Open color is an open-source color scheme optimized for UI like font, background, border, etc.
- All colors shall have adequate use
- Provide general color for UI design
- All colors will be beautiful in itself and harmonious
- At the same brightness level, the perceived brightness will be constant
- The colors are subject to change in the future. Thus, using an Open color as a main identity color is not recommended.
$ npm install open-color
$ bower install open-color
CSS, Sass, Less, Stylus, JSON, SVG, TeX, Open Color Tools (.oco), PowerPaint (.rcpx), Sketch (.sketchpalette), Inkscape, aco, clr, Tailwind, TypeScript
: Abbreviation for Open color(color)
: Color name such as gray, red, lime, etc.(number)
: 0 to 9. Brightness spectrum.
Import the file to your project and use the variables.
Example for Sass, SCSS
@import 'path/open-color';
.body {
background-color: $oc-gray-0;
color: $oc-gray-7;
a {
color: $oc-teal-7;
&:active {
color: $oc-indigo-7;
Example for Tailwind CSS
module.exports = {
presets: [require("./open-color.js")],
purge: [],
mode: "jit",
darkMode: false,
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
Example for Less
@import 'path/open-color';
.body {
background-color: @oc-gray-0;
color: @oc-gray-7;
a {
color: @oc-teal-7;
&:active {
color: @oc-indigo-7;
Example for Stylus
@import 'path/open-color.styl'
background-color: oc-gray-0
color: oc-gray-7
color: oc-teal-7
color: oc-indigo-7
Example for CSS
@import 'path/open-color.css';
.body {
background-color: var(--oc-gray-0);
color: var(--oc-gray-7);
a {
color: var(--oc-teal-7);
a:active {
color: var(--oc-indigo-7);
- Julia : OpenColor.jl