use the pipreqs.txt file to install the required library
Folder :
- main.ipynb (Notebook file): System building Foresight scenario generation Results storage
- : System building functions definition Scenarios generation funtions definition
- main_analysis.ipynb
- analyse_bdd_general
- analyse_spmf
To generate the scenarios, run the main.ipynb notebook file. You can choose the depth of the tree (example has been run with a depth of 3) The example has been made using the data of usecase_initialdata.xlsx
The main_analysis.ipynb notebook file can be run next to analyze the generated scenarios. It returns :
- general statistics
- conflicts analysis information
- conflicts statistics
- sequential rule and pattern mining to avoid conflicts
- goals achievments analysis
- best scenarios retrieving (return the result in a lisible file : result3_copy.txt)