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Jeff Squyres edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 6 revisions

This page is to be used to track the progress of thread safety testing by the community members. Later we will use this (or another page) to jot down ideas that we think could improve OMPI's threadsafety performances.


  • There are issues with concurrent thread access to a tcp endpoint. r15963 provides a workaround that prevents a segv when dereferencing a NULL frag pointer. But the underlying issue of multiple threads polling on the same endpoint still needs to be resolved. Hence, this note here.


  • Possible comm creation performance improvement if we implemented an unexpected cid queue (get's rid of a collective).


  • Intel Tests (We run these nightly via MTT. Here is a recent run)
    • MPI: r15955 w/ --enable-mpi-threads
    • Tests: All tests in the file 'all_tests_no_perf'
    • System: Thor: Dual processor Dual processor Xeon(32 bit) w/ hyperthreading, running on 4 nodes, 2 ppn
    • Network combinations used: "gm,self", "gm,sm,self", "openib,self", "tcp,openib,sm,self", "tcp,self", "tcp,sm,self"
    • All tests in file 'all_tests_no_perf' pass.
  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: r15957 w/ --enable-mpi-threads
    • Tests: built with pthreads and ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Thor: Dual processor Xeon(32 bit) w/ hyperthreading, running on 8 nodes, 2 ppn
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
MT_sendrecv All gm,self Pass
gm,sm,self Pass
openib,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
tcp,self Fail segfault in tcp btl
tcp,sm,self Pass
MT_coll gm,self Fail assertion failure in mca_coll_base_comm_unselect
gm,sm,self Fail aborted: assertion error pml_ob1_recvreq.c:542
openib,self Fail assertion failure in pml_ob1_irecv.c:69
openib,sm,self Fail hangs: mca_oob_tcp_peer_send_handler: invalid connection state (3)
tcp,self Fail segfault in tcp btl
tcp,sm,self Fail segfault in tcp btl
MT_comm gm,self Fail hangs
gm,sm,self Fail hangs
MT_commcaching gm,self Pass
gm,sm,self Pass
MT_env gm,self Fail abort: assert error in pcomm_set_errhandler.c:61
gm,sm,self Fail abort: assert error in pcomm_set_errhandler.c:61
MT_greqs gm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
gm,sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
MT_group gm,self Pass
gm,sm,self Pass
MT_misc gm,self Fail hangs
gm,sm,self Fail hangs
MT_pt2pt2 gm,self Pass
gm,sm,self Pass
MT_rcvany gm,self Pass
gm,sm,self Pass
MT_send gm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
gm,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_send2 gm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
gm,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_win gm,self Fail Error in MPI_Win_free: MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC
gm,sm,self Fail Error in MPI_Win_free: MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC


  • Intel Tests
  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r15584 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --with-threads=posix --disable-progress-threads (and lock init fix)
    • Tests: built with Solaris Threads and ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Solaris 10/x86
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
mt_sendrecv All tcp,sm,self Pass
mt_coll tcp,self Fail np=2 hangs in Gather, np=4 hangs in Bcast
mt_comm tcp,self Fail various hangs and segv in mca_pml_ob1_recv_frag_callback
mt_commcaching tcp,self false Pass messages about truncation receive
mt_env tcp,self Fail np=4 fails Assertion pcomm_set_errhandler.c, line 56
mt_greqs tcp,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
mt_group tcp,self Pass
mt_misc tcp,self Fail hangs with np=4
mt_pt2pt2 tcp,self Pass
mt_rcvany tcp,self Fail hangs with np=2 & 4
mt_send tcp,self Pass Note mtt actually inteprets it as a fail because how it aborts

| |mt_send2 | |tcp,self |Pass |Note mtt actually inteprets it as a fail because how it aborts| |mt_start_compl| |tcp,self |Fail |np=2 hangs, np=4 segv's in mca_allocator_bucket_cleanup| |mt_win | |tcp,self |Fail |several test failures and Segv MPI_Win_lock and ompi_comm_nextcid | |mt_wincache | |tcp,self |Pass | | |mt_f2c_c2f | |tcp,self |Pass | |

