- VFS-9622 Upgraded the base image for release dockers from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04.
- VFS-8872 Dropped support for Python2 in OnedataFS.
- VFS-8862 Update conda package dependencies to conda-forge and Python 3.9.
- VFS-8823 Fixed improper destruction of OnedataFS instances, resulting in possible deadlocks during deletion of the OnedataFS object.
- VFS-8318 Fixed conda packaging for oneclient and onedatafs, switched dependencies to conda-forge channel.
- VFS-8073 Upgrade folly, wangle and proxygen libraries to version 2021.01.04.00.
- VFS-8828 Fixed conda packages for the stable branch 20.02.*, starting with version 20.02.15 and Python 3.9.
- VFS-8823 Fixed improper destruction of OnedataFS instances, resulting in possible deadlocks during deletion of the OnedataFS object.
- VFS-7466 Fixed PyFilesystem opener entrypoint allowing to create OnedataFS instances in Python using urls of the form 'onedatafs://HOST:PORT?token=...'.
- VFS-7119 Dropped support for OnedataFS Anaconda packages for Python 2, due to Python 2 EOL.
- VFS-6264 Added support for Python memory views
- VFS-6012 Fixed cli_args argument handling
- VFS-6012 Removed io_trace_log from OnedataFs arguments
- VFS-6012 Added new OnedataFS constructor arguments