The S3 connector consists of 2 interfaces:
for global operations, providing the following Actions:- CreateBucket
- HeadBucket
- ListBuckets
for bucket level operations, providing the following Actions:- CopyObject
- CreateObject
- DeleteBucket
- DeleteObject
- GetObject
- HeadObject
- ListObjectsV2
- PutObject
const val USE_REAL_CLIENT = false
fun main() {
// we can connect to the real service or the fake (drop in replacement)
val http: HttpHandler = if (USE_REAL_CLIENT) JavaHttpClient() else FakeS3()
val bucketName = BucketName.of("foobar")
val bucketKey = BucketKey.of("keyName")
val region = Region.of("us-east-1")
// create global and bucket level clients
val s3 = S3.Http({ AwsCredentials("accessKeyId", "secretKey") }, http.debug())
val s3Bucket = S3Bucket.Http(bucketName, region, { AwsCredentials("accessKeyId", "secretKey") }, http.debug())
// all operations return a Result monad of the API type
val createResult: Result<Unit, RemoteFailure> = s3.createBucket(bucketName, region)
// we can store some content in the bucket...
val putResult: Result<Unit, RemoteFailure> = s3Bucket.putObject(bucketKey, "hellothere".byteInputStream())
// and get back the content which we stored
val getResult: Result<InputStream?, RemoteFailure> = s3Bucket.get(bucketKey)
val content: InputStream = getResult.valueOrNull()!!
The client APIs utilise the http4k-aws
module for request signing, which means no dependencies on the incredibly fat
Amazon-SDK JARs. This means this integration is perfect for running Serverless Lambdas where binary size is a
performance factor.
S3 is a bit of a strange beast in that it each bucket gets it's own virtual hostname. This makes running a Fake an interesting challenge without messing around with DNS and hostname files.
This implementation supports both global and bucket level operations by inspecting the subdomain of the X-Forwarded-For header, which is populated by the S3 client built into this module.
In the case of a missing header (if for instance a non-http4k client attempts to push some data into it without the x-forwarded-for header, it creates a global bucket which is then used to store all of the data for these unknown requests.
- Global: default port: 26467
- Bucket: default port: 42628