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Geoffrey Paulsen edited this page May 28, 2019 · 1 revision

Open MPI Weekly Telecon

  • Dialup Info: (Do not post to public mailing list or public wiki)

Attendees (on Web-ex)

  • Geoff Paulsen
  • Jeff Squyres
  • Brian Barrett
  • David Bernholdt
  • Edgar Gabriel
  • Ralph Castain
  • Todd Kordenbrock
  • Artem Polyakov
  • Thomas Naughton
  • George Bosilca

not there today (I keep this for easy cut-n-paste for future notes)

  • Brandon Yates (Intel)
  • Howard Pritchard
  • Peter Gottesman (Cisco)
  • Josh Hursey
  • Dan Topa (LANL)
  • Michael Heinz (Intel) - Introducing Brandon
  • Matthew Dosanjh
  • Joshua Ladd
  • Akshay Venkatesh (nVidia)
  • Noah Evans (Sandia)
  • Jake Hemstad
  • Xin Zhao
  • Nathan Hjelm
  • Geoffroy Vallee
  • Matias Cabral
  • Aravind Gopalakrishnan (Intel)
  • Arm (UTK)
  • mohan

Agenda/New Business

  • Introduce Brandon Yates (Intel) to cover while Michael Heinz is gone for 8 weeks.

  • Vector Datatype

    • If you're using complicated data types for real things, it's important.
    • Should it be back ported to release branches? Perhaps not, since only one customer has hit.
    • Not a blocker for v4.0.1
    • George can push this fix.
  • Issue 6640: ucx btl / UCT compiler issue

    • Howard will work on this weekend.
    • Drive a v4.0.2 (along with Vader fixes)
    • Please update README for compilation section
    • Coded to non-stable API, so need to check version, because future versions won't work.
    • Please put in a comment about why checking version and not functionality.
  • Infrastrastructure

    • Moved email from and moved to aws account
    • Next will be website - (both website and downloads moving)
      • Jeff, Ralph and Brian will do this move next week.
    • We will generate MD5sum, SHA1, and Sha256 (md5sum, and sha1 are pretty easily hacked now)
    • Don't have infrastructure to do code-signing.
  • Making progress of Ticket and lifecycle bot

  • Jeff opened a PR about ProBot -

  • Should have someone begin working on

  • Issue: Some cases cause Co-Author instead of signed-off: We may want to update our policy to also allow for Co-Authored-By When someone proposes a change via a github review, and the Author approves it, the new commit has a "Co-Authored-By". ACTION: Jeff will email Github to ask how other teams deal with this. * Github said it's a shortcoming. * Workaround - don't use this github feature. * No way to disable this feature in github settings.

  • OLD Submodule Topic

    • Jeff proposed to just do hwloc first, to get everyone familiar with submodules.
      • Still requires CI to prevent common mistakes.
    • Background - how to build the OMPI stack, moving to PRRTE. PMIx then becomes the infrastructure, but PRRTE needs to be able to stand alone.
    • Proposal to use submodules to implement
    • Concerns that we need to coirdinate Alliena DDT, and Totalview Tools.
      • Reason that this doesn't work is that there's no MPIR interface in PRRTE.
      • So we need to either get PMIx interface into the tools and remove support for MPIR
      • Ripping out an interface the tools depend on, but we can not wait for them to catch up.
    • Concerns about using submodules:
      • One OPAL would move off to it's own repo, and we'd have a reference.
        • A bot would watch that, and then it would file a PR, and a human would merge.
        • We MAY want to automate this at some point, but manually first.
      • Issue, someone locally makes a change to a submodule and commits locally, then bumps their parent repo's reference to point to that local change. If they push THAT, then other users won't have that submodule change.
        • CI catches case this, where someone accidentally pushes a submodule change
      • Other challenge is someone doesn't rev submodule refrence until right before a release.
      • For release branches, they should really point to a submodule release also.
    • New directory structure, will cause a lot of configury work.
      • Brian did some ugly prototyping in an hour, but not too bad.
    • How would this work for install?
      • just use --prefix and let each submodule install to the right place.
      • --enable-debug across multiple projects then it's going to be a bit of a pain.
      • Since similar lineage for each of these projects, then similar configure flags for each component.
  • Figure 2 of document shows:

    • external->opal->HEAD prrte->HEAD pmix->HEAD libevent->v2.1.8-stable release hwloc->v2.0.3 release
    • In reality, opal depends on libevent. pmix depends on hwloc
    • How do we ensure that the dependencies are "compatible"?
    • If everyone has the same jenkins driving them to update. Issues should be transient.
    • PRRTE doesn't bundle libevent, and hwloc. So OMPI is only owners of bundling.
      • PRRTE only uses external
    • Don't have the "keep in sync" issue for anything but PMIX and OPAL.
    • OMPI currently uses HWLOC directly. Treematch code uses hwloc directly.
      • Most of code today doesn't use hwloc... just goes through pmix.
    • Two versions of OPAL one for OMPI and one for PRRTE?
      • How do we ensure those are not incompatible?
      • Answer: Test a lot.
  • submodule if have patch on two pieces, have to push lower, then wait for patch to get accepted (to get the hash, and CI to finish) then update higher level patch before pushing that.

