Best practice in development with React JS with Vít Jouda
- nodemon
- concurrently
- babel pluginy (babel.config.js)
- recompose
- Webpack / module bundler
- tree shaking (require/import, cuts imports)
- side effects flag
- Swagger (OpenApi3) / api
- Storybook / component development
- Next.js
- ramda
- axios
- redux (reducers, selectors - good for caching)
- flux-standard-action
- redux-actions
- redux-api-middleware
- redux-saga
- react-waterfall
- rematch
- redux-form
- can use with ValidateJS
- { connect }
- progressive apps
- also works in offline (localStorage, cache & servis-workes)
- should work Chrome on Android, in Chrome on desktop with flag (Desktop PWAs)
- hopefully will be on iOS
- good and quick start
- webpack plugins (offline-plugin)
- propTypes
- styling: BEM, JSS (nativaly used in Material-UI), styled-components
- testing
- enzyme (shallow, mount, render)
- snapshots (against TDD, diffs, good for reducers)