diff --git a/tools/README.md b/tools/README.md
index 0c1d5113b..bebc6333c 100644
--- a/tools/README.md
+++ b/tools/README.md
@@ -1,73 +1,105 @@
-### Spark Eventlog Analyzer
+# Spark Eventlog Analyzer
The pyspark script to analyze Gazelle's eventlog
## Prequisites
-# Jupyter Installation
+### Jupyter Installation
pip3 install jupyter
-# Notebook Installation
+### Notebook Installation
pip3 install notebook
-# iPyKernel
+### iPyKernel
pip3 install ipykernel
-# FindSpark
+### FindSpark
pip3 install findspark
-# Matplotlib
+### Matplotlib
pip3 install matplotlib
-# Seaborn
+### Seaborn
pip3 install seaborn
-# Pandasql
+### Pandasql
pip3 install pandasql
+### PyHDFS
pip3 install pyhdfs
-# PyArrow
+### PyArrow
pip3 install pyarrow
-### Put below two .ipynb in the jupyter root directory
+# Eventlog Analyzer Tools
+The eventlog analyzer includes sparklog.ipynb and gazelle_analysis.ipynb.
+Please put them into jupyter directory.
## sparklog.ipynb
sparklog.ipynb is the function definition for spark eventlog analyzer
## gazelle_analysis.ipynb
gazelle_analysis is the main program to call sparklog.ipynb and load the eventlog from hdfs.
-###How it works:
+##How it works:
Launch gazelle_analysis.ipynb as main script
In Analysis:generate_trace_view, the url for display.
In App_Log_Analysis:get_basic_state, the url for display.
In App_Log_Analysis:get_app_info, the url for display.
In show_rst function, the url for html.
In pyhdfs, the url for HDFS hosts.
-###To run in in commandline:
+##To run in in commandline:
jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 ./gazelle_analysis.ipynb --template classic
-###To convert into HTML:
+##To convert into HTML:
jupyter nbconvert --to html ./gazelle_analysis.ipynb --output ./gazelle_analysis.html --template classic
+# Tools to collect sar information and generation trace view(.json):
+You can also use below files to collect sar information.
+The purpose for this tool is to generate a json file with sar information.
+After the json has been generated, you can use catapult to view your json file.
+monitor.py: main program to collect sar information, it must be started before your application and stopped after your application.
+post_process.sh: Post process the sar files after the monitor stop.
+run_example.sh: An example to teach you how to use monitor.py with your application.
+template.ipynb: A template to use for generating trace view(.json).
+## Usage
+Before run the tool, please make sure to set up some settings including
+In monitor.py,
+clients:the nodes in your cluster.
+base_dir: the base directory name to put logs.
+local_profile_dir: the local location to put logs.
+hdfs_address: the hdfs address to copy all the logs to hdfs.
+In sparklog.ipynb,
+Please replace sr124 to the master in your cluster and use to process the logs.
+Please replace sr525 to the catapult server.
+You can check run_example.sh to see how to use the script to collect sar information.
+Please add below command in your script:
+appid=`yarn application -list 2>&1 | tail -n 1 | awk -F"\t" '{print $1}'`
+rm -f log/memory*.csv
+python3 ./monitor.py start $appid
+python3 ./monitor.py stop $appid "spark_logs"
diff --git a/tools/monitor.py b/tools/monitor.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2816de488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/monitor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import os
+import pyhdfs
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
+from pathlib import Path
+home = str(Path.home())
+base_dir = 'profile'
+def killsar():
+ for l in clients:
+ try:
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" ps aux | grep -w sar | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2"
+ out=subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('ascii').strip().split("\n")
+ for x in out:
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" kill "+x+" > /dev/null 2>&1"
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ pass
+ for l in clients:
+ try:
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" ps aux | grep -w pidstat | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2"
+ out=subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode('ascii').strip().split("\n")
+ for x in out:
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" kill "+x+" > /dev/null 2>&1"
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ pass
+ for l in clients:
+ try:
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" ps aux | grep -w perf | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2"
+ out=subprocess.check_output(cmd,shell=True).decode('ascii').strip().split("\n")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ pass
+def startmonitor(appid, **kwargs):
+ print("[monitor.py]Starting system monitoring ...")
