io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace.Sampler`
+ SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
+ .setSampler(Sampler.alwaysOn())
+ //or
+ .setSampler(Sampler.alwaysOff())
+ //or
+ .setSampler(Sampler.traceIdRatioBased(0.5))
+ .build();
+### Span Processor
+Different Span processors are offered by OpenTelemetry. The `SimpleSpanProcessor` immediately
+forwards ended spans to the exporter, while the `BatchSpanProcessor` batches them and sends them
+in bulk. Multiple Span processors can be configured to be active at the same time using the
+ SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
+ .addSpanProcessor(SimpleSpanProcessor.create(new LoggingSpanExporter()))
+ .addSpanProcessor(BatchSpanProcessor.builder(new LoggingSpanExporter()).build())
+ .build();
+### Exporter
+Span processors are initialized with an exporter which is responsible for sending the telemetry data
+a particular backend. OpenTelemetry offers five exporters out of the box:
+- In-Memory Exporter: keeps the data in memory, useful for debugging.
+- Jaeger Exporter: prepares and sends the collected telemetry data to a Jaeger backend via gRPC.
+- Zipkin Exporter: prepares and sends the collected telemetry data to a Zipkin backend via the Zipkin APIs.
+- Logging Exporter: saves the telemetry data into log streams.
+- OpenTelemetry Exporter: sends the data to the [OpenTelemetry Collector].
+Other exporters can be found in the [OpenTelemetry Registry].
+ ManagedChannel jaegerChannel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 3336)
+ .usePlaintext()
+ .build();
+ JaegerGrpcSpanExporter jaegerExporter = JaegerGrpcSpanExporter.builder()
+ .setEndpoint("localhost:3336")
+ .setTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+ .build();
+ SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()
+ .addSpanProcessor(BatchSpanProcessor.builder(jaegerExporter).build())
+ .build();
+### Auto Configuration
+To configure the OpenTelemetry SDK based on the standard set of environment variables and system
+properties, you can use the `opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure` module.
+ OpenTelemetrySdk sdk = OpenTelemetrySdkAutoConfiguration.initialize();
+See the supported configuration options in the module's [README](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/tree/main/sdk-extensions/autoconfigure).
+[AlwaysOnSampler]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/blob/main/sdk/tracing/src/main/java/io/opentelemetry/sdk/trace/samplers/Sampler.java#L29
+[Library Guidelines]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/library-guidelines.md
+[OpenTelemetry Collector]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector
+[OpenTelemetry Registry]: https://opentelemetry.io/registry/?s=exporter
+[OpenTelemetry Website]: https://opentelemetry.io/
+[Obtaining a Tracer]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#get-a-tracer
+[Semantic Conventions]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/semantic_conventions
+[Instrumentation Library]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/glossary.md#instrumentation-library
+[instrumented library]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/glossary.md#instrumented-library
+## Logging and Error Handling
+OpenTelemetry uses [java.util.logging](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/logging/package-summary.html)
+to log information about OpenTelemetry, including errors and warnings about misconfigurations or failures exporting
+By default, log messages are handled by the root handler in your application. If you have not
+installed a custom root handler for your application, logs of level `INFO` or higher are sent to the console by default.
+You may
+want to change the behavior of the logger for OpenTelemetry. For example, you can reduce the logging level
+to output additional information when debugging, increase the level for a particular class to ignore errors coming
+from that class, or install a custom handler or filter to run custom code whenever OpenTelemetry logs
+a particular message.
+### Examples
+## Turn off all OpenTelemetry logging
+io.opentelemetry.level = OFF
+## Turn off logging for just the BatchSpanProcessor
+io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export.BatchSpanProcessor.level = OFF
+## Log "FINE" messages for help in debugging
+io.opentelemetry.level = FINE
+## Sets the default ConsoleHandler's logger's level
+## Note this impacts the logging outside of OpenTelemetry as well
+java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE
+For more fine-grained control and special case handling, custom handlers and filters can be specified
+with code.
+// Custom filter which does not log errors that come from the export
+public class IgnoreExportErrorsFilter implements Filter {
+ public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record) {
+ return !record.getMessage().contains("Exception thrown by the export");
+ }
+## Registering the custom filter on the BatchSpanProcessor
+io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export.BatchSpanProcessor = io.opentelemetry.extension.logging.IgnoreExportErrorsFilter