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File metadata and controls

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Private Compute Cloud (OpenStack Nova)

General information about Openstack Nova can be found at:

This repository provides the following:

The Bill of Materials document provides a description and representation of a Private Compute Cloud that is tuned for OpenPOWER servers. It provides information such as model numbers and feature codes to simplify the ordering process and it provides racking and cabling rules for the preferred layout of servers, switches, and cables.

The Deployment configuration file provides a mapping of servers and switches to software for the purposes of deployment. Each server is mapped to a set of OpenStack based software roles constituting the control plane, compute plane, and storage plane. Each role is defined in terms of a Linux distribution (Ubuntu) to be loaded and a set of operating system based resources such as users and networks that need to be configured to satisfy that role.

The Deployment configuration file must be edited prior to deployment to reflect the actual configuration that is to be installed. This is mostly a matter of making sure that the numbers of servers represented match the number of servers to be installed and that externally visible IP addresses are allocated from a user specified pool, so that the installation is properly integrated into the data center.

At the highest level, the installation process is split into two parts:

> Bare metal installation of Linux
> Installation of OpenStack, Ceph, optionally Swift, and Operational Management

The Deployment configuration file is fed into the bare metal installation process which is performed by cluster-genesis. The operating system is loaded and configured as specified in the configuration file. Users, networks, and switches are configured during this step. The last step is to invoke a small script that installs OpenStack, Ceph, et al. which is orchestrated by os-services.

More properly, in the bare metal installation step, only the installation tools for OpenStack and Ceph were installed, not the actual services. The next step is to configure these tools, so that they install the actual services in a prescribed manner so that they fit properly in the data center. The relevant projects are os-services, ceph-services, and opsmgr. Swift is configured as part of os-services. See the README files of each project to determine how these projects are configured. The configuration of Swift is described below in the section Swift Installation and Customization.

The final step is to invoke in the os-services repository to install and configure the cluster. os-services orchestrates the installation process of OpenStack, Swift, and Operational Management which are loaded into the first controller that is setup by cluster-genesis.

The OpenStack dashboard may be reached through your browser:

https://<ipaddr from external-floating-ipaddr in the config.yaml>

This recipe also includes an operational management console which is integrated into the OpenStack dashboard. It monitors the cloud infrastructure and shows metrics relates to the capacity, utilization, and health of the cloud infrastructure. It may also be configured to generate alerts when components fail. It is provided through the opsmgr repository.


Only os-services must be configured before invoking create-cluster. For more info, see related projects below.

Passwords may be found in /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets*.yml on the first OpenStack controller node.

Getting Started

The toolkit runs on an Ubuntu 16.04 OpenPOWER server or VM that is connected to the internet and management switch in the cluster to be configured.

  1. Read the Bill Of Materials

  2. Choose a deployment configuration file w/ or w/o Swift

  3. Rack and cable hardware as indicated

  4. Get a local copy of this repository:

    $ git clone git://
    $ cd private-compute-cloud
    $ TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
    $ git checkout $TAG
    $ CFG=$(pwd)/<your-chosen-config>.yml
  5. Edit the configuration file:

    Instructions for editing the file are included in the file itself.

    General information may be found in the Cluster Genesis User Guide

    Swift specific instructions can be found below in the section titled Swift Installation and Customization.

  6. Validate the configuration file:

    $ apt-get install python-pip
    $ pip install pyyaml
    $ git clone git://
    $ cd os-services
    $ git checkout $TAG
    $ ./scripts/ --file $CFG
  7. Place the configuration file:

    $ git clone git://
    $ cd cluster-genesis
    $ git checkout 1.3.0
    $ cp $CFG config.yml
  8. Invoke cluster-genesis to perform the bare metal installation process:

    Instructions may be found in the Cluster Genesis User Guide identified above.

  9. Wait for cluster-genesis to complete, ~3 hours:

  10. Edit the OpenStack configuration files:

    Instructions for general OpenStack configuration may be found below in the section titled Manual configuration of OpenStack-Ansible parameters.

    Instructions for Swift configuration may be found below in the section titled Swift Installation and Customization.

  11. Invoke the toolkit again to complete the installation:

    $ ./scripts/create-cluster

    Note this command is invoked on the first OpenStack controller node. The commands listed above are invoked on the deployer node. When cluster-genesis completes, it displays on the screen instructions for invoking the command above on the just provisioned first controller node.

Manual configuration of OpenStack-Ansible parameters

Manual configuration is required to integrate the cloud that is being created into your data center. The following list represents some of the items that need to be configured. Consult your OpenStack-Ansible documentation for a complete list of parameters that need to be set:

> Configure SSL Certificates
> Reserve a set of IP Addresses that OpenStack should not allocate
> Allocate IP Address Range for expansion of controller, storage, and compute nodes
> Allocate a set of IP Addresses for OpenStack Trove to use
> Setting a unique VRRP ID for keepalived for network high availability

Be sure to consult with your data center administrator for site specific policies regarding the use of SSL Certificates and floating external IP addresses as well as the selection of a unique VRRP ID within the data center. There is a lot of documentation related to OpenStack networking (Neutron) that is available on the internet. The following topics may be searched online to find more information:

> Legacy networking with Linux bridges
> High Availability using VRRP (L3HA) with Linux bridges
> Provider networks with Linux bridges

Swift Installation and Customization

Prior to activating cluster-genesis, the following parameters can be customized:

The node-templates section of config.yml contains a swift-metadata template for metadata nodes and a swift-object template for object nodes. In cases where metadata and object rings are converged on the same host, only the swift-object template is present.

