Modern Emacs distribution.
It can be test in parallel with your ~/.emacs.d
- [Mac] Cocoa Emacs 24.3
- [Win] gnupack emacs-24.3-20130503
$ git clone
$ cd emacs-brave
$ emacs -Q -l set-user-emacs-directory.el -l init.el
$ cd emacs-brave
$ emacs -Q -l set-user-emacs-directory.el -l minimum-package-install.el
- ace-jump-mode
- anzu
- auto-complete
- coffee-mode
- haml-mode
- helm
- highlight-symbol
- init-loader
- js3-mode
- open-junk-file
- markdown-mode
- multiple-cursors
- popup
- popwin
- quickrun
- sass-mode
- scss-mode
- smartparens
- smartrep
- vim-region
- wgrep
- yaml-mode
- yasnippet
- color-moccur
- moccur-edit
- magit
<f5> quickrun
C-, helm-mini
C-. ff-find-other-file
C-; other-window-or-split
C-@ vim-region
C-c g goto-line
C-c r revert-buffer
C-c s sort-lines
C-h delete-backward-char
C-x j open-junk-file
C-z popwin:keymap
C-M-c mc/edit-lines
C-M-r mc/mark-all-in-region
C-t multiple-cursors (smartrep)
C-t mc/mark-next-like-this
C-n mc/mark-next-like-this
C-p mc/mark-previous-like-this
C-m mc/mark-more-like-this-extended
C-u mc/unmark-next-like-this
C-U mc/unmark-previous-like-this
C-s mc/skip-to-next-like-this
C-S mc/skip-to-previous-like-this
C-* mc/mark-all-like-this
C-d mc/mark-all-like-this-dwim
C-i mc/insert-numbers
C-o mc/sort-regions
C-O mc/reverse-regions
M-g grep
M-h help-for-help
M-j ace-jump-mode
M-J ace-jump-mode-pop-mark
M-o next-error
M-s highlight-symbol (smartrep)
M-s highlight-symbol-next
h highlight-symbol-at-point
n highlight-symbol-next
p highlight-symbol-prev
N highlight-symbol-prev
l highlight-symbol-list-all
a highlight-symbol-remove-all
o highlight-symbol-occur
j highlight-symbol-next-in-defun
k highlight-symbol-prev-in-defun
r highlight-symbol-query-replace
r wdired-change-to-wdired-mode