  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r15936 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --with-threads=posix --disable-progress-threads
    • Tests: built with Solaris Threads and ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Solaris 10/x86
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
mt_sendrecv All tcp,self Fail np=2 hangs, np=4 segv's in tuned collectives
mt_coll tcp,self Fail np=2 hangs in Gather, np=4 hangs in Bcast
mt_commcaching tcp,self Pass
mt_env tcp,self Fail np=4 fails Assertion pcomm_set_errhandler.c, line 56
mt_greqs tcp,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
mt_group tcp,self Pass
mt_misc tcp,self Fail hangs with np=4
mt_pt2pt2 tcp,self Pass
mt_rcvany tcp,self Pass
mt_send tcp,self Pass Note mtt actually inteprets it as a fail because how it aborts

| |mt_send2 | |tcp,self |Pass |Note mtt actually inteprets it as a fail because how it aborts| |mt_start_compl| |tcp,self |Fail |np=2 passes, np=4 hangs | |mt_win | |tcp,self |Fail |fails with MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC error message | |mt_wincache | |tcp,self |Pass | | |mt_f2c_c2f | |tcp,self |Pass | |

  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r16064 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --with-threads=posix --disable-progress-threads
    • Tests: built with Solaris Threads and ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Solaris 10/x86
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
mt_sendrecv All tcp,self Fail np=2&4 hangs
mt_coll tcp,self Fail np=2 hangs in Gather, np=4 hangs in Bcast
mt_comm tcp,self Fail np=2 hangs in Free tests, np=4 passes???
mt_commcaching tcp,self Pass
mt_env tcp,self Fail np=4 fails Assertion pcomm_set_errhandler.c, line 56
mt_greqs tcp,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
mt_group tcp,self Pass
mt_misc tcp,self Fail hangs with np=4
mt_pt2pt2 tcp,self Pass
mt_rcvany tcp,self Pass
mt_send tcp,self Fail np=4 hangs
mt_send2 tcp,self Fail np=4 hangs
mt_start_compl tcp,self Fail np=2 passes, np=4 hangs
mt_win tcp,self Fail fails with MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC error message
mt_wincache tcp,self Pass
mt_f2c_c2f tcp,self Pass
  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r16237 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --with-threads=posix --disable-progress-threads
    • Tests: built with Solaris Threads and ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Solaris 10/x86
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
mt_sendrecv All tcp,self Fail np=2&4 hangs
mt_coll tcp,self Fail np=2 hangs in Gather, np=4 hangs in Bcast
mt_comm tcp,self Pass
mt_commcaching tcp,self Pass
mt_env tcp,self Fail fails Assertion pcomm_set_errhandler.c, line 56
mt_greqs tcp,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
mt_group tcp,self Pass
mt_misc tcp,self Fail hangs with np=4
mt_pt2pt2 tcp,self Fail hangs
mt_rcvany tcp,self Pass
mt_send tcp,self Fail hangs
mt_send2 tcp,self Pass
mt_start_compl tcp,self Fail np=2 passes, np=4 hangs
mt_win tcp,self Fail fails with MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC error message
mt_wincache tcp,self Pass
mt_f2c_c2f tcp,self Pass
  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r16237 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --with-threads=posix --disable-progress-threads
    • Tests: built with Solaris Threads and ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Solaris 10/x86
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
mt_sendrecv All sm,self Pass
mt_coll sm,self Pass
mt_comm sm,self Pass
mt_commcaching sm,self Pass
mt_env sm,self Fail fails Assertion pcomm_set_errhandler.c, line 56
mt_greqs sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
mt_group sm,self Pass
mt_misc sm,self Fail hangs with np=4
mt_pt2pt2 sm,self Pass
mt_rcvany sm,self Pass
mt_send sm,self Pass
mt_send2 sm,self Pass
mt_start_compl sm,self Pass
mt_win sm,self Fail fails with MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC error message
mt_wincache sm,self Pass
mt_f2c_c2f sm,self Fail np=4 segv in ompi_osc_rdam_component_finalize