  • Remember due to linkers, we need to keep OPAL as stable ABI.

  • Are we going to have official opal "releases", or just have everyone track master?

    • Yes want to do release branches of opal. And cut them at the same time.
    • This will make cherry-picking on release branches a bit tricky
    • Fix that spans both ompi/opal will be complicated.
      • Brian will update document
    • Will there be a separate OPAL VERSION file?
      • Yes, and this is why release branches should be cut in both repos.
    • What to do about PMIx and PRRTE ? Do they get their own release branches?
      • That just triples the work, and doesn't mean we're converging on opal
      • No, just version the dependencies, and submodules will
  • If anyone has a problem with submodules fundamentally, please speak up now.

    • Just normal knee jerk reaction, but it looks like with good CI we can manage the risks.
  • Host Ordering fix to v3.0.x, v3.1.x, v4.0.x

    • Still looking for volunteers
    • --host (and hostfile) on command line, the ordering of the hosts were not ordered.
    • This Fix went into master. Do we want to bring it back to release branches?
    • Everyone on call liked PRing this to release branches, but want to see what Brian and Howard think.
    • Not a backwards compatibility issues, since a specified ordering is a subset of a random ordering.
    • There is a PR for v4.0.x that Ralph and Jeff are iterating on. Unexpectedly large. Would be good to do this first.
    • Ralph is slammed but will try to find some time this week or next.
  • OLD Giles openib issue:

    • No one had any thoughts on.
    • Would like Mellanox to chime in and let us know if it's needed in v4.0.x
    • Geoff asked on PR if we can merge.


Review v3.0.x Milestones v3.0.4

  • No new updates. A few more PRs went in.

Review v3.1.x Milestones v3.1.4

  • No new updates. A few more PRs went in.

Review v4.0.x Milestones v4.0.2

  • UCT compiler error with latest UCX (Issue 6640)
    • Should drive a v4.0.2
    • This issue isn't just btl_uct, it would also affect PML,SMPL, and OSHMEM componennts.
    • We should check which versions OMPI v4.0.0 was tested with and set a lower bound
    • Artem will double check that we're not breaking backwards compatibility
  • For the btl_uct - Jeff and Nathan discussed some more.
    • Current PR doesn't quite do what we discussed.
    • Want to check both lower and upper versioning of UCX in configury.
    • Right now we have a configure test that passes, but fails to compile.
    • Using undocumented UCT APIs.
    • Question UCT/UCS and UCX releases are not syncronized.
      • Proposal was some lower bounded 1.6. And if we're higher than 1.6, then add a configure option to "compile anyways" with higher UCX versions.
      • Whatever we do, it's not just a btl_uct issue.
    • On the one hand, we can't write tests for every API.
    • On the other hand, it's bad to run configure and get a compiler error.
    • configure checks are just as bad to end customers as compiler errors.
    • Brian proposed that we step back and we need to
    • uct calls are hard to find because grep hits too many "struct"
    • lots of UCS calls, but UCS calls are part of public API (example ucs_status)
      • Valid question, we need to double check, but UCS calls might be part of the public API.
    • UCT - ucx transfer
    • UCS - ucx service
    • Artem will ask mellanox to look at the PML, SPML, and OSC, and ensure they're not using any non-public APIs (no calls to uct layer, or private ucs)
  • Why do we have both btl_uct and PML for ucx?
    • BTL_UCT is a pretty good non-vender solution.
    • There is value in having both vender and non-vender components
      • Part of the goal of Open MPI is to give the research side agency to try different approaches.
    • Agree, but what we've done is chosen to ship production software that relies on unstable APIs (UCT).
  • Some thoughts about feeding back btl_uct appraoch to ucx for them to fix.
    • Not possible in short term because they have different goals.
  • For v4.0.x Have to add some configurey to compile or not compile 'by default'
  • Issue 6607 might want to get into a v4.0.2
    • Jeff's not sure if there's a real problem or not (assume not)
  • Will need an update of PMIx v3.1.x - Need a new RC.
    • Josh Hursey will post a PR to OMPI v4.0.x when it's ready.
    • MPIR hangs - event timing
  • Vader Blocking Issue 6568 - Needs to be fixed on v4.0.x - Blocker
    • we thought we fixed in Issue 6258 - not MAC specific
    • 6258 fix didn't completely fix 6568
    • Blocker 6655 vader issue with optimize builds - much more concerning
      • If we
    • George identified what the problem on vader issue.
  • Artem observed an issue with v4.0.x with high number of nodes (>256 rsh doesn't work)
    • Sounds like fixes Ralph mention were ported, but still seeing these issues.
    • Mellanox is tracking it down. Set of mca params to make it work.
  • Someone should do a roundup of vader issues in last few months, and make sure they've been ported to correct
    • Geoff and Howard will see if anything was missed in vader for v4.0.x in last few months.
    • At least one that Jeff looked at (noted on ticket) was only a v4.0.x
  • PR6651 - btl/vader - Merged.
    • Jeff will check to see if needs this in v3.0.x and v3.1.x
  • PR6652 - Discussion of taking new functionality in a release branch.
    • Really should be bug-fixes. Sometimes, a little liberal with definition of "bug"
    • We've added some items missed in standard as a "bugfix" before, but this is not that situation.
    • Sounds like we should push-back against this in the release branch
  • PR6508 - started to fix host ordering, but quite large, and not complete.
    • Fixing this brings in quite a bit of other things.
    • Problem with this is that it's a significant patch
    • Ralph won't have time in next few months.
    • Interested in having this all the way back to v3.0.x
    • We're asking for help on this.
    • Artem - This sounds like >256 issue.
      • if host list is sorted, don't see this issue.
      • Ralph says there is a fix in master, but only affects -host.
      • Regex has this problem. v4.0.x has fixes version of regex.
      • Mellanox is investigating
      • workaround is avoid tree-based spawn, and some other rsh parameter.
    • In master, the compression has a specific 256 boundary.


