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coverage container

Cachi2 is a CLI tool that pre-fetches your project's dependencies to aid in making your build process hermetic.

To see if we support your package manager(s), please check the package managers section.

The primary intended use of Cachi2's outputs is for network-isolated container builds (see usage).

Table of contents


Please note that Cachi2 is rather picky, aiming to:

  • encourage or enforce best practices
  • enforce building from source - no pre-built artifacts, such as Python wheels
  • never execute arbitrary code - looking at you (discouraged)
  • keep the implementation simple

To play nicely with Cachi2, the build process for your project must be

  • Defined - Cachi2 only fetches dependencies that are explicitly declared - typically in a lockfile generated by your package manager.

  • Reproducible - Cachi2 will refuse to fetch a dependency if it's not pinned to an exact version. This goes for transitive dependencies as well (and ties to the Defined point). Most package managers pin all dependencies automatically in lockfiles.

  • Secure - Even with a lockfile, your build is not truly safe from supply chain attacks (such as dependency confusion) unless you verify the checksums of all dependencies. If your package manager supports specifying the expected checksums, we strongly encourage you to make use of them.

    ⚠ Cachi2 will verify checksums if present, but doesn't require them by default. This may change in the future.

In return, Cachi2 will help make your build

  • Auditable - by generating a manifest of all the dependencies that go into your build.

The ability to achieve the goals depends on the hermeticity of the build process. Ideally, you should try to isolate the build from both the internet and the underlying host system to avoid implicit dependencies, irreproducible behavior and whole hosts of other issues. Cachi2 itself is not a hermetic build system. We suggest you take advantage of existing technologies - such as containers - to achieve isolation (see usage).



We do not distribute Cachi2 as a standalone package as of now.

To install Cachi2 for local development, see the development section.

Container image


The container is re-built automatically on every merge to the main branch.

You may wish to set up an alias to make local usage more convenient:

alias cachi2='podman run --rm -ti -v "$PWD:$PWD:z" -w "$PWD"'

Note that the alias mounts the current working directory - the container will have access to files in that directory and nowhere else.

Basic usage

cachi2 fetch-deps \
  --source ./my-repo \
  --output ./cachi2-output \

The fetch-deps command fetches your project's dependencies and stores them on your disk. You can then use these outputs to, say, build a container image.

See docs/ for a more detailed, practical (cough) example of Cachi2 usage.

You might also like to check out cachi2 --help and the --help texts of the available subcommands.


You can change Cachi2's configuration by specifying a configuration file while invoking any of the CLI commands:

 cachi2 --config-file config.yaml fetch-deps --source ./my-repo gomod

Any parameter specified in this file will override the default values present in the module.

The only supported format for the config file is YAML.

Available configuration parameters

  • default_environment_variables - a dictionary where the keys are names of package managers. The values are dictionaries where the keys are default environment variables to set for that package manager and the values are the environment variable values.
  • gomod_download_max_tries - a maximum number of attempts for retrying go commands.
  • gomod_strict_vendor - the bool to disable/enable the strict vendor mode. For a repo that has gomod dependencies, if the vendor directory exists and this config option is set to True, one of the vendoring flags must be used.
  • goproxy_url - sets the value of the GOPROXY variable that Cachi2 uses internally when downloading Go modules. See Go environment variables.
  • requests_timeout - a number (in seconds) for requests.get()'s 'timeout' parameter, which sets an upper limit on how long requests can take to make a connection and/or send a response. Larger numbers set longer timeouts.
  • subprocess_timeout - a number (in seconds) to set a timeout for commands executed by the subprocess module. Set a larger number to give the subprocess execution more time.


Virtual environment

Set up a virtual environment that has everything you will need for development:

make venv
source venv/bin/activate

This installs the Cachi2 CLI in editable mode, which means changes to the source code will reflect in the behavior of the CLI without the need for reinstalling.

You may need to install Python 3.9 in case you're adding new dependencies to the project as the requirements files are locked to 3.9 by pip-compile or if you simply want to test your changes against Python 3.9 locally before submitting a pull request.

dnf install python3.9

The CLI also depends on the following non-Python dependencies:

dnf install golang-bin git

You should now have everything needed to try out the CLI or hack on the code in vim your favorite editor.

Developer flags

  • --dev-package-managers (hidden): enables in-development package manager(s) for test. Please refer to other existing package managers to see how they're enabled and wired to the CLI.

    Invoke it as cachi2 fetch-deps --dev-package-managers FOO

    More explicitly

    • --dev-package-managers is a flag for fetch-deps
    • FOO is an argument to fetch-deps (i.e. the language to fetch for)

Coding standards

Cachi2's codebase conforms to standards enforced by a collection of formatters, linters and other code checkers:

  • black (with a line-length of 100) for consistent formatting
  • isort to keep imports sorted
  • flake8 to (de-)lint the code and politely ask for docstrings
  • mypy for type-checking. Please include type annotations for new code.
  • pytest to run unit tests and report coverage stats. Please aim for (near) full coverage of new code.

Options for all the tools are configured in pyproject.toml and tox.ini.

Run all the checks that your pull request will be subjected to:

make test

Error message guidelines

We try to keep error messages friendly and actionable.

  • If there is a known solution, the error message should politely suggest the solution.
    • Include a link to the documentation when suitable.
  • If there is no known solution, suggest where to look for help.
  • If retrying is a possible solution, suggest retrying and where to look for help if the issue persists.

