This repository contains the CosmWasm code for Ojo Network's standard price data. This repo is a fork of Band's Standard Reference Contract. The main planned changes are:
- Defaulting all asset prices to be denominated in USD.
- Integrated E2E Tests.
- Building a golang-based relayer in the repo.
To compile all contracts, run the following script in the repo root: /scripts/
or the command below:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
The optimized wasm code and its checksums can be found in the /artifacts
To generate the JSON schema files for the contract call, queries and query responses, run the following script in the
repo root: /scripts/
or run cargo schema
in the smart contract directory.
To query the prices from Ojo Network, the contract looking to use the price values should
query Ojo Network's std_reference
The query messages used to retrieve price data for price data are as follows:
pub enum QueryMsg {
GetReferenceData {
// Symbol pair to query where:
// symbol_pair := (base_symbol, quote_symbol)
// e.g. BTC/USD ≡ ("BTC", "USD")
symbol_pair: (String, String),
GetReferenceDataBulk {
// Vector of Symbol pair to query
// e.g. <BTC/USD ETH/USD, OJO/BTC> ≡ <("BTC", "USD"), ("ETH", "USD"), ("OJO", "BTC")>
symbol_pairs: Vec<(String, String)>,
// Returns the RefMedianData of a given symbol
GetMedianRef {
// Symbol to query
symbol: String,
// Returns the RefMedianData of the given symbols
GetMedianRefDataBulk {
// Vector of Symbols to query
symbols: Vec<String>,
// Returns the deviation RefData of a given symbol
GetDeviationRef {
// Symbol to query
symbol: String,
// Returns the deviation RefData of the given symbols
GetDeviationRefBulk {
// Vector of Symbols to query
symbols: Vec<String>,
is the struct that is returned when querying with GetReferenceData
or GetReferenceDataBulk
where the
bulk variant returns Vec<ReferenceData>
is defined as:
pub struct ReferenceData {
// Pair rate e.g. rate of BTC/USD
pub rate: Uint256,
// Unix time of when the base asset was last updated. e.g. Last update time of BTC in Unix time
pub last_updated_base: Uint64,
// Unix time of when the quote asset was last updated. e.g. Last update time of USD in Unix time
pub last_updated_quote: Uint64,
For example, if we wanted to query the price of BTC/USD
, the demo function below shows how this can be done.
fn demo(
std_ref_addr: Addr,
symbol_pair: (String, String),
) -> StdResult<ReferenceData> {
&QueryMsg::GetReferenceData {
Where the result from demo(std_ref_addr, ("BTC", "USD"))
would yield:
ReferenceData(23131270000000000000000, 1659588229, 1659589497)
and the results can be interpreted as:
rate = 23131.27 BTC/USD
lastUpdatedBase = 1659588229
lastUpdatedQuote = 1659589497
fn demo(
std_ref_addr: Addr,
symbol_pairs: Vec<String>,
) -> StdResult<ReferenceData> {
&QueryMsg::GetReferenceDataBulk {
Where the result from demo(std_ref_addr, [("BTC", "USD"), ("ETH", "BTC")])
would yield:
ReferenceData(23131270000000000000000, 1659588229, 1659589497),
ReferenceData(71601775432131482, 1659588229, 1659588229)
and the results can be interpreted as:
rate = 23131.27 BTC/USD
lastUpdatedBase = 1659588229
lastUpdatedQuote = 1659589497
rate = 0.07160177543213148 ETH/BTC
lastUpdatedBase = 1659588229
lastUpdatedQuote = 1659588229
is the struct that is returned when querying with GetMedianRef
or GetMedianRefDataBulk
where the
bulk variant returns Vec<RefMedianData>
is defined as:
pub struct RefMedianData {
// Median Rates of an asset relative to USD
pub rates: Vec<Uint64>,
// The resolve time of the request ID
pub resolve_time: Uint64,
// The request ID where the rate was derived from
pub request_id: Uint64,
is the struct that is returned when querying with GetDeviationRef
or GetDeviationRefBulk
where the
bulk variant returns Vec<RefDeviationData>
is defined as:
pub struct RefDeviationData {
// Deviation Rates of an asset relative to USD
pub rates: Vec<Uint64>,
// The resolve time of the request ID
pub resolve_time: Uint64,
// The request ID where the rate was derived from
pub request_id: Uint64,
Median status tells us when posting medians to contract is allowed, would error otherwise, if median status is set as false then queries would also fail with err "MEDIAN DISABLED"