This plugin allows to define the pom version of your project using the information from your git history.
It calculates the version, a little bit like git describe
would do but in a more efficient way for maven projects:
- new commits have upper version than previous commit (in the way maven/semver interpret versions)
- version calculation is based on git tags & branches
- git lightweight tags allow for intermediate version controlling between releases
- allow to define what is the next version pattern to use
- minimal setup via maven extension
Here is an illustration of the capabilities of the plugin
Since version 0.3.0
jgitver-maven-plugin needs to be run as a maven core extension
via curl
from the root directory of your project, run:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
via wget
from the root directory of your project, run:
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
Create a directory
under the root directory of your project. -
Create file
Put the following content to
(adapt to latest version).<extensions xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <extension> <groupId>fr.brouillard.oss</groupId> <artifactId>jgitver-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2.0</version> </extension> </extensions>
In order to control jgitver-maven-plugin behavior, you can provide a configuration
file under $rootProjectDir/.mvn/jgitver.config.xml
The configuration file must be compliant with the xml-schemas supported.
Here is an example configuration file:
<configuration xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
<gitCommitIdLength>integer</gitCommitIdLength> <!-- between [8,40] -->
<nonQualifierBranches>master</nonQualifierBranches> <!-- comma separated, example "master,integration" -->
<regexVersionTag>r([0-9]+)</regexVersionTag> <!-- a java regular expression with a capture group matching only
tags of the form r0, r1, ..., r34-->
<exclusions> <!-- Optional list of directory path -->
<exclusion>relative directory path</exclusion> <!-- relative path from project root directory -->
<useDefaultBranchingPolicy>true/false</useDefaultBranchingPolicy> <!-- uses jgitver#BranchingPolicy#DEFAULT_FALLBACK as fallback branch policy-->
<pattern>pattern</pattern> <!-- regex pattern -->
<!-- list of transformations to apply, if empty, defaults to REPLACE_UNEXPECTED_CHARS_UNDERSCORE, LOWERCASE_EN -->
<transformation>NAME</transformation> <!-- transformation name, one of jgitver#fr.brouillard.oss.jgitver.BranchingPolicy#BranchNameTransformations -->
Please consult jgitver documentation to fully understand what the parameters do.
: skips totally jgitver usage-Djgitver.config=FILE
: overrides default config file and uses FILE instead-Djgitver.use-version=VERSION
: execute jgitver but finally uses VERSION as the project version
Since 0.2.0
, the plugin exposes git calculated properties available during the maven build.
Those are available under the following properties name: "jgitver.meta" where meta
is one of Metadatas name in lowercase.
You can then use them as standard maven properties in your build:
<echo>used version: ${jgitver.used_version}</echo>
<echo>version calculated: ${jgitver.calculated_version}</echo>
<echo>dirty: ${jgitver.dirty}</echo>
<echo>head_committer_name: ${jgitver.head_committer_name}</echo>
<echo>head_commiter_email: ${jgitver.head_commiter_email}</echo>
<echo>head_commit_datetime: ${jgitver.head_commit_datetime}</echo>
<echo>git_sha1_full: ${jgitver.git_sha1_full}</echo>
<echo>git_sha1_8: ${jgitver.git_sha1_8}</echo>
<echo>branch_name: ${jgitver.branch_name}</echo>
<echo>head_tags: ${jgitver.head_tags}</echo>
<echo>head_annotated_tags: ${jgitver.head_annotated_tags}</echo>
<echo>head_lightweight_tags: ${jgitver.head_lightweight_tags}</echo>
<echo>base_tag: ${jgitver.base_tag}</echo>
<echo>all_tags: ${jgitver.all_tags}</echo>
<echo>all_annotated_tags: ${jgitver.all_annotated_tags}</echo>
<echo>all_lightweight_tags: ${jgitver.all_lightweight_tags}</echo>
<echo>all_version_tags: ${jgitver.all_version_tags}</echo>
<echo>all_version_annotated_tags: ${jgitver.all_version_annotated_tags}</echo>
<echo>all_version_lightweight_tags: ${jgitver.all_version_lightweight_tags}</echo>
resulted in my case
[INFO] Executing tasks
[echo] used version: 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT
[echo] version calculated: 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT
[echo] dirty: true