  • PR6556 and 6621 should go to the release branches.
  • George sees regular deadlocks on vader for apps that send >2GB
    • Issue Number we need some help on this.
  • PR6625 - Discussed if we want to take the pain of this PR.
    • Good PR to mop up removal.
    • In favor of cleanup, but nervous about changing the values of non-related enums and constants.
    • We were in favor of cleanup on master.
    • Jeff went back to notes, and found that wiki describes we want to keep --enable-mpi1-compatibility
    • Want to get rid of C++ for OMPI v5.0
    • But want to keep OMPI v5.0 the same as v4.x as far as --enable-mpi1-compatibility.
    • Geoff will do this work on master to keep --enable-mpi1-compatibility
    • Could turn on some runtime annoyance factor (opal_show_help) can be disabled via mca parameter.
    • Geoff will implement. LB and UB would be hard. Maybe in type-init.
    • Reach out to George.
  • Good reminder that we now need to be careful about OPAL's ABI.


  • Still don't have any release manager.

    • Need to identify someone in next few months.
    • Would be nice to
    • Ralph is volunteering
    • Brian
    • Traditionally have one academic and one industry rep as release manager.
  • We can

  • Still have one fundamental issue, do we do ORTE/PRRTE change for v5.0 or v6.0?

  • Schedule: Even if we want to do ORTE/PRRTE change NOW, it wouldn't get out until fall.

  • meaning so v6.0 wouldn't get out until Summer of next year.

  • Schedule: May 2020 is Ralphs retirement.

  • If we do ORTE/PRRTE change in Open MPI v5.0 Fall of 2019, then we'll have more time from Ralph before he retires.

  • When will MPI v4.0 standard will be passed?

    • Next meeting is theoretically the last meeting, then 3 more meetings.
    • But one thing we WANT (Big Count) is not ready. so talking 5 meetings,
    • So possibly Sept 2020 (w/Big Count), but maybe May 2020 (without Big Count)
    • Don't need to couple our ORTE/PRRTE with MPI 4.0 standard
  • ORTE/PRRTE change does depend on new CI and submodule changes.

  • Submodule and new CI can be done before ORTE/PRRTE changes, and is in good shape.

    • Jeff, Brian and Howard have been discussing.
      • Need CI improvements first for safety-net.
  • Moving our Website to AWS

    • University of Michigan bought us SSL certificate expires in June
    • Will get new certificate from Amazon.
    • email relay changing from host gator to AWS service
    • Shouldn't affect Documentation initiative.
    • AWS admin isn't too complicated.
  • Discussion of schedule depends on scope discussion

    • if we want to separate Orte out for that? Would be a bit past summer.
    • Giles has a prototype of PRRTE replacing ORTE
  • Want to open up release-manager elections.

    • Now that we're delaying, will decide at face2face.
  • Now the possibility of v4.1 from master is a possibility

    • If we instead do a v4.1, some things we'd need fixed on master.
  • will discuss more at face to face.

  • Brian and Ralph are meeting on the 18th

  • Ralph is putting out a doodle to discuss


  • Fortran Array


  • Multi-layered approach to make github more secure.
    • Look at using certificates to "sign" (more than commit -s)
    • 5 or 10 minutes of work.


  • Schedule sometime this summer will be v4.0.x
    • No schedule as of April 16
  • A few bugfix releases for v2 and v3 series. RC this week, and release sometime in April.
  • New standardization issue is destined for v5


  • Take a look at Gile's PRRTE work. He may have done SOME of that. He should have done that all in PRRTE layer, maybe just some MPI layer work remains.


  • IBM still has 10% failure rate and build issue. Please fix!!!

New topics

face to face -

  • Week of Aug 12 was decided.
  • Will discuss location next week.

Review Master Master Pull Requests

  • didn't discuss today.

Oldest PR

Oldest Issue

Status Updates:

Status Update Rotation

  1. Mellanox, Sandia, Intel
  2. LANL, Houston, IBM, Fujitsu
  3. Amazon,
  4. Cisco, ORNL, UTK, NVIDIA

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