This is an example project to show the behaviour of the security starter.
You an starter this application with the following spring profile:
will authenticate this application against the CoffeeNet Auth Serverdevelopment
will authenticate this application against local authentication
Please start the provided ldap and mariaDB docker containers with
./docker-compose up
Now on the CoffeeNet Auth Server is available with all its dependencies (ldap, mariaDB).
This example project is fully secure except of the http://localhost:8094/not-secure endpoints
that was made available for everyone through the SecurityIntegrationProfileConfiguration
If you want all endpoints to be secure, you do not have to create your own security configuration, because by default all endpoints are secured. See the development profile example.
The endpoints http://localhost:8094 is still secure and needs authentication against the CoffeeNet Auth Server.
CoffeeNet Auth Server on http://localhost:9999/logout and delete the cookie on localhost:8094
Also in development mode the complete application is already secured by the provided
but not against the CoffeeNet Auth Server
rather against a local spring security with predefined users. There are no access roles defined
for the endpoint /admin
like in the SecurityIntegrationProfileConfiguration
Go to http://localhost:8094/logout login with both provided profiles.
Admin user with COFFEENET-ADMIN & USER role:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Normal user with USER role:
Username: user
Password: user
as described in the security starters documentation.