A set of useful shared flows for Apigee.
- NodeJS LTS version or above
- Apigee Evaluation Organization
export APIGEE_X_ORG=xxx
export APIGEE_X_ENV=xxx
export APIGEE_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token);
./deploy.sh all --googleapi
export APIGEE_ORG=xxx
export APIGEE_ENV=xxx
export APIGEE_USER=xxx
export APIGEE_PASS=xxx
./deploy.sh all --apigeeapi
Sets a header called X-Correlation-Id
that can be used for logging and
application monitoring
Set Access-Control-*
headers for Preflight and Standard API Requests
Seperate the throwing of errors, description and formatting of errors for consistency across API Proxies.
Read Key Value Map configuration values for an environment in one step to reduce database reads.
Set a standardised logging payload which can be sent over HTTP to any logging platform.
Set a standardised 404 Not Found error.
Ping and Status endpoints.
A configurable Spike Arrest policy.
Checks if an OAuth token is valid against its expiry, list of API Products and Developer App approval.