The error classes aim to encourage these guidelines. See the module.

Running unit tests

Run all unit tests (but no other checks):

make test-unit

For finer control over which tests get executed, e.g. to run all tests in a specific file, activate the virtualenv and run:

tox -e py39 -- tests/unit/

Even better, run it stepwise (exit on first failure, re-start from the failed test next time):

tox -e py39 -- tests/unit/ --stepwise

You can also run a single test class or a single test method:

tox -e py39 -- tests/unit/
tox -e py39 -- tests/unit/
tox -e py39 -- tests/unit/extras/

In short, tox passes all arguments to the right of -- directly to pytest.

Running integration tests

Build Cachi2 image (localhost/cachi2:latest) and run all integration tests:

make test-integration

To run integration-tests with custom image, specify the CACHI2_IMAGE environment variable. Examples:{tag} tox -e integration
CACHI2_IMAGE=localhost/cachi2:latest tox -e integration

Similarly to unit tests, for finer control over which tests get executed, e.g. to run only 1 specific test case, execute:

tox -e integration -- tests/integration/[gomod_without_deps]

Running integration tests and generating new test data

To update or generate new data (output, dependencies checksums, vendor checksums) and run integration tests with them:

make generate-test-data

Generate data for test cases matching a pytest pattern:

CACHI2_GENERATE_TEST_DATA=true tox -e integration -- -k gomod


To release a new version of Cachi2, simply create a GitHub release. Note that Cachi2 follows semantic versioning rules.

Upon release, the .tekton/release.yaml pipeline tags the corresponding Cachi2 image with the newly released version tag (after validating that the tag follows the expected format: $major.$minor.$patch, without a v prefix).

You apply a release tag to a specific commit. The .tekton/push.yaml pipeline should have built the image for that commit already. This is the "corresponding image" that receives the new version tag. If the image for the tagged commit does not exist, the release pipeline will fail.

You can watch the release pipeline in the OpenShift console in case it fails (the pipeline is not visible anywhere in GitHub UI). For intermittent failures, retrying should be possible from the OpenShift UI or by deleting and re-pushing the version tag.

⚠ The release pipeline runs as soon as you push a tag into the repository. Do not push the new version tag until you are ready to publish the release. You can use GitHub's ability to auto-create the tag upon publishment.

Package managers



  • rubygems

Based on the supported package managers in the original Cachito.


Current version: 1.21 1 2

The gomod package manager works by parsing the go.mod file present in the source repository to determine which dependencies to download. Cachi2 does not parse this file on its own - rather, we rely on the go command to download and list the required dependencies.

From go 1.17 onward, the go.mod file includes all the transitively required dependencies of your application - see the section about Pruned module graphs in the 1.17 changelog. In previous go versions, the go.mod file included only direct dependencies. Cachi2 does support downloading and listing all transitive dependencies for earlier versions thanks to Go's backwards compatibility2. Note that using go >= 1.17 in your project has the added benefit of downloading fewer dependencies (as noted in the changelog), in some cases drastically so.

See docs/ for more details.

Go 1.21+ (since cachi2-v0.5.0)

Starting with Go 1.21, Go changed the meaning of the go 1.X directive in that it now specifies the minimum required version of Go rather than a suggested version as it originally did. The format of the version string in the go directive now also includes the micro release and if you don't include the micro release in your go.mod file yourself (i.e. you only specify the language release) Go will try to correct it automatically inside the file. Last but not least, Go 1.21 also introduced a new keyword toolchain to the go.mod file. What this all means in practice for end users is that you may not be able to process your go.mod file with an older version of Go (and hence older cachi2) as you could in the past for various reasons.


Cachi2 supports pip by parsing requirements.txt files present in the source repository and downloading the declared dependencies.

The files must be lockfiles, i.e. declare all the transitive dependencies and pin them to specific versions. Generating such a lockfile is best done using tools like pip-compile.

Note that, per the Cachi2 goals, we download only source distributions. This means pip will need to rebuild all the dependencies from source, which makes the build process more complex than you might expect.

See docs/ for more details.


Cachi2 supports npm by parsing package-lock.json file present in the source repository and downloading the declared dependencies.

To generate lockfile or to make sure the file is up to date, you can use npm install.

Make sure lockfile version is higher than v1 (Node.js 15 or higher).

See docs/ for more details.


Current version: v3

Unlike NPM, cachi2 merely drives the underlying yarn CLI command operations, that is, cachi2 leaves most of the heavy lifting to Yarn itself and it mainly focuses on post-process validation. Note that having a Yarn lockfile (yarn.lock) checked into the repository is paramount for cachi2 to process a project successfully. If missing, you can easily generate one by running yarn install prior to pointing cachi2 to your project.

See docs/ for more details.

Project status

Cachi2 was derived (but is not a direct fork) from Cachito and is still in early development phase.


  1. Cachi2 expects to use a specific version of the go command when downloading dependencies. This is the version installed in the cachi2 container. We do not guarantee correctness if you run Cachi2 locally (outside the container) with a different Go version. You are free to use a different version to build your project.

  2. The go command promises to be backwards compatible with previous versions. If your go.mod file specifies the intended go version, Cachi2 should handle it appropriately. If your go version is higher than what Cachi2 uses, there is a good chance it will be compatible regardless, as long as the dependency resolution did not change between the two versions. For example, dependency resolution did change in go 1.18 but not in go 1.19. 2