MMEditing v0.12.0 Release
- Support RealBasicVSR
- Support Real-ESRGAN checkpoint
New Features
- Support video input and output in restoration demo (#622)
- Support RealBasicVSR (#632, #633, #647, #680)
- Support Real-ESRGAN checkpoint (#635)
- Support conversion to y-channel when loading images (643)
- Support random video compression during training (#646)
- Support crop sequence (#648)
- Support pixel_unshuffle (#684)
Bug Fixes
- Change 'target_size' for RandomResize from list to tuple (#617)
- Fix folder creation in (#623)
- Change TDAN config path in README (#625)
- Change 'radius' to 'kernel_size' for UnsharpMasking in Real-ESRNet config (#626)
- Fix bug in MATLABLikeResize (#630)
- Fix 'flow_warp' comment (#655)
- Fix the error of Model Zoo and Datasets in docs (#664)
- Fix bug in 'random_degradations' (#673)
- Limit opencv-python version (#689)
- Translate docs to Chinese (#576, #577, #578, #579, #581, #582, #584, #587, #588, #589, #590, #591, #592, #593, #594, #595, #596, #641, #647, #656, #665, #666)
- Add UNetDiscriminatorWithSpectralNorm (#605)
- Use PyTorch sphinx theme (#607, #608)
- Update mmcv (#609), mmflow (#621), mmfewshot (#634) and mmhuman3d (#649) in docs
- Convert minimum GCC version to 5.4 (#612)
- Add tiff in SRDataset IMG_EXTENSIONS (#614)
- Update metafile and (#615)
- Update (#624)
- Add Abstract to README (#628, #636)
- Align NIQE to MATLAB results (#631)
- Add official markdown lint hook (#639)
- Skip CI when some specific files were changed (#640)
- Update docs/ (#644, #651)
- Try to create a symbolic link on windows (#645)
- Cancel previous runs that are not completed (#650)
- Update path of configs in and (#658, #659)
- Use mmcv root model registry (#660)
- Update (#654, #663)
- Refactor the structure of documentation (#668)
- Add script to crop REDS images into sub-images for faster IO (#669)
- Capitalize the first letter of the task name in the metafile (#678)
- Update FixedCrop for cropping image sequence (#682)
@wangruohui @nbei @ckkelvinchan @Yshuo-Li @LeoXing1996 @RangiLyu @matrixgame2018 @huoshuai-dot @innerlee @okotaku @Adenialzz @kai422