TSC members
- Norman Ashley (Cisco)
- Michael Baentsch (independent contributor)
- Thomas Bailleux (SandboxAQ)
- Basil Hess (IBM Research)
- Brian Jarvis (AWS)
- Christian Paquin (Microsoft Research)
- Douglas Stebila (University of Waterloo)
Other attendees
- Nigel Jones (IBM)
- Alex Bozarth (IBM)
- Michael (Max)imilien, IBM
- Ry Jones (Linux Foundation)
- JP Lomas (Die QRL Stiftung)
- Yarkin Doroz (NVIDIA)
- Pravek Sharma (UWaterloo)
- Ken Peirce
Thanks to everyone participating and joining on a short invitation notice.
No changes requested
@baentsch volunteers
@maximilien reporting for @thb-sb:
- @brian-jarvis-aws highlighted as TAC vice chair
- reminder to comment on PQCA lifecycle document as that should govern all PQCA projects; invitation to comment online and at TAC meeting(s), see PQCA/TAC#24 brief discussion and agreement that feedback comments in Google docs should not be silently deleted
- mention of different work groups being formed around security and CBOM
- requests for publication reviewers �
@dstebila reiterated meeting and solicited discussion as to what Trail of Bits should be asked to do for OQS within the offered 4 person week effort
- a discussion on the benefits of code audits at this time of the OQS project ensued and no clear agreement was achieved regarding benefits of such audit at this time; @ryjones and @baentsch emphasized the need to follow strict security practices (e.g., SDLC, Common Criteria) as and when such audits are done; further discussion seemed to be required to agree on which parts of OQS should be subject to code audit (also pertaining to #1 and #2.
- a wider agreement seemed to exist around the benefits of Trail of Bits contributing to the OQS CI pipeline such as to persist their know-how for a longer period of time within the OQS code space(s)
- the particular benefit for QEMU-based testing was highlighted for the embedded OQS user community (knowing CPU cycle and memory requirements) as early as possible to plan for long-term embedded HW deployments
@dstebila mentioned an invitation to present at this event and asked whether anyone would be willing to do so. No responses.
The observation was raised that the TSC github repo has many open issues and that progress on those is necessary. @dstebila suggested to make progress on those in core team meetings & agreement was reached that everyone should tag the issues of particular interest to them with "High", "Medium", "Low" importance. The tags have now been created and everyone is invited to give such feedback to prioritize the open issues.
The meeting closes after 45 minutes with no items un-discussed.