+ print(clients)
+ appid_profile_dir=local_profile_dir+"/"+appid
+ cmd="mkdir -p "+appid_profile_dir
+ print("Launching CMD create application id profile dir: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ for l in clients:
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" date"
+ print(subprocess.check_output(cmd,shell=True).decode('ascii'))
+ killsar()
+ for l in clients:
+ print("[monitor.py]create profile directory")
+ client_profile_dir=appid_profile_dir+"/"+l
+ cmd="mkdir -p "+client_profile_dir
+ print("[monitor.py]Launching CMD create server profile dir: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" mkdir -p "+client_profile_dir
+ print("[monitor.py]Launching CMD create client profile dir: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" sar -o "+client_profile_dir+"/sar.bin -r -u -d -B -n DEV 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
+ print("[monitor.py]Launching CMD create sar.bin file: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ if kwargs.get("collect_pid",False):
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" jps | grep CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | xargs -I % pidstat -h -t -p % 1 > "+client_profile_dir+"/pidstat.out 2>/dev/null &"
+ print("Launching CMD collect pid: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ return appid_profile_dir
+def stopmonitor(appid, eventlogdir, basedif):
+ appid_profile_dir=local_profile_dir+"/"+appid
+ cmd="mkdir -p "+appid_profile_dir
+ print("Launching CMD create application id profile dir: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ killsar()
+ with open("%s/starttime" % appid_profile_dir,"w") as f:
+ f.write("{:d}".format(int(time.time()*1000)))
+ hadoophome=os.environ["HADOOP_HOME"]
+ userlogdir="/opt/hadoop/yarn/logs"
+ for l in clients:
+ client_profile_dir=appid_profile_dir+"/"+l
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" sar -f "+client_profile_dir+"/sar.bin -r > "+client_profile_dir+"/sar_mem.sar;sar -f "+client_profile_dir+"/sar.bin -u > "+client_profile_dir+"/sar_cpu.sar;sar -f "+client_profile_dir+"/sar.bin -d > "+client_profile_dir+"/sar_disk.sar;sar -f "+client_profile_dir+"/sar.bin -n DEV > "+client_profile_dir+"/sar_nic.sar;sar -f "+client_profile_dir+"/sar.bin -B > "+client_profile_dir+"/sar_page.sar;"
+ print("Launching CMD: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" grep -rI xgbtck --no-filename "+userlogdir+"/"+appid+"/* | sed 's/^ //g' > "+client_profile_dir+"/xgbtck.txt"
+ print("Launching CMD: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ cmd="scp -r "+l+":"+client_profile_dir+" "+appid_profile_dir+"/ > /dev/null 2>&1"
+ print("Launching CMD: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" jps | grep CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | xargs -I % ps -To tid p % > "+client_profile_dir+"/sched_threads.txt"
+ subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+ cmd="ssh "+l+" sar -V > "+client_profile_dir+"/sarv.txt"
+ print("Launching CMD: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+ cmd="test -f "+client_profile_dir+"/perfstat.txt && head -n 1 "+client_profile_dir+"/perfstat.txt > "+client_profile_dir+"/perfstarttime"
+ print("Launching CMD: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ logfile=eventlogdir+"/"+appid
+ cmd="hadoop fs -copyToLocal "+logfile+" "+appid_profile_dir+"/app.log"
+ print("Launching CMD hadoop fs copytolocal: %s" % cmd)
+ subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
+ fs = pyhdfs.HdfsClient(hosts=hdfs_address, user_name='root')
+ print("Launching CMD hadoop fs -mkdir /%s" % basedif)
+ fs.mkdirs("/" + basedif + "/")
+ v=[os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, fn in os.walk(os.path.expanduser(local_profile_dir+"/"+appid)) for f in fn]
+ for f in v:
+ paths=os.path.split(f)
+ fs.mkdirs("/"+ basedif + paths[0][len(local_profile_dir):])
+ fs.copy_from_local(f,"/"+ basedif + paths[0][len(local_profile_dir):]+"/"+paths[1],overwrite=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if sys.argv[1]=="start":
+ startmonitor( sys.argv[2])
+ elif sys.argv[1]=="stop":
+ import datetime
+ from datetime import date
+ basedir=base_dir+"/"+date.today().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")
+ stopmonitor( sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3],basedir)
+ lastnightrun=["","",""]
+ with open("log/runs.txt") as f:
+ for l in f.readlines():
+ x=l.strip().split(" ")
+ if ( x[0]=="05" and x[2]!=sys.argv[2] ) or ( len(sys.argv)==5 and x[2]==sys.argv[4] ):
+ lastnightrun[0]=x[0]
+ lastnightrun[1]=x[1]
+ lastnightrun[2]=x[2]
+ os.system(("./post_process.sh {} {} {} {}").format(date.today().strftime("%Y_%m_%d"), sys.argv[2], lastnightrun[1],lastnightrun[2]))
diff --git a/tools/post_process.sh b/tools/post_process.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7506004e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/post_process.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# /bin/sh
+echo -e "Starting Post Processing ..."
+echo -e "Start notebook processing - template.ipynb"
+sed 's/BASEDIR_TEMP/profile\/'$1'/g' template.ipynb > tpcxx_$1_$2.ipynb
+sed -i 's/APPID_TEMP/'$2'/g' tpcxx_$1_$2.ipynb
+if [ $# -eq 4 ]
+ sed -i 's/LAST_BASEDIR/profile\/'$3'/g' tpcxx_$1_$2.ipynb
+ sed -i 's/LAST_APPID/'$4'/g' tpcxx_$1_$2.ipynb
+hadoop fs -mkdir /history
+hadoop fs -cp /profile/$1/$2/app.log /history/$2
+echo -e "Finish notebook processing - template.ipynb"
+echo -e "Start notebook execution - tpcxx.ipynb"
+mkdir -p html
+jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 ./tpcxx_$1_$2.ipynb --template classic
+jupyter nbconvert --to html ./tpcxx_$1_$2.ipynb --output html/tpcxx_$1_$2.html --template classic
+#echo -e "notebook processing - tpch_summary.ipynb"
+#sed 's/BASEDIR_TEMP/profile\/'$1'/g' tpch_template_summary.ipynb > tpch_summary_$1_$2.ipynb
+#sed -i 's/APPID_TEMP/'$2'/g' tpch_summary_$1_$2.ipynb
+#if [ $# -eq 4 ]
+# sed -i 's/LAST_BASEDIR/profile\/'$3'/g' tpch_summary_$1_$2.ipynb
+# sed -i 's/LAST_APPID/'$4'/g' tpch_summary_$1_$2.ipynb
+#jupyter nbconvert --execute --to notebook --inplace --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=-1 ./tpch_summary_$1_$2.ipynb --template classic
+#jupyter nbconvert --to html --no-input ./tpch_summary_$1_$2.ipynb --output html/tpch_summary_$1_$2.html --template classic
+#echo -e "Finish notebook processing - tpch.ipynb"
+#rm -rf ./tpch_summary_$1_$2.ipynb
+echo -e "Finish Post Processing !!!"
diff --git a/tools/run_example.sh b/tools/run_example.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..646339d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/run_example.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+echo "Stoping Thrift Server ..."
+./run_spark_thrift_server.sh stop
+echo "Done"
+sleep 20
+echo "Cleaning Cache ..."
+echo "Done"
+sleep 1
+echo "Starting Thrift Server ..."
+./run_spark_thrift_server.sh start
+echo "Done"
+sleep 40
+echo "Start Resource Monitoring ..."
+appid=`yarn application -list 2>&1 | tail -n 1 | awk -F"\t" '{print $1}'`
+echo `date +'%H %Y_%m_%d'` $appid ${1} >> log/runs.txt
+rm -f log/memory*.csv
+python3 ./monitor.py start $appid
+echo "Running TPCH Query"
+./run_tpch.py 2>&1 >> tpch_query.log | tee -a tpch_query.txt
+echo "Done"
+sleep 1
+echo "Stop Thrift Server"
+./run_spark_thrift_server.sh stop
+sleep 10
+python3 ./monitor.py stop $appid "spark_logs"
+echo '' > log/link.html
+echo 'history event:'$appid'/jobs/
' >> log/link.html
+echo 'history on sr124:'$appid'/jobs/
' >> log/link.html
+echo 'notebook on sr124:'`date +'%Y_%m_%d'`'_'$appid'.ipynb
' >> log/link.html
+echo 'notebook html on sr124:'`date +'%Y_%m_%d'`'_'$appid'.html
' >> log/link.html
+echo 'traceview on sr124:'$appid'.json
' >> log/link.html
+echo "