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Data Compiled by Tyson Bailey,onaclov2000,, with approval from Mr. Fowler :)
This is a list of the tips from book.
- Lead or Bleed
- Supply and Demand
- Coding Doesn't Cut It Anymore
- Be The Worst excerpt
- Invest in Your Own Intelligence excerpt
- Don't Listen To Your Parents
- Be A Generalist
- Be A Specialist
- Don't Put All Your Eggs In Someone Else's Basket excerpt
- Love It Or Leave It
- Learn To Fish
- Learn How Businesses Really Work
- Find A Mentor
- Be A Mentor
- Practice, Practice, Practice
- The Way That You Do It
- On The Shoulder Of Giants
- Automate Yourself Into A Job
- Right Now
- Mind Reader
- Daily Hit
- Remember Who You Work For
- Be Where You're At
- How Good a Job Can I Do Today?
- How Much Are You Worth?
- A Pebble in a Bucket of Water
- Learn To Love Maintenance
- Eight Hour Burn
- Learn How To Fail
- Say "No"
- Don't Panic excerpt
- Say It, Do It, Show It
- Perceptions, Perschmeptions
- Adventure Tour Guide
- Me Rite Reel Nice
- Being Present
- Suit Speak
- Change The World
- Let Your Voice Be Heard
- Build Your Brand
- Release Your Code
- Remarkability
- Making the Hang
- Already Obsolete
- You've Already Lost Your Job
- Path with No Destination
- Make Yourself a Map
- Watch the Market
- That Fat Man in the Mirror
- The South Indian Monkey Trap excerpt
- Avoid Waterfall Career Planning excerpt
- Better Than Yesterday excerpt
- Go Independent
(I find it amazing that today you can follow and interact with a books author in minutes on twitter, so I'm providing links to anyone I can find that is mentioned in the book, twitter and/or website, if you catch any I missed, which I expect there to be a lot, please pull and I'll merge in).
- Chad Fowler, Author, @chadfowler,
- David Heinemeier Hansson, Foreward, @dhh,
- Bob Martin, Comments, @unclebobmartin,
- The attached twitter.json object I am hoping will eventually amount to being able to "bulk add" twitter users to follow if for example you want to follow everyone related to this book (and others). Let me know if you're interested in building such a thing. (I may if/when I have time unless someone beats me to it)