Under either swift-metadata or swift-object, the domain-settings allow devices for each ring to be selected either by pci path or by individual disk names. The pci path (e.g. /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01) will be expanded to include all individual disks on that path. The individual disk names (e.g. /dev/sdx) are of course not expanded.

The disk containing the / filesystem will always be avoided.

The account, container, and object device lists cannot partially overlap. The lists must either be identical or mutually exclusive.

Here is an example where all rings use the devices on path pci-0004:03 as well as /dev/sdz.

                - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0004:03
                - /dev/sdz
                - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0004:03
                - /dev/sdz
                - /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0004:03
                - /dev/sdz

The following parameters can be customized prior to the create cluster phase:

  • /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml (optional)

      mount_point: /srv/node
      part_power: 8
      storage_network: br-storage
      - policy:
          default: 'True'
          index: 0
          name: default

    The default settings (which are shown above) include a 3x replication policy for the object ring. The account and container rings do not need to be specified and will use 3x replication.

    The description of each setting that can be changed is shown in /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/swift.yml.example.

    For example, the default storage policy could be changed to use erasure coding:

    - policy:
        default: 'True'
        index: 0
        name: default
        policy_type: erasure_coding
        ec_type: jerasure_rs_vand
        ec_num_data_fragments: 10
        ec_num_parity_fragments: 4
        ec_object_segment_size: 1048576

    Here is an example using multiple storage policies, where the default storage policy named 'default' uses 3x replication and an additional storage policy named 'ec10-4' uses erasure coding:

    - policy:
        default: 'True'
        index: 0
        name: default
    - policy:
        index: 1
        name: ec10-4
        policy_type: erasure_coding
        ec_type: jerasure_rs_vand
        ec_num_data_fragments: 10
        ec_num_parity_fragments: 4
        ec_object_segment_size: 1048576

    The swift_hosts section of openstack_user_config.yml shows which rings reside on a particular set of drives within each host. This is initially based on the settings provided by config.yml prior to the bootstrap phase. For example:

            - groups:
               - default
              name: disk1
            - groups:
              - default
              name: disk2
            - groups:
              - default
              name: disk7
            - groups:
              - account
              - container
              name: meta1
            - groups:
              - account
              - container
              name: meta2
            - groups:
              - account
              - container
              name: meta6
  • /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml (optional)

    This contains passwords which are generated during the create-cluster phase. Any fields that are manually filled in after the bootstrap-cluster phase will not be touched by the automatic password generator during the create-cluster phase.

Advanced Customization

The config.yml file which is used as input to cluster-genesis allows the devices used by Swift rings to be specified as part of the node-templates section. The cluster-genesis code gathers inventory information from each node and uses that to populate a nodes section of its output inventory file, /var/oprc/inventory.yml. For situations where heterogenous hardware is used, it may be necessary for some hosts to override the devices list specified in the node-templates section.

Under normal circumstances, when the cluster-genesis project is activated it will automatically invoke the that is provided by the os-services project. In order to perform the advanced customization steps described below, you will need to prevent that from happening so that you have time to modify /var/oprc/inventory.yml.

To customize the disks and devices for the Swift rings on a per-node basis, modify config.yml to remove the call to before initiating cluster-genesis. After cluster-genesis completes, modify /var/oprc/inventory.yml on the first controller node as discussed below and then invoke

The settings in the node-templates section apply to all nodes in the corresponding nodes section of /var/oprc/inventory.yml unless an individual node sets domain-settings to override the template.

Here is an example where node specifies different devices to override the node-templates section shown above.

    -   ipv4-pxe:
                - /dev/sdx
                - /dev/sdy
                - /dev/sdz
                - /dev/sdx
                - /dev/sdy
                - /dev/sdz
                - /dev/sdx
                - /dev/sdy
                - /dev/sdz

Verifying an install

After successful installation, verify that Swift services are running correctly.

  • Check for the existence of a utility container using lxc-ls -f on the controller nodes.

  • Attach the utility container using lxc-attach -n <container name>

  • Source the environment file:

    $ source /root/openrc
  • Run some sample OpenStack Swift commands and ensure they run without any errors:

    $ swift list
    $ swift stat
    $ swift post <containerName>
    $ swift list <containerName>
    $ swift stat <containerName>
    $ swift upload <containerName> <filename>
    $ swift download <containerName> <filename>
  • Find the public endpoint URL for the OpenStack Keystone identity service, so that it can be used to access Swift from remote hosts:

    $ openstack catalog list

Using OpenStack Swift

Further information on using the OpenStack Swift client can be found at:

Administration for OpenStack Swift

The OpenStack Ansible playbooks can be used to perform administrative tasks in the cluster. The playbooks are found on the first OpenStack controller node in:


The Swift role for OpenStack Ansible is found in:


The settings used by these playbooks are in:


For example, changes to the ring configuration could be made in openstack_user_config.yml. Then to refresh Swift services, rebuild the rings, and push these changes out to the cluster:

$ cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks
$ openstack-ansible os-swift-sync.yml --skip-tags swift-key,swift-key-distribute

Related projects

Recipes for OpenPOWER servers are located here:

Here, you will find several OpenStack based recipes:

The following projects provides services that are used as major building blocks in recipes: