Welcome to the Cyphesis documentation.
- [Architecture](@ref architecture)
- [Minds](@ref minds)
- [Movement and sights](@ref movement_sights)
- [Entities](@ref entities)
- [Using entities and Tasks](@ref usage_and_tasks)
- [cyaddrules](@ref cyaddrules_index)
- [cycmd](@ref cycmd_index)
- [cyconfig](@ref cyconfig_index)
- [cyconvertrules](@ref cyconvertrules_index)
- [cydumprules](@ref cydumprules_index)
- [cyloadrules](@ref cyloadrules_index)
- [cypasswd](@ref cypasswd_index)
The current maintainer for Cyphesis is Erik Ogenvik [email protected]. A lot of code was written by Al Riddoch [email protected]. It is based on a Python implementation written by Aloril [email protected].