[echo] head_committer_name: Matthieu Brouillard
[echo] head_commiter_email: [email protected]
[echo] head_commit_datetime: Thu Jun 30 14:06:14 2016 +0200
[echo] git_sha1_full: fadd88e04b25c794cea876b03d8234df5bf4e37b
[echo] git_sha1_8: fadd88e0
[echo] branch_name: master
[echo] head_tags:
[echo] head_annotated_tags:
[echo] head_lightweight_tags:
[echo] base_tag: v0.2.0
[echo] all_tags: v0.2.0,0.1.1,0.1.0,0.0.3,0.0.2,0.0.1
[echo] all_annotated_tags: 0.1.1,0.1.0,0.0.3,0.0.2,0.0.1
[echo] all_lightweight_tags: v0.2.0
[echo] all_version_tags: v0.2.0,0.1.1,0.1.0,0.0.3,0.0.2,0.0.1
[echo] all_version_annotated_tags: 0.1.1,0.1.0,0.0.3,0.0.2,0.0.1
[echo] all_version_lightweight_tags: v0.2.0
[INFO] Executed tasks
If you want to give it a try you can use the following script that will setup a demo project under /tmp/jgitver-tester
# let's create a fake maven project under /tmp
cd /tmp
mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart \
-DarchetypeVersion=1.1 -DartifactId=jgitver-tester -Dversion=0
cd jgitver-tester
# init the created project with jgitver-maven-plugin
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
# let's do some modifications/commits/tags
echo A > content
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
echo B > content && git add -u && git commit -m "added B data"
git tag 1.0 -m "release 1.0"
echo C > content && git add -u && git commit -m "added C data"
git checkout -b cool-feature
echo D > content && git add -u && git commit -m "added D data"
git checkout master
echo E > content && git add -u && git commit -m "added E data"
mvn validate
Then play around with it doing:
mvn validate
mvn install
git checkout 1.0
mvn validate
git checkout cool-feature
mvn validate
jgitver-maven-plugin requires at least maven-3.3.2 to work correctly.
Think to modify your IDE settings regarding maven version ; if required do not use the embedded maven version of your IDE but an external one that fulfill the maven minimal requirements.
- Eclipse: tested with Eclipse Mars.2 Release 4.5.2
- Netbeans: tested with NetBeans IDE 8.1 Build 201510222201
- Intellij IDEA: tested with 2016.1.3
Before pushing try to always verify that the modifications pushed in MD files will be correctly rendered by Github.
For that purpose you can use grip.
mvn -Prun-its clean install
or using docker
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/root/sources -w /root/sources maven:3.3.9-jdk-8 ./src/ci/
build and filter some IT tests
mvn -Prun-its clean install "-Dinvoker.test=issues/issue-36*"
mvn -Poss clean install
: this will simulate a full build for oss delivery (javadoc, source attachement, GPG signature, ...)git tag -a -s -m "release X.Y.Z, additionnal reason" X.Y.Z
: tag the current HEAD with the given tag name. The tag is signed by the author of the release. Adapt with gpg key of maintainer.- Matthieu Brouillard command:
git tag -a -s -u 2AB5F258 -m "release X.Y.Z, additionnal reason" X.Y.Z
- Matthieu Brouillard public key
- Matthieu Brouillard command:
mvn -Poss,release -DskipTests deploy
git push --follow-tags origin master
Since 1.0.0
, it is possible to totally skip the plugin execution by launching maven with the user property jgtiver.skip
set to true
, example:
mvn clean install -Djgitver.skip=true
If your version is not calculated correctly by maven/jgitver, there are good chances that the plugin is not active.
Please verify that you are using maven >= 3.3.2.
If you develop a maven plugin project, you normally run maven-invoker-plugin to test your plugin.
Using default configuration, maven-invoker-plugin will use a temporary local repository under target/local-repo
and the IT tests will be executed from target/it/XYZ
In this context, when executing tests, maven will try to activate extensions starting from the target/it/XYZ
directory ; and it will find your extensions definition in the root directory of the project. This will lead in the activation of jgitver-maven-plugin
for all your IT projects AND for the poms inside the temporary local repository under target/local-repository
To avoid such behavior, you need to tell jgitver-maven-plugin
to ignore some directories. If you do not have already a jgitver configuration file, create one under .mvn/jgitver.config.xml
and declare some exclusions (see configuration):
You can have a look at the configuration of jgitver-maven-plugin itself.
jgitver-maven-plugin is delivered under the Apache Licence, Version 2