The core specification does not rely on a fixed set of certain fields. However, the specification defines a set of known values for certain types listed in the following sections. These sets can be extended by new specification versions, addendums or for customer-specific environments.
- 1 Artifact Types
- 1.1 blob
- 1.2 directoryTree, fileSystem
- 1.3 gitOpsTemplate
- 1.4 helmChart
- 1.5 npmPackage
- 1.6 ociArtifact
- 1.7 ociImage
- 1.8 executable
- 1.9 sbom
- 2 Access Method Types
- 3 Storage Backend Mappings
- 3.1 OCIRegistry
- 3.2 FileSystem (CTF)
- 3.3 FileSystem (Component Archive)
- 3.4 AWS S3
- 4 Algorithms