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########################################################################This program calculates ability estimates given known item parameters##using MLE. #########################################################################for this example, there are just two items, whose parameters are below:a <- c(1,1) # a parametersb <- c(-2,1) # b parameters# create a vector of equally spaced theta valuesthetaList <- seq(-3,3,0.1)# create an empty list to store probabilities.Problist <- list(0,0)#Loops through all the items.for (i in 1:length(a)) {#compute probabilities of a correct responde#given the theta parameters in thetaList#and the item parametrs in the a and b vectors.#with the 1PL or 2 PL Problist[[i]] <- 1/(1+exp(-a[i]*(thetaList-b[i])))} #close loop through items#set graphic options to display three graphs at once.par(mfrow=c(3,1), cex.axis=2, cex.lab=2, mar=(c(5, 8, 4, 2)+0.1), lab=c(7,3,7))#Plot the ICC of the first item.plot(thetaList,Problist[[1]],type="l", xlab="Theta", ylab="T(u=1)", col="blue")#Plot the ICC of the second item.plot(thetaList,Problist[[2]],type="l", xlab="Theta", ylab="T(u=0)", col="blue")#vector of responses to the two items for a person.#this person responded the first item correctly and the second incorrectly.#for MLE, you need a minimum of 2 responses, one correct and one incorrect.u <- c(1,0) # responses, positive (right) and negative (wrong)#compute the likelihood functionlikelihood <- (Problist[[1]]^u[1]*(1-Problist[[1]])^(1-u[1]))* (Problist[[2]]^u[2]*(1-Problist[[2]])^(1-u[2]))#plots the likelihood as a function of theta.plot(thetaList,likelihood,type="l", xlab="Theta", ylab="Likelihood", col="blue")################################################################################# now draw the log of the likelihood:par(cex.axis=2, cex.lab=2, mar=(c(5, 8, 4, 2)+0.1), lab=c(7,3,7)) #set graphic parametersloglikelihood <- log(likelihood)plot(thetaList,loglikelihood,type="l", xlab="Theta", ylab="loglikelihood", col="blue")#========================#MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION for a person given the responses for the two items defined#previously # set up for Newton-Raphson iterations:thetahat <- 0 # thetahat starts at zero# iterations begin below, maximum of 10 often enoughNiter <- 10#loops through iterations for Maximum likelihood estimation.for (iter in 1:Niter) { l <- 0 # initialize loglikelihood (don't need to compute this, dl <- 0 # except for the graphics), and first and second derivatives d2l <- 0 #loops through items (which is the same as looping through responses). for (i in 1:length(a)) { #T is the probability function for an item with the 1PL or 2PL T <- 1/(1+exp(-a[i]*(thetahat-b[i]))) #l is the loglikelihood of the response pattern. #it is obtained with a summation of l for a response with the l of previous responses. l <- l + u[i]*log(T) + (1-u[i])*log(1 - T) #dl is the first partial derivative of the loglikelihood with respect to theta #it is obtained with a summation of dl of a response to the dl of previous reponses dl <- dl + a[i] * (u[i]-T) #d2l is the second partial derivative of the loglikelihood with respect to theta. #it is obtained with a summation (of negative values) of d2l of a response to the d2l of previous responses. d2l <- d2l - (a[i]^2) * T * (1 - T) #finishes loop through responses for a person. } #---------------------# the twelve lines below are purely for graphics if((abs(dl) < 0.000001) | (iter == Niter)) lcolor <- "red" else lcolor <- "pink" ltheta <- thetahat - 0.5 # these lines draw the rtheta <- thetahat + 0.5 # straight lines that llinear <- l - dl*0.5 # illustrate the gradient rlinear <- l + dl*0.5 lines(c(ltheta,rtheta),c(llinear, rlinear), col=lcolor)# the five lines below compute and plot the "fitted" quadratic q2 <- d2l/2 q1 <- dl - (2*q2*thetahat) q0 <- l - q1*thetahat - q2*thetahat*thetahat quad <- q0 + q1*thetaList + q2*thetaList*thetaList lines(thetaList, quad, col=lcolor)#----------------------------#provides the current estimate of theta, the loglikelihood, the first and secon partial derivatives. print(c(thetahat, l, dl, d2l)) #terminates the loop (MLE converges) if the first derivative is smaller than the criterion. if(abs(dl) < 0.000001) break #if the convergence criterion above is not met, updates the estimate of thetahat #with the ration of first and second partial derivatives. thetahat <- thetahat - (dl/d2l)#FINISHES MLE ESTIMATION.}