Use getDeviceModel()
to get model of Device as a String.
Use Context?.isPackageInstalled(packageName)
to check a package name is installed or not.
Use Context?.getIMEI()
to get IMEI of Device as a String.
Use Context?.getPhoneNumber()
to get Phone Number (if it exists) of Device by sim card information as a String. You'll need to add android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
in AndroidManifest.xml
Use Context?.getCountryCode()
to get Country Code (if it exists) of Device as a String.
Use Context?.getDisplaySize()
to get size of Device's Display as a Point.
Use Context?.getToolbarHeight()
to get height of Toolbar/ActionBar as a Int.
Use Context?.getStatusBarHeight()
to get height of Statusbar as a Int.
Use Float.dp()
or Int.dp()
to get a value of float or int into dip unit. See this example :
fun testDisplayMetricsDP() {
// Returns 2f * app.resources.displayMetrics.density. If device has xxhdpi density (factor = 3) , the value of `someDp` will be `6f`.
val someDp = 2f.dp()
val someDpInt = 2.dp()
Use Float.px()
or Int.px()
to get a value of float or int (dip) into px unit. See this example :
fun testDisplayMetricsPX() {
// Returns 6f / app.resources.displayMetrics.density. If device has xxhdpi density (factor = 3) , the value of `someDp` will be `2f`.
val somePx = 6f.dp()
val somePxInt = 6.dp()
You must bind your Application class with
in ApplicationonCreate()
to use above examples.
Use Context?.isNightModeFromSettings()
to check that Night/Dark mode is enabled by System or not.
Use Context?.showOrHideKeyboard()
to show or hide soft Keyboard.
Use Context?.vibrate(duration)
to vibrate Device for specific duration time in millisecond. Default value of duration
is 150.