  • Intel Tests
  • Threads Tests


  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r15661 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --enable-progress-threads
    • Tests: ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Linux EMT64t
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
MT_sendrecv All tcp,self Pass
All sm,self Pass
MT_coll tcp,self Pass
sm,self Fail various hangs and segv
MT_comm tcp,self Fail hangs
sm,self Fail segv
MT_commcaching tcp,self false Pass messages about truncation receive
sm,self false Pass messages about truncation receive
MT_env tcp,self Fail np=4 is ok else fails assertion and segv
sm,self Fail np=4 is ok else fails with assertion and segv
MT_greqs tcp,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
MT_group tcp,self Pass
sm,self Fail segv
MT_misc tcp,self Pass
sm,self Pass
MT_pt2pt2 tcp,self Pass
sm,self Fail hangs
MT_rcvany tcp,self Fail segv
sm,self Fail segv
MT_send tcp,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_send2 tcp,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_win tcp,self Fail hangs
sm,self Fail segv
  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r15936 w/ --enable-mpi-threads
    • Tests: ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: Linux EMT64t 2nodes/ 4 processes
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
MT_sendrecv All tcp,self Failed segvfault
All mvapi,self Pass
All sm,self Pass
MT_coll tcp,self Failed segvfault
mvapi,self Pass
sm,self Pass
MT_comm tcp,self Pass
mvapi,self Pass
sm,self Pass
MT_commcaching tcp,self false Pass messages about truncation receive
mvapi,self false Pass messages about truncation receive
sm,self false Pass messages about truncation receive
MT_env tcp,self Fail fails assertion and segv
mvapi,self Fail fails assertion and segv
sm,self Pass
MT_greqs tcp,self Fail segvfault
mvapi,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
MT_group tcp,self Pass
mvapi,self Pass
sm,self Pass
MT_misc tcp,self Fail hang
mvapi,self Fail hang
sm,self Fail hang
MT_pt2pt2 tcp,self Fail hang
mvapi,self Fail hang
sm,self Fail hang
MT_rcvany tcp,self Pass
mvpai,self Fail segvfault
sm,self Pass
MT_send tcp,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
mvapi,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_send2 tcp,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
mvapi,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_win tcp,self Fail segv
mvapi,self Fail segv
sm,self Fail segv


  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r15980 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --with-threads=posix --disable-progress-threads
    • Tests: ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: PPC64/SLES10/eHCA, 2 nodes, np=6 (3 processes/node)
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
MT_sendrecv All tcp,sm,self Pass
All openib,sm,self Pass
MT_coll tcp,sm,self Fail mca_pml_ob1_irecv obj_magic_id failed assert
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_comm tcp,sm,self Fail intermittent hangs
openib,sm,self Fail intermittent hangs
MT_commcaching tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_env tcp,sm,self Fail pcomm_set_errhandler obj_magic_id failed assert
openib,sm,self Fail pcomm_set_errhandler obj_magic_id failed assert
MT_greqs tcp,sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
openib,sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
MT_group tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_misc tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_pt2pt2 tcp,sm,self Fail hangs
openib,sm,self Fail hangs
MT_rcvany tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_send tcp,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
openib,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_send2 tcp,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
openib,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_start_compl tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_win tcp,self Fail err in MPI_Win_free: error while executing rma sync
openib,sm,self Fail err in MPI_Win_free: error while executing rma sync
mt_wincache tcp,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
mt_f2c_c2f tcp,self Fail Error: comparing MPI_LOGICAL{1,2,4}
openib,sm,self Fail Error: comparing MPI_LOGICAL{1,2,4}
  • Threads Tests
    • MPI: built r15980 w/ --enable-mpi-threads --with-threads=posix --disable-progress-threads
    • Tests: ran with defaults (no arguments)
    • System: x86_64/Fedora 7/mthca, 2 nodes, np=4 (2 processes/node)
Test Group Test Name BTLs Status Detail
MT_sendrecv All tcp,sm,self Pass
All openib,sm,self Pass
MT_coll tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_comm tcp,sm,self Fail intermittent hangs
openib,sm,self Fail intermittent hangs
MT_commcaching tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_env tcp,sm,self Fail intermittent segv's: bad addr from PMPI_Comm_set_errhandler?
openib,sm,self Fail intermittent segv's: bad addr from PMPI_Comm_set_errhandler?
MT_greqs tcp,sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
openib,sm,self Fail MPI_Wait failed with MPI_ERR_TYPE: invalid datatype
MT_group tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_misc tcp,sm,self Fail hangs
openib,sm,self Fail hangs
MT_pt2pt2 tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_rcvany tcp,sm,self Fail occasional hangs
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_send tcp,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
openib,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_send2 tcp,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
openib,sm,self Pass Intentionally calling MPI_Abort
MT_start_compl tcp,sm,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
MT_win tcp,self Fail err in MPI_Win_free: error while executing rma sync
openib,sm,self Fail err in MPI_Win_free: error while executing rma sync
mt_wincache tcp,self Pass
openib,sm,self Pass
mt_f2c_c2f tcp,self Fail Error: comparing MPI_LOGICAL{1,8}
openib,sm,self Fail Error: comparing MPI_LOGICAL{